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Excessive Anal Moisture

I have the exact same problem as the previous poster that sam2004 posted.  I'm 36 years old and have recently (within the last year) have had a problem with excessive moisture around the anus.  Like sam, it only occurs when I feel the urge to have a bowel movement.  The moisture does not stain, and does not smell like 'feces' though it does smell very 'musky'.  I also suspect it is sweat.  Recently the problem has become so bad that wetspots soak through my underwear and my pants, leaving embarassing dark spots right on my backside by the time I even feel the urge to go the restroom.  So I end up going to the restroom several times in the morning the instant I feel any urge that suggests I 'could' go to try to head off the embarassing moisture before my co-workers see it.  And to give my pants the chance to dry out.

I recently (within the last year) had a colonoscopy (my mother died from colon cancer so I'm starting those early) and I explained the problem to the doctor and his response was "you'll just have to live with it".  A very insenstive answer in my opinion and considering that it's gotten worse to the point that I'm getting embarassed by it at work, something needs to be done.   Considering Sam2004's problem, it may be somewhat related to IBS, and like sam, when I was in my 20's, had extreme abdominal pain when a bowel movement was imminent, though that happens very very infrequently to me now (once every 2 months maybe).

This problem is very frustrating and depressing frankly.  It did help a great deal to see someone else has had the same problem though, for a long time I couldn't find anything on this anywhere.

This discussion is related to Excessive Moisture Around the Anus.
19 Responses
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Sorry to hear your struggles with this but I’m relieved I’m not the only one. I’ve been having the same issue for almost three years. I’m in my early thirties and am otherwise in  good health but I have clear/yellow liquid-y anal discharge. It almost smells fatty but it never leaves an oily residue or anything on the surface of the water in the toilet. I had an ex with Crown’s so I’ve been on the lookout for that. It’s thankfully never leaked through my clothes but I take extra trips to the bathroom throughout the day and it wakes me up almost every night. The couple of times I’ve tried to ignore it and sleep through have resulted me developing a vaginal infection.

I had a doctor tell me I had an anal fistula and I underwent a fistulotomy. It’s been 3 1/2 months and while she said the surgery was almost completed healed (I went to see her a month ago) the symptoms never actually went away. Now I’m nervous that I happened to ALSO have the fistula but that it wasn’t actually DOING anything. My mom insisted I had one since I was a baby and this only started early 2019.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have herpes but I have very infrequent outbreaks. Like, one a year is a lot and the feeling is completely different. Whatever this is is constant and without pain. I don’t have a family history of anything and I’m wondering if I should be go to a gastroenterologist instead. I just moved and am waiting for my insurance to start up with my new job and it’s frustrating feeling like I may have to start from scratch on this.
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*Crohn’s. Yay autocorrect. But my ex had Crohn’s and judging from the symptoms he had (which seemed to be immensely painful for him and left physical evidence in the toilet), I don’t think this is that.
I'm 21 y/o and have been struggling with this same exact problem since I was about 18. I am what I would like to think as a healthy young adult, I weigh only 165 lbs. and am 6ft tall. I was diagnosed with IBS a couple of years ago but that doesn't explain the excessive sweating. I take extreme measures to avoid sweat spots in my pants, measures that I do not feel comfortable admitting to,
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Hallo there, i have the same problem, if i eat cheese ore drink milk, and if i stay away from it, no problem then, i hope you will find out what it is that cause your problem, greeting from denmark :)
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So, Danish_man.  what comes to mind is an allergy to dairy.  Have you talked to your doctor about this.  
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Hello! Did anybody ever find a solution to this problem? I am a male in my 20s and have been dealing with this problem for over 5 years now, it has completely destroyed my life. I have this constant sweat and I know it is related to my IBS so I have been trying to address the IBS rather than the sweat. I notice it also can be affected by stress and other mental things. It started during  a very high stress period of my life when I was getting extremely unhealthy amounts of sleep (countless all-nighters and plenty of other nights of only 3 hours, probably averaging 5 hours/night after catching up on weekends). I also know I was taking a ton of advil about 4 months before my symptoms began, so i think it's possible that could have contributed. I have also had a lot of pain since about 6 months before these IBS symptoms started, due to some exercise injuries. I have found no solution for these pains (tried PT, chiro, osteopath, etc...) so I wonder if this can also be contributing such as a misalignment in the pelvis pushing against the digestive tract. I could provide a lot more details but just want to give some outline. I have tried tons of things like stool tests, diets, supplements, etc. Did any of you ever find a solution? Thank you!
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Hallo there, i have the same problem, if i eat cheese ore drink milk, and if i stay away from it, no problem then, i hope you will find out what it is that cause your problem, greeting from denmark :)
I am going through the same exact thing man. 21 y/o male weighing only 165lbs and I have excessive sweating in my lower region and struggle with IBS as well. I have tried changing my died, drinking more water, and so many different medicines/supplements. It is ruining my life as well. I don't know anyone else who pulls their pants down halfway to avoid sweat marks on their drive to work :(
Stop eating all cheese!! Took me 2 years to figure it out. It is not all dairy as I do have milk on coffee and no issue. As soon as I have something with cheese the issue returns. It was such a relief to figure it out. So annoying and at first worrisome that it was a sign of a bigger issue!
Stop eating all cheese!! Took me 2 years to figure it out. It is not all dairy as I do have milk on coffee and no issue. As soon as I have something with cheese the issue returns. It was such a relief to figure it out. So annoying and at first worrisome that it was a sign of a bigger issue!
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I have this problem, and the gastroenterologist told me it was probably hemorrhoids.
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I have this issue as well, though to a milder extent. My anus gets wet if I have to go more than once per day, and I think it is related to irritation. I always have to wipe a lot, which could be the problem.

