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Coping with Mint allergy/sensitivity

Am I the only one who reacts badly to anything mint?  Cause I'm sure feeling lonely...

It wouldn't be so bad, except... Mint is EVERYWHERE!   I have to order expensive toothpaste because the normal stuff stings like crazy and makes me nauseous.  Cherry tastes like medicine.  And I can only tollerate cinnamon in very small doses (like what's mixed in the sugar for cinnamon toast small).  I have yet to discover a brand of mouthwash that does not contain mint in some form or other - or else the cinnamon kind makes first burns then makes my mouth go numb.  Ditto for breath mint alternatives.  (I can't even handle a Tic-Tac in my mouth for more than a few seconds, much less chew on it or swallow it.)

Face clensers with menthol stung, and also left my face feeling greasy.  But not in the haven't washed my face often enough way.

I don't know how much money I've wasted on cough drops/throat lozenges, chapstick, lotions, etc, only to discover after application that, you got, there is mint of some sort in it.  

And sadly, avoidance seems to have only made reactions worse.  Just the smell of other people's mints (breath mints, candy mints, peppermint sticks) makes me feel ill.  And the first time I consumed any in eight years, it was an accident, had half of a mint Brussells cookie, and a stomach ache for a good twenty minutes.

Anyone else here that *look* when you tell others you and mint don't get along?  Care to share your symptoms?  Your coping/mint alternatives?  

163 Responses
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Thank you so much for making this post. This chain is really helpful.
My brother had heard about how mint has a cooling effect that burns a little and makes your mouth feel funny. He had assumed his reaction was completely normal so we didn't figure out his mint intolerance until he was 25. What clued us in was when he said he had to brush his teeth hours before going to bed or he wouldn't be able to sleep because of the nausea. Then we began the awful search for mint free toothpaste when many toothpastes don't list mint ingredients even though they have them.
I'm so glad to learn from all your experiences thanks!
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YES!!!  I feel you 100%!  Anything with mint in it makes me feel so sick.  I get very nauseated and sometimes even vomit.  Most times I get a bad headache.  These symptoms can occur for me when just smelling mint on another person's breath!
Don't even get me started on dental products!  It's nearly impossible!  And, going to the dentist is a nightmare for me!
So no, you are not alone in this mint allergy!  I'm actually relieved to read this because I literally thought I was alone!
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I have a pretty severe reaction to spearmint. It started as just a skin irritation but as ive grown older my reaction to it has worsened. I cannot injest it or i go into anaphylactic shock. It causes a burning, swollen, rash with contact.
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I’m not deathly in pain or allergic to mint. But this only happens when I brush my teeth; if it’s 100% mint toothpaste or mint mouthwash, my tongue burns like crazy. I experience such bad pain that I have to rinse my mouth with cold water. And this is mouthwash with or without alcohol (alcohol is worse in pain by a little). My “solution” has been using Tom’s cinnamon toothpaste (which is extremely hard to find) and Crest cinnamon toothpaste (which is a small bit better than normal mint), which is rare but I found it in one of my local grocery stores and Walmart. But I don’t like strong mint gum either, I only chew fruity gum. I was really upset when vanilla toothpaste was discontinued- even the chocolate mint Crest had one time was tolerable.  
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I am allergic to mint and most things in the mint family.  I honestly love mint but I cannot have it or be near anyone who has it.  
My main symptoms are respiratory, hard to breath, tightness in chest, and even swallow, but I also break out in hives.  
In my case it it hereditary, my mother is also allergic, but hers is only to the actual plant.  She can be around the smell.
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I don't have a physical reaction to mint, like swelling or hives, but I HATE, HATE, HATE it! I can't be in the same room as anyone chewing or eating mint. I have a panic attack and can feel the blood boiling, it makes me angry and I have to run. My family have to get up earlier than me to brush their teeth. I use Euythmol toothpaste which tastes like germaline.

