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Difficulty with open mri due to allergy issues

Today I failed at getting thru an open MRI.  I have allergies and it is very difficult for me to lay flat on my back.   What happens is My throat feels like its closing & it gets harder to breathe thru my nose.  In a very short period of time mucus will get stuck in my nose and throat.  Naturally, I get very agitated.  I was in the machine today about 15 minutes when I had to call it quits.  I got very congested, my lymph nodes became swollen & tender, ears are clogged - 12 hours later my sinuses are still a mess and I only laid on my back for 30 minutes max.  This is what happens when my sinuses / allergies flare up.  The MRI lab said have the doctor prescribe something to relax me & come back.  I'm not very claustrophic, if i could lay on my side I would have gone to sleep.  I have a very quick and physical reaction when I lay flat on my back.  I see an allergist and take prescription meds to keep my allergies as under control as possible.  I've had this issue for years, if I accidently roll over to my back when sleeping I wake up choking and gasping for air.  I have no idea how to get thru this testing.  Does anyone else have this problem?  I'm suppose to get (2) brain scans for chronic headaches.  Was told it will take about 2 hours.  
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I have no idea how I posted this in the ms community.  It was a general question.  It appears that I can't correct or delete the post either.  
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Your post has been reported as miscatagorised so it should be moved for you, check your profile for where it lands, i said it was allergy related, hope that helps. cheers......JJ

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