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Do I have exercise induced asthma or GERD?

I am 30 years old, born 9 weeks early. I always thought I had poor lung capacity, but I never had it checked out. This may be separate, but I feel like I have had bad blood circulation the past few years; for instance if I am wearing skates or shin guards my ankles, or anything tight on any extremity I feel discomfort as if the blood isn't pumping easily to it.

So my whole life whenever playing sports with hard sprinting/skating after a single shift I feel like I'm dying no matter how good condition I am in. My lungs feel over exerted. It feels like no matter how long I sit on the bench I don't fully recover the rest of the game.

Specifically, I will be coughing and out of breath, feel a burning liquid feeling in my upper chest (right around the bottom of my chest), have a taste like blood in my mouth (never found blood). Additionally later in the games I will feel a little nauseous and sinus pain in my forward and what I find particularly odd is that my ears feel blocked like I increased altitude on an airplane.

After the game I feel like my immune system is down, as I definitely have post nasal drip; but that goes away the following day.

The only thing I notice is if I do real good warm up and a get sweat going before hand my body recovers a little bit better during a game.

2 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
Tammy2009 has provided excellent advice. Acid reflux can be a prime trigger for asthma. The esophageal irritation often leads to a secondary infection that ends up in the lungs.
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746512 tn?1388807580
could be acid reflux - which can cause lung inflammation directly through aspiration or indirectly through nerve stimulation.  Try gaviscon around the clock for a day or two and see if there is any improvement.  

Yes - go the doctor and get some more information about acid reflux and see if you need medication or just diet and lifestyle modification.

No - maybe test for asthma and lung problems themselves but the liquid feeling is not typical.

Let us know what you come out with!
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