I have a very strong sense of smell and I have Dyspraxia, I often wonder if his has a link, after searching on the net I have found this to be true. I would be interested to hear if any of you are also Dyspraxic?
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Hi, Tiffany, No, you are not alone.  I could be your twin.  I can't do lozenges, cherry medicines, cinammon, peppermint/wintergreen chewing gum, peppermint candy, or tic-tacs. I am having trouble finding the right kind of toothpaste, and I can't stand mouthwashes.   The only minty things I can tolerate and enjoy are spearmint gum, Clorets gum (discontinued unfortunately for me), mint ice cream, Andes candies, and Xmas peppermint Kisses (which taste more like spearmint to me). I like the smell of Mentholatum, but not Vicks. I do like the taste of mint leaves in food. And I love the taste of the polishing paste my dental hygenist uses after a cleaning.  You are right, mint is everywhere, and depending on the type, it can be a source of fresh delight or a trigger mechanism for the gag reflex.
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Hi guys Ive had this issue as long as I can remember Ive passed out in pharmacies waiting behind people who had vapor rub on. Any mention of menthol is to much to handle . I have ehlers danlos type 3 which is a muscle syndrome and it causes my muscles to not retract or loosen as they should and I regularly dislocate my joints knees elbows wrist anywhere I bend. All medication for this issue contain menthol or mint. If anyone has any ideas please email me ***@**** or Sarah newmons on facebook anything could be worth a try. Good luck with your endeavors!
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I have the same problem. I cannot even stand to be in the toothpaste aisle or chewing gum stands for more than a few seconds. The scent is overwhelming. I have to use Crest original, or citrus flavoured toothpaste. I also ban anyone coming into my office chewing gum. Doublemint Wrigley's used to give me a raging headache, and these modern gums like Orbit make me want to throw up. I've always put it down to olfactory hyper-responsiveness. I've never known anyone to share my aversion to mint. People think I'm weird.    
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I have the same problem. I can't even stand to be in the toothpaste aisle or chewing gum stands for more than a few seconds. The scent is overwhelming. I have to use Crest original, or citrus flavoured toothpaste. I also ban anyone coming into my office chewing gum. Doublemint Wrigleys's used to guide be a reading headache, and these modern funds like Orbit make me want to throw up. I've always put it down to olfactory hyper-responsiveness. I've never known anyone to share my aversion to mint. People think in weird.    
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What the hell right?! If I go anywhere near mint my mouth and tongue start swelling and my throat starts closing!!! Actual pieces of mint are fine but it's just the fake flavouring. I need a new toothpaste. Any advice?! I'm so scared to try a new one!!!!
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I have to use the kids fruity flavored Colgate toothpaste.  It was recommended by my dentist.
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I realize this is somewhat of an old post started years ago, but it never occurred to me to search the internet because I thought, like many of you did, that I was alone in this.  Every doctor I ever spoke too never heard of anyone being allergic to mint - even all the dentists I've seen over the years who try to give me free mint toothpaste or want me to rinse with mint mouthwash or use mint flavored fluoride during the cleaning never heard of it either.  As we all know, mint/menthol is in just about every oral care product out there - even floss!   And like some of you, it took me years to figure out what was causing my episodes of swelling/itchiness/pain.  One doctor even thought it was because of a heart condition (because my hands kept swelling up) and you wouldn't believe the amount of time and money wasted on scans and tests only to find out my heart and circulation were just fine.   Eventually, after years of suffering, I finally made the connection that I was only swelling up after I ate something with mint  - which for me, use to be fairly often - mint chocolate chip ice cream was my favorite ice cream, York Peppermint Patties was my favorite candy, and Keebler Grasshopper mint cookies was my favorite cookie - so yes, I suffered a lot.  But then one day it all clicked - I realized I only suffered on those days when I ate mint!  So I put my theory to the test by avoiding mint, no swelling, and then one day I ate mint on purpose, bang - I ballooned up like I use to.  And then something one of my dentists told me suddenly made sense because he looked in my mouth one day and said something was wrong because my gums and tissue are all red and swollen as if I was having an allergic reaction.  At that time I switched from regular Listerine (which has a very tiny amount of menthol in it) to mint flavored Listerine (which as more in it).  So it seems that I can tolerate small quantities as found in Listerine Regular flavor and Citrus flavor.  Anyway, the toothpaste I use is Crest regular flavor - I have no idea if there's mint in it, but I don't seem to suffer from it and my new dentist hasn't commented on my gums and tissue being red and swollen.  I also use Walmart's Equate brand Citrus flavor mouthwash - which DOES contain a small amount of menthol in it - but I don't use it often.   I mainly use Crest ACT cinnamon fluoride mouthwash as recommended by my dentist.  I was able to find non-mint floss picks at the dollar store (not Walmart - they only had mint floss).  I realize this isn't much help for those of you who cannot tolerate even the smallest amount of mint, but I thought I would share my experience for those of you who can tolerate a tiny amount as I can.  I don't know if it's true, but I've since heard that sometimes allergies that come on later in life as mine did (when I was in my late 30's), they sometimes go away as well.  I haven't swollen up in many years now (I'm 53 now) and I'm getting to the point where I'm considering testing it just to see what happens.  Oh, and one more thing, I'm not allergic to artificial mint, only real mint/menthol.  I found that out once at a Christmas party when I ate a cookie that didn't appear to be mint and had no obvious mint smell to it, but once I ate it, it sure tasted like it had mint in it so I quickly found the person who brought them and asked about it and at first she said yes, it had mint in it but then she added she had used imitation mint flavor - and after a few hours had passed with no reaction, I realized imitation mint was okay.
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19121252 tn?1472609226
I have a mint allergy and also go into anaphylactic shock. Colgate puts out Watermelon tooth paste and it is the only they make without a mint product in it...I call Colgate find out if they have changed the product ingredient and then go buy 7 containers of the toothpaste...I have also had cross contamination foods getting hard ice cream cone at a restraint they use the same scoop and unless it's from an brand new container I can't get it...it ***** I'm so very nerves around Christmas because there is a lot of MINT out there.
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Im the same way. I use Dr. Bonners cinnamon toothpaste Frys has it...zero mint flavor or Toms natural toothpaste has a cinnamon that tastes like frosting...its hard to find though.
I use Tom’s cinnamon too, but it’s only in one local grocery store where I live (and a little pricier since it’s a “natural” food store).
