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closed vagina on 8 yr old

When my daughter was 1 I was tending my sisters little girl and noticed that our girls looked VERY different. I told my husband that our little girl didn't have a vagina. He just laighed and said that all girls have them. I called ask a nurse and they gave me news no mother would ever want to hear. ( she will never have children and all that.) So I called the hospital and my Dr. happened to be there. He had me call first thing in the morning and get her in for him to see her. He pulled up her birth records and she was normal when she was born. They did ultrasounds and everything is there. So he sent us to a ped. obgyn and she put her on estegen. She opened up. We continued putting the cream on and she closed back up. This Dr. moved out of state and we found a new Dr.  She tried everything we would get her opened for a min. and then she would close back up. At the age of 4 she ws surgically opened up. That lasted about 3 months. They don't know what is causing her to do this we have had dermitlogists do allergy tests and no one seems to know.
We have taken her off the estregen because of health risks and are hoping when the time comes that her own body will kick in and open her up. I have heard of this happening but when they gave the cream it opened them and they were fine.
Has anyone heard of this?  I am worried now because if her own body doesn't kick in and she starts her period and the blood pools it can kill her.
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My daughter's was closed and just opened up today, apparently it is very normal and on average opns by age 5 or 6
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Well i have three grandchildren that have this issue,2/girls,1/boy.I believe my girls call it hypostatis(sp).When my gr'son was born his teetee hole was on the side of his penis not on end as normal.His euretha tube was pinched some how,and has three rubes off kidneys.He had surgery about 1 yrs old to fix the position of his teetee hole at the end of penis.NEVER have i heard of anything like this till him.He is 4 yrs old now.As for the gr'daughters : my oldest is 5yrs old and my daughter didn't realize she was closed up til about 1 1/2.And when she realized what was going on she emmidiatley took her to Pediatrician,they offerd the cream but she was reluctant because her husbands neice had the same thing and they used the hormone cream and developed breast at 6 yrs old.So my daughter has used it if its really closed up,but once shes open then she uses baby oil and spreads it open daily or every other day.Our newest addition to our family is only 7 mnths,and we have learned she has it. We thought it mite be genetic at first because it was on my daughters husbands side of the family.But now my other gr'gaughter from an entirely different family except mine has it.Lets get real....The only thing i can figure is that they put so much hormones in our food.And i think its effecting our future generation.Because i had not ever heard of this until a few yrs ago.This wasnt ever heard of years ago before they started trying to make more meat faster and veggies grow faster,bigger,and more of it.Using more chemicals,including hormones.The GOVERNMENT is slowly killin us all and causing problems with our childrens well being.But what do we do,they don't listen to us or CARE. Thank you Brenda
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-im a 30 year old lady who has never menstruated before because my vagina hole is closed.is there any hope for me
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I am a single mom that just relized that my daughter has this now at seven years old I know it is hard to talk to your mom about this kind of things, two suggestions I have for you, print out the info from the website and tell your mom about your stomic problem and your skipped periods, and tell her you would like to see a obgyn have her make a appointment and have her come with you, if you see the Obgyn by yourself first, they will talk to you about the problem and they can ask her to come in and help you reasure your mom that your not the only one with this problem and go from there, or talk to a close relative and show her/him your info on it and they can help you talk to your mom then go to the Obgyn together.  I just having trouble with the question do I explain why that area should be open to a seven year old if doctor has to do a small surgical cut there from what I read she problably will need it done I used the cream already will see. Thing will get better.
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Hello my daughter was born normal in that area but as she got older we found out that her area was closed all up and she had and sometimes still does have a pin hole to pee out of.    When she was 6 she had the sergery to open it up,  after a few months it closed up, well the ob doc says that she did no want to touch it for a while just to see what happens.  Well my baby is 8 now and she just started to have open up down there.  So im thinking that she will be ok im hoping:)
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Try an use a vaginal dilator .we did with our 5 year old
Don't do that without a doctor advising.
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I am sorry to read about this condition. I've never heard of such a thing. I just joined here to find out why my cervix is fraