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Allergy Community

had an allergy in form of skin rash around 15 days ago. Red marks on my arms, legs, feet, small welts also. Doctor prescribed Allegra,cet...
I have been suffering from pyrosis for the last 6 years. Some white dandruff on my scalp, and now it starts spreading in my ears. During ...
My face broke out in a rash/hive reaction on my face, both cheeks. I quit taking it til I call my dr n the morn. How long does it take fo...
I have been having off and on hives for several months now. Sometimes it’s just one or two hives on the face, arm, back of legs, sometim...
Hello. Around a week ago, I started feeling itchy all over the body. In a day, I started developing bumps similar to hives ones. Since...
I have noticed over the past 2 weeks that I have a constant dust or smoke smell in my nasal passages. No one smokes in my home and I have...
Popular Resources
Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms.
Find out if your city is a top "allergy capital."
Find out which foods you should watch out for.
If you’re one of the 35 million Americans who suffer from hay fever, read on for what plants are to blame, where to find them and how to get relief.
Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions
When you start sniffling and sneezing, you know spring has sprung. Check out these four natural remedies to nix spring allergies.