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sensation of hair in my mouth, throat and on my face

I have been having the sensation that I have hair in my mouth, throat and on my face. I have also had periodic itching sensations on my skin everywhere.  Every couple of minutes or so I feel like I walked through a spider web.  I also feel like I have random hair in my mouth.  This all started after having a dog in our house for 12 hours.  I went to the dr and he tested me for allergies and found that I am not allergic to dogs and that I am only mildly allergic to dust mites and pollen.  The dog was only in our house for about 24 hours and my symptoms have not gone away.  Has anyone had this or heard of it?  My dr put me on allergy meds but they aren't working, just making me tired.
44 Responses
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Oh lord... black specks, spider web-like stuff. I've had all this and more, since summer of 2006. Do some research on Morgellons. I don't know what the answer is, nor the cause, but I do know there's something to it. Too many people have weird stuff like this going on.

Gut instinct tells me fungal, but there is some electro-magnetic component no doubt. For me, intense brain fog (I call it walking thru jello) just prior to major thunder storm. The instant the deluge starts, my brain "switches on" and I feel myself again. It is literally like someone flipping a switch. (Also, those black specs emerge from itchy areas of my skin at this time.)

Anybody else feel like a freaking magnet for floating dust, hair (sometimes my own!) and, dare I say, various flying insects? Like they follow me from room to room and don't love the rest of my family! They even seem to enjoy dive bombing my when I'm saturated with DEET repellant. Go figure!!!
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Flying insects....weird....what kind in particular?
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I’ve had a long and extremel stressful and emotional journey to find out my very first
instinct was correct ...PINWORMS. My daughter had them and no one believed me, even doctors I started having same symptoms and researched for days upon days for endless hours.
Please get checked for parasites. They give off toxins that affect your central nervous system and give you phantom crawling and itchy sensations. Along with electric sensations, frequent urination, fringing teeth, dark circles... skin. Itchy
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Sorry for grammatical errors...cursor keeps moving around
Do you need a prescription to get rid of these, where do they come from?
Why is it that you never hear about MD's, microbiologists, or entomologists with this problem?
Are they immune, embarassed or does no one really have any good answers yet?
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It sounds like morgellons dead. My friend told me about it. Doctors may think you are crazy,but just read up on it
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I meant to say desease
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I have the same thing. I can physically move them on my face. It's like several veins popping out of my face connecting all over. I can move one with my finger and it will tingle in my back. I pinched one and it snapped like a hair, and fell out.  A long hair and a little black ball. My lips started turning blue, and small little black hairs peeled off my lips and the color became normal. I took a bath with backing soda, and tingling ravished my entire body and they all stated coming out. Little black and silver hairs all over the bath tub. I have an allergy patch test on Tuesday and pray for an answer.
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This sounds like taenia solium or pork tapeworms or cysticerosis like i have been battling for soo long. I wish I knew wat ever came of this...?
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At least twice a week for the past couple of months I too have been experiencing the feeling of lint or fine hair on my face. I too also have a terribly itchy nose. Very frustrating!! I'll do some research and get back to you. I live in Seattle. Although, from the posts I read where you reside isn't a factor. I will also speak to my physician.
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I have these symptoms too. I have no cat or dog. Spring is here, perhaps it is dust mites or something. I wonder what this is. So annoying. And scary.
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Hey, I'm sure it's the cat. I just adopted one and this keeps happening to me. I went away for a week with my family to a beach house without the cat and sure enough, no hair throat feeling. I'm back home today, yes, hair throat feeling after 2 hours in the house. I don't want to get rid of kitty cat, my kids love him... but now not sure what to do :-( Any developments since your post?
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Your comments were written a couple years ago, are you still going thru this?  If not what did you do?
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I have had the feeling of something on my face since I had my kitchen redone and the house was full of dust.  To make a long story short I am on a low dose anti depresant for something else  and I do not have the feeling all the time anymore.