Then again, I've noticed certain foods make it worse. Avocados, corn, black pepper especially, and cured meats (often contain black pepper). So it could be an allergic reaction to protect the intestinal lining. I read somewhere else that this is a gluten problem, and I've not tried eliminating that one yet. Here goes!
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Oh, and Wonder Balm helps soothe the area, albeit with a little burning sometimes. But I used to have a sharp stinging, swollen anal area with a fishy smelling discharge. It was terrible and I wanted to die sometimes. I thought it was just hemorrhoids for a long time, but then suspected an infection. Wonder nalm is both anti bacterial and anti fungal, and it cured the stinging, itching, and swelling when I used it with cranberry juice, turmeric, and an oregano gut pill. Now I just have the wet anal area to deal with. The attacks are not nearly as bad and don't wet my underwear anymore, but they come close. I hope there is a cure for this. I've never had this problem before, even with a lifetime of ibs.
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I have a similar problem . i can live with it even bad smell but i have an airborne bacteria that eleminates from my rectum area and it makes people ill.   So i try fasting and one meal a day diet and it helped a little but its not good cause i lost a little muscle
Keep in touch maybe we can make a progress
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Hallo there, i have the same problem, if i eat cheese ore drink milk, and if i stay away from it, no problem then, i hope you will find out what it is that cause your problem, greeting from denmark :)
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I have this problem. It was so bad that I seriously considered ending it all. It completely controlled my life and didn't allow me to do anything. After every invasive embarrassing procedure and exam you can think of we were no closer to an answer.

Finally after two years I was prescribed glycopyrrolate by a Dermatologist. It literally gave me my life back. I still have these attacks of moisture, but they have went from 10-15 times a day at an intensity of 9-10 out of 10 to just a couple a week at an intensity of 1-2 out of 10.
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Hallo there, i have the same problem, if i eat cheese ore drink milk, and if i stay away from it, no problem then, i hope you will find out what it is that cause your problem, greeting from denmark :)
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I am in the same situation guys.

Happens escpecially before haveing a bowel momvent or the slightest urge.

I have a fissure.

Do you guys have a fissure?
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Well I'm not in pain,  but it is annoying to have the fissures between my balls and anal...

The moisture comes and goes and has a musky smell,  but not of feces...

So I'm dealing with it until i can gain better insurance
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Did any of you who commented on this post, or anyone else out there who has this problem ever find out what it was, what was causing it, or how to stop it?

I have EXACTLY the same problem!  It is clear and does not smell so I too suspect it is sweat, but how?  why?  Could hemorrhoids leak without odor or any color at all?

It started out of the blue 6 months ago and has worsened to the point where it is controlling and destroying my life!!!!  I'm wearing protective underwear now and have to run to the bathroom with the slightest urge to avoid getting my undies damp/wet, but still it happens.   I'm also having 5-7 BMs/day, formed stool (no loose stool/diarrhea).  And it hapens randomly just on some BMs and not others = totally unpredictable.  I'm running in the bathroom hourly to try and head off any problems.

I have been to my PCP, 2 GI docs, and a colo-rectal doc and so far they are all clueless.  I've had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and analscope which have shown little more than internal hemorrhoids.

I am totally DESPERATE and would so appreciate any help or information you can share on this.  Thank you so much for your time and consideration!!!

Thanks Again!
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Hallo there, i have the same problem, if i eat cheese ore drink milk, and if i stay away from it, no problem then, i hope you will find out what it is that cause your problem, greeting from denmark :)
Cut cheese put of your diet!! I first cut out milk and cheese as the above poster suggests but the culprit for me is the cheese!!!
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Im 31/m and have the same problem.  Began a little over a year ago, around the time that I developed an inguinal hernia.  Chances are they are related - I had the hernia repaired but I am still getting the leakage.  It's very distressing - the odor is noticeable, and my underwear will be soaked.  Thankfully its not to the point that it soaks through my pants, but the amount of moisture will sometimes leave wet spots and odor on my seat.  Needless to say, this is incredibly embarrassing at work.