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HALLELUJAH I'M NOT ALONE! I'M NOT CRAZY! I first noticed it after I ate an entire box of candy canes when I was 12. (I know, that was dumb!) I've never had a reaction to toothpaste, but I have to mouthwash.When I was a smoker, I never had a reaction to menthol cigarettes. I avoid everything else minty. Even my boyfriend will not eat anything with mint when I'm around. I even get a small tightening of my throat just walking past a display of mints at the store. Christmas candy and treats are a nightmare for me! I have to ask every time if something contains mint flavoring.
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I have a 4 year old daughter that i havent had checked yet but will be very soon everytime she eats anything mint or even very little mint as possible she wakes up the next morning with really bad stomach aches and puking and diarrea? Im so lost on what to do do i keep her away from all mint.. will it get worse??
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I've read this whole thread but haven't found anyone with what I seem to be experiencing.  At one point, I chewed gum on regular basis and developed a dryness on the inside of one cheek to the point that my dentist even commented on it after visiting her.  She referred me to my GP who thought it was a mechanical issue as I had a tooth pulled from the other side and was chewing on the "dry side" all the time.  I decided to stop chewing gum, and it went away.  Well recently, I started to eat mints, (Tic Tacs and Mentos peppermint) and the inside of my mouth is now raw and swollen, as well as really sensitive while eating.  Last night the toothpaste really burned.  This led me to this site to try to find an answer.  And like you, I am relieved that I am not crazy.  I've never had a problem before that.  I am 53 years old and not allergic to anything.  Anyone ever experience this?
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I am so sorry to hear that. I also developed my allergy gradually. I used to actually love mint as a kid until around age of 5 but the older I got the worse it became. Every reaction just got worse and worse. Now at 22 I got to the point where I recently had a big scare and stopped breathing altogether. I got on a subway and the cart was full of people chewing mint gum. It took 5 minutes to get to the next stop but by then I lost consciousness and wasn't breathing. Sadly people really do not take the allergy seriously. Not just kids but many adults. I slowly became a recluse because of my allergy. I try not to go out too much and also work from home. It's a serious condition but sadly not at all taken seriously :( My advice would be the following: make sure that there isn't any mint products at home. These often include cosmetics, toothpaste, food with vague ingredient: Flavoring, seasonings, heating pads, all kinds of medical cough remedies and warming remedies. Painkillers often have mint as well. Then try to limit who your daughter comes in contact with. Teach her early on that each person who doesn't respect the fact that she has a serious medical condition is in fact an enemy. They can kill her with ignorance. It's not a joke. I wish I was homeschooled but my parent's didn't take my allergy too seriously until it got so bad that I developed allergic asthma and I started fainting often. That only happened once I was in first year of high school and by then I already got used to dealing with people and them disrespecting my allergies so I had all kinds of avoidance techniques. But it would have saved me many years of grieve before that and my allergies might not have gotten as bad if I wasn't in constant contact with my allergen. To this day I wish I had never attended public school and met many people who just wanted to see what would happen. I had a few times when I almost didn't graduate due to low attendance from 7-8th grade because there were kids who thought it was funny to hide minty things in my school lunch and drop some in my bookbag and breath minty breath into my face. After those days I would be sluggish, sick and have my whole body ache so badly I couldn't lift my head off my bed and would sleep for 16-18 hours day for 2-3 days. Being sluggish even when awake. I think that's when my parents faced that I really do have an allergy but they didn't take it seriously like "She can actually die from this" until high school. Anyway. There is plenty of activities to do outside of school for an active child even if she is homeschooled. You can find multitude of clubs and such things for her to participate in. So don't worry about her not being near people her age if she is homeschooled. And the big plus you can always take her out of any club or group if you find them to be disrespectful and harmful. No commitment required unlike school clubs.
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5 minute whitening gel from plus white has no menthol at all.
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I hope people find this helpfull but I actually contacted multiple toothpaste companies asking for toothpaste that does not contain mint/menthol. so far the ONLY company to offer adult toothpaste that has no mint and I found not to be sickly sweet is Tom's of Maine. Specifically their fennel flavored toothpaste is very pleasent and is completely mint-free. But I will copy and paste here all of the options that they offer that contain absolutely no mint. Here is what they wrote:
"Thanks for your email! We do have a number of mint-free options.
Toothpastes with fluoride:
Whole Care Cinnamon Clove
Children's Silly Strawberry
Children's Outrageous Orange Mango
Toothpastes without fluoride:
Propolis & Myrrh Fennel
Antiplaque and Whitening Fennel
Children's Silly Strawberry"
Good luck on mouthwash because I haven't found any yet.
I actually am on the far side of the allergy where even breathing in a higher concentration of mint makes my throat close up and I can't breath. I have allergic asthma due to mint allergies basically. Ingesting sends me to anaphylactic shock, coming in contact with gives me bad burn-like rashes on my skin and breathing in high enough concentrations gives me asthma attacks, stuffy nose, coughing fits and swells my throat. In fact if someone chews a fresh stick of mint gum near me it can trigger any of my symptoms and so if some stranger on a subway is chewing gum I ask them to stop. I get these looks like: "What gives you the right to ask this of me you spoiled brat" and it makes me feel like a horrible person. But once I got unlucky and got on a subway car where it was a lot of people chewing gum and this one person actually sharing with her friends. It took 5 minutes to get to the next stop but by then I passed out and stopped breathing. I woke up in a hospital later :( Honestly not being able to breath is the scariest feeling in the world. So now I would rather be seen as a bad spoiled person than risk dying.
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14917921 tn?1437338576
My girlfriend is allergic to mints... Her throat closes up. I'm not sure what the cause is but I came here looking for an answer... It seems that, even in 7+ years, no one really knows whats wrong and why it happens... She was 7 when she found out about her allergy, it almost killed her. and now 11 years later she cant even touch the tip of her tongue to a mint without it numbing that part of her tongue. However, mint toothpaste and mouthwash dont bother her, but thats probably because she doesn't swallow those things.
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Why is the mint allergy so harsh? I have other allergies but mint is everywhere and at Christmas that smell I can react over a block away.
14837579 tn?1436829153
hi, i actually have the same problem. allergy to anything that smells like mint, and it makes my lungs and throat burn like crazy, sometimes it makes me nauseas, dizzy, sick, or outright unable to breath.
when friends come over chewing mint gum and bring it into my closed space of a house i have to make them throw it outside in the trash.  (and it's not like i don't tell them every single time.  most of my friends just brush off my allergy,