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I have the same symptoms as you.  I feel things crawling on me and the thing about me is i feel them in my goatee. if makes me think little worms are in my goatee.  I feel them in my throat  it feels like thick saliva is in there.  I treated myself for pinworm, roundworm,  tried garlic and every home remedy i could find.  I feel them all over my body and they dont bite that much.   The spider web feeling is not to bad for me.  I've been to tons of doctors and some think that i am crazy.  But the weirdest and pretty damn scary stuff is one day i was drinking orange soda and had real bad stomach pains then in my chest and i felt like something was stuck in my throat.   I started coughing and out came an all white spider.  Good sized to,  Freaked me out to the point i went to the doctors they thought i was on drugs.  they tested me for bath salts and speed and nothing showed up.  they sent me to a dermatologist and still nothing.  i have been battling this for about six months.  I also get this sensation and it feels like something is drilling or trying to get into my skin or get out.  mostly on my feet and also on one side of my knee.   I wish that i could find out a solution.  
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I have the same symptoms as you.  I feel things crawling on me and the thing about me is i feel them in my goatee. if makes me think little worms are in my goatee.  I feel them in my throat  it feels like thick saliva is in there.  I treated myself for pinworm, roundworm,  tried garlic and every home remedy i could find.  I feel them all over my body and they dont bite that much.   The spider web feeling is not to bad for me.  I've been to tons of doctors and some think that i am crazy.  But the weirdest and pretty damn scary stuff is one day i was drinking orange soda and had real bad stomach pains then in my chest and i felt like something was stuck in my throat.   I started coughing and out came an all white spider.  Good sized to,  Freaked me out to the point i went to the doctors they thought i was on drugs.  they tested me for bath salts and speed and nothing showed up.  they sent me to a dermatologist and still nothing.  i have been battling this for about six months.  I also get this sensation and it feels like something is drilling or trying to get into my skin or get out.  mostly on my feet and also on one side of my knee.   I wish that i could find out a solution.  
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u can contact me & i will try to help u with quran recitation.Iwith Allah will.it could b evil eye/magic or demon attack?Allah knows best
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Been living with this for years. Doctors are useless as they will look at you and think psychological. Pretty sure its not a bug of any kind. If you would like some answers I suggest reading material on, polysaccharides, serotonin syndrome and it's after effects and last but not least morgellans disease. I suggest researching these subjects in the order that I listed them and don't get too caught up on the whole mogellans conspiracy. I honestly think mine has to do with serotonin syndrome especially if you dig deep enough into it affects into cardiovascular and cognitive. The spider webs or polysaccharide as I call them Use to be present anywhere on my body that a hair follicle grows But as I have  changed medications And relaxed a little about it It seems to be localized to my head Inside and out. Keep an open mind while reading but don't let it wander too far. I'll be happy to answer any questions of anybody who wants to ask. The crawling feeling maybe hardend platelets running up the vein or artery. Keep me posted everybody.
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Been living with this for years. Doctors are useless as they will look at you and think psychological. Pretty sure its not a bug of any kind. If you would like some answers I suggest reading material on, polysaccharides, serotonin syndrome and it's after effects and last but not least morgellans disease. I suggest researching these subjects in the order that I listed them and don't get too caught up on the whole mogellans conspiracy. I honestly think mine has to do with serotonin syndrome especially if you dig deep enough into it affects into cardiovascular and cognitive. The spider webs or polysaccharide as I call them Use to be present anywhere on my body that a hair follicle grows But as I have  changed medications And relaxed a little about it It seems to be localized to my head Inside and out
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2581480 tn?1339736283
Yea.  Me too.  Where can I be tested and receive appropriate medicinene.  Doctors I have gone to for help, can't see past the nose on their face if an opportunity to make someone think they're going crazy is present.  I'd just as soon let this thing bring me to an early grave then face the ridicule of another doctor's arrogantly blatant sneers.  and, oh yes, the family... just try and speak plainly about your symptoms.  Having fully expressed mine, my family now dismisses me as a mental case and avoids the subject of how I'm doing.  No one ever asks.  I certainly don't bring it up   They'd just as soon forget I have a problem; and that's what they've done.
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2581480 tn?1339736283
Yea.  Me too.  Where can I be tested and receive appropriate medicinene.  Doctors I have gone to for help, can't see past the nose on their face if an opportunity to make someone think they're going crazy is present.  I'd just as soon let this thing bring me to an early grave then face the ridicule of another doctor's arrogantly blatant sneers.  and, oh yes, the family... just try and speak plainly about your symptoms.  Having fully expressed mine, my family now dismisses me as a mental case and avoids the subject of how I'm doing.  No one ever asks.  I certainly don't bring it up   They'd just as soon forget I have a problem; and that's what they've done.
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I had all the symptoms everyone has posted and after suffering for over a yr. we found that we had mold in one of our walls around the bedroom window.  Check for mold. It is a common problem.
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Whether this has anything to do with the spider web/hair falling across your face sensation, which I have begun to get regularly, I have another theory and it might creep you out.