I moved to TX from NY several years ago, and I began having countless health problems since then due to allergies.  I have heavy mucous in my sinuses and the dischage around the anus is also mucousy.  I'm guessing it's something as simple as allergies.  Anywhere that you have mucousal membranes or ducts, you can have allergic reactions.  The sinuses in your head, and the rectum, are full of mucousal membranes and ducts, so its really no surprise.

If I find a solution I will let everyone know.  I've actively been working on a solution for myself and monitoring the issue.
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like a previous poster mentioned, i am beginning to think this is a food allergy or better stated a "food sensitivity" issue. there is a test called an ALCAT test which unlike the old food allergy tests will tell you about which foods your body or immune system are sensitive to. these types of sensitivites can cause ALL SORTS of problems which often go untreated for life from tiredness, to a being prone to illness to this
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Hallo there, i have the same problem, if i eat cheese ore drink milk, and if i stay away from it, no problem then, i hope you will find out what it is that cause your problem, greeting from denmark :)
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I am glad to see that there are more people experiencing the same sweat issues whenever the urge to have a bowel movement occurs.  Although, I am still discouraged that everyone is getting the same response from their doctors that they should just "live with it".  To that answer I say that I hope it happens to them, because this is not something that is easy to live with.  In my case, probably because of the frequent urges to use the bathroom, it happens several times throughout the day.  It has seemed to get worse, I even now experience lower back pain, and other associated issues with the frequent urge to use the bathroom that only make the sweat issue worse.  I find it hard to believe that this is not something that can be treated since so many people are experiencing it.  Just my thoughts and complaints.
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Hallo there, i have the same problem, if i eat cheese ore drink milk, and if i stay away from it, no problem then, i hope you will find out what it is that cause your problem, greeting from denmark :)
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well its good to know at least I am not alone in this problem..I have had it for over ten years..it is worst at night in bed, can feel an amlost dripping feeling of sweat droplets, started wearing jocks to bed to soak it up, must be pretty acidic as has burned afew holes in afew jocks..studied it once in the mirror and noticed milk colored droplets sweating out of the pours around the anus, almost like little mites are running around, and my jocks in the mornings have a white stain.I have treated for mites, worms, parasites, tried a millions doctors and creams and everything else under the sun..no use..had two colonoscopy things, nothing much there to worry about, one doc said it was IBS, and blamed my diet of loads of tea with milk..it went away once and now I think back it was when I gave up drinking tea and milk..I also remeber once in my younger days of weightlifting I drunk milk by the gallon to put on weight, and my arse really went wet..so I am now focusing on milk as an allergey, perhaps it is trush, but I think that occurs due to the sweating.I went for a sex disease check up, and asked the doc there and he took one quick look and said yeast infection..I find my body is extremely hot, more so from the waste down, my mattrass gets real hot which doesnt help the night sweats..whatever it is it is coming from the inside, try a change of diet, go for water and meat only for a week and see what happenings..
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31 years old I also have a sweaty anus for about a year now.  It appeared right after I was diagnosed with Hemroids.  I get a terrible jock itch as a result of the sweaty anus.  Just when I fight the fungus off with creams and powder, it comes back as i cannot beat this sweaty anus.  I often wonder if the anal sweat glands are triggered by the irritated hemmroid.
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This liquid like mucus that come out of your anus is very nasty. But i have it to my doc check my pancrea to see if it was enlarge. He also said that mucus is fatty discharge.  Im still working on finding out were an why it also has a odor some time its alot. I hav eto wear a pad like depend for It will stain my underware and like someone said It will go thru your cloth. Its very embaracing when you go out. I get those urges to go all the time. And I do go alot to the bathroom more than normal. I have to make sure that were ever I go there is a bathroom close by.
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I am 28 and I have been struggling with this for 3 years now. It's pretty horrible. There is some after shower body powder you can throw up around there but it ***** having to take that bottle everywhere you go. It does help temporarily though.
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Are you sure it's not mucus?  If you tend to be constipated, I'd recommend MiraLax, which you can buy OTC now.  I think when I've passed lots of mucus it's been related to inflammation, but I get this so infrequently now that I'm foggy on the details.  My constipation comes because my colon is too twisted.  

Start the MiraLax when you will be home.  If you are very constipated, you can also use a glycerin suppository to get things started.  

If you are not constipated, then I would think this was caused by a food allergy of some sort.  
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This is exactly what I've been experiencing. A year ago I was complaining to my gynecologist about dryness. Last night I changed underwear in the middle of the night and this morning they are thoroughly wet.
I would love to hear if someone found a diagnosis and treatment.
Going to gyno next month, but the symptoms are becoming more acute every day.
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i have this too.  and it is also getting worse for me.  i used to have very irregular bowel movements, but not so much pain beforehand, as just some occasional cramping.  but i did experience upset stomachs frequently and  i had some reflux.  thats all gotten better in the past few years (stopped smoking, better diet) but this "sweating" is starting to get out of hand.
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