but the friends that have seen me literally cry while i brush my teeth with mint toothpaste, and literally almost choke to death, they treat my allergy with caution because they've seen just how much it interrupts with my daily life. but i have gingivitis, so i don't get a lot of choice of toothpaste.
even non-mint toothpastes, they make it so hard to breath it almost hurts to the point of tears, but i'm not gonna stop brushing my teeth.  
i have an allergy to all of the lamiaceae family as far as i know. this allergy is
i know i'm allergic to mint, sage, lavender, nettle, chia seeds, & cinnamon (when in large amounts)..  
but mint, menthol, and peppermint, spearmint, fresh mint, etc. they're practically a poison for me. one time i tried a face lotion with mint, and i checked, on the label, no mint. on the site for the product? the ingredients list was longer. with mint in it.

another time, someone at school had smelly feet and put mint oil in their shoes to cover i. i almost blacked out from lack of oxygen because my throat was swelling up so much, because it took me a few minutes to notice the smell of mint because they were more than 10 feet across the room.  the school nurse wanted to send me to the hospital.  escalated heart rate, shallow breathing, nausea, dizziness, swollen throat.
after calling both my parents, my doctor, and giving me some generic allergy meds, she eventually let me go to my next class, and I ALWAYS FEEL BAD ABOUT MY ALLERGY. she got her sandals confiscated by the school (they gave her some flipflops to use till school was over).

