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Inhalers make my chest worse

I have been diagnosed with Bronchiolar asthma all my life (22 years), My inhalers have not been a bother with me worked perfect helped me so much expect the Blue one which made my Asthma worse. As of lately, I am on a Brown inhaler and all of a sudden when I take it I get really severe chest pains on my lungs and ribs, (Inflamed lungs) which has been caused by takin my inhaler, I have been to the doctors and she just says it's because it's "opening my airways" I have stopped taking them and the pain has gone, but I have to take them because change of weather makes me breathless. I am struggling on what to do. It gets so bad that I have to hold my chest and rub the area to calm the pain.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Are you sensitive to lactose?  Get any symptoms at all when you consume dairy - milk, cheese, ice cream etc etc?

If yes and you are using a dry powder inhaler - you may be like me and react to the lactose they use as the carrier molecule to get the medication into your lungs.  Advair HFA, alvesco and any HFA inhalers are lactose free.  Puli org, symbicort, any disk inhalers or rotatable ones a
Have lactose in them.

I did have to fight to get my doctor to believe me and switch my inhaler but proved it once I was off for a few months - improved and then did spirometry before and after taking symbicort ... Guess what? My peak flow DROPPED, then they believed me :)

You can be allergic to ventolin itself but there are other medication you can try.

I would also ask for a methacholine challenge test, there is a possibility you have been misdiagnosed.  However, at the beginning you will seem worse because the inhaler opens up your airways and allows all the mucus to start to drain - causing lots of coughing and maybe shortness of breath.  This can last up to a couple of weeks until the meds kick in and are able to control new inflammatory reactions and all the old mucus has been cleared out.  

Good luck and hope that helps.
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