Apparently, their are a parasites (taenia solium) that can easily settle in and around various parts of your body.  The small worm usually lives in the meat of pigs (pig tapeworm).  If you don't cook pork it will infest your intestine as a worm, where fewer problems exist.  In our case, it can exist in other parts of your body.  In the skin, muslces, organs, and more importantly, the brain, if it is contracted in the egg form.  After you eat the eggs from feces covered food that comes directly from it's human host.  It means...people that have it, didn't wash their hands when they started to make your food!  This is super common in the 3rd world.  This disease is called, "cysticercosis".  

Well these cysts (larval stage) can live for years(if I understand it correctly) inside its hosts, with little trouble.  They do feed on you, but, almost imperceptably.  Now, believe it or not, the thing can live and feed inside your brain.  There is typically a lot of wasted material in the brain, so it goes unnoticed, typically.  But, when it gets next to an important nerve, or nerve bundles.  These potentially, can be life threatening.  It is easily treated with a couple of types of drug, but, you must know or suspect the condition first.  I suspect I might be a victim of this and it might be the source of our strange malady.  It is just a theory, but, worth investigating further if this applies to you.  

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Diane, I think you are exactly right. I have the same thing and have been diagnosed with tapeworms that are believed to be the pork variety. Other than me, you are the very first ive found to out two and two together. I get tons of the cysts and worms out of my eyes and sinuses. Theyre also erupting slall out of my muscles, all over my body as I treat with the rx meds. My WHOLE body is covered in the spidey strings. Literally covered.. I wish I knew if you ever got yours resolved and how lomg and wat it took. The treatments work somewhat, but its been a year. They say you have it for 10-15 at least, before you even realize it. I know this is true in my case, after sifting through all the facts and my med history..
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I have a similar sensation.  I believe you will find that the web sensation is caused by tiny spider veins on your face.  That is why they call them spider veins.  The insects you are finding in your scalp are a type of louse that most people get infected with during their life.  If you wash your hair regularly and wash your face as well, you will find that the symptoms ease up a little bit.  Even so, I have had it now for a long time and find that it is really a lesson in patience.
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Holy ****! I have the same thing, minus the hair in my mouth and stuff, but I live in Maryland too
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hi, for about 4-5 weeks i've had the sensation of hair in my mouth and throat,sometimes it feels like its around my mouth, it first started when i was around certain dogs, then all of a sudden it was every animal i came into contact with, now its just 25/7! even if there are no animals around. i have 2 gerbils but they live in the kitchen and dont really spend any time in there. i went to the doctors for some allergy tabs, took them for 3 days and got really i'll, went back to docs and she gave me some piriton instead, and those dont seem to be working either.i dont feel well in myself at all, i feel run down,fed up of this hair feeling and its starting to affect my mood and daily life. i've started to take quiet life ( karms ) but that just seems to be making me have like a strange feeling in my head and a strange taste and sensation on my tongue. even when people come to visit me and they have pets it gets worse :-(
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Wow, and to think I thought i was loosing my mind.  I'm glad to hear there are others having the same spider web sensations that I'm having.  For me, the sensations started about 10 months ago and have mainly been isolated to the kitchen and master bedroom closet, with the kitchen having the highest sensations. At first I thought it was a spider or spiders crawling around, but i would never see them. And when i finally did see one in the kitchen and removed it - i thought the issue was resolved.  Nope - the web like feelings continued!!!  I'm now convinced that its got to be some type of electro-magnetic build up going on.  But how do i resolve it!!! Has any one had luck with humidifiers? I'll have to try vacuuming more often as well as see if a humidifier helps!
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1807309 tn?1316286273
Hi! You are not the only one with that sensation. I too have had it now for over a week. I think it is a nerve but I don't know where it stems from. If you get better let me know. I also used to have a sensation that something was crawling right in front of my head in a little spot big as a dime. It drove me crazy, but just stopped one day. I had that several times. best wishes.
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I just started having these symtoms this week. I have a cat so at first I thought her cat hair were finally getting to me. But I just experienced it while over here cleaning my new apartment.I havenr brought my cat here yet. It really feels like there's hair in my throat and all over my face. I'm glad to find other people with the same symptoms but it ***** that no one knows what it is. The only thing here in this apartment is dust and since I've been packing in my apartment I've kicked up a lot of dust there as well. There's also no circulation in my current aparrment. So it may very well me a dust allergy
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