medically the lamiaceae family is considered an 'herb family' so when they say "natural flavors" or "natural ingredients" they don't have to say on toothpaste if it's got mint because technically you're not "ingesting it" because they have the excuse that you're "Brushing your teeth with it, not eating it" they use it because it's so overpowering off every other flavor.

so many people seem to enjoy mint it makes me feel bad for having to ask them to get rid of it. it makes me feel like i'm a spoiled king that no one likes what they demant. :(
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I have a mint allergy too.But its weird.My throat burns,my stomach burns and I vomit.I wish some people would think about us mint allergy people!
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I have a contact allergy to mint. Earth Paste is what I use. There are both mint and non-mint varieties. I use the cinnamon flavor, yummy. Also, I use a home mixture of organic coconut oil ond baking soda. It tastes a little weird but works very well; it cleans and whitens my teeth. I hope this was helpful. Watch out for unnamed "flavoring" or "perfumes"! Many products have mint in them in disguise; I have found out the hard way several times.
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Wow, this is so great to hear I'm not the only one with this reaction!! My family pretty much thinks I'm making it up, which is unfortunate... My whole family are big gum chewers and it's hard to go on car trips with them where the air just keeps getting mintier and I start having trouble breathing and feeling sick.  I use tom's of Maine silly strawberry flavor toothpaste, which is for kids but tastes great. I recommend it especially if you don't like the cinnamon flavor. It's only a little more expensive than regular mint, I think it's worth it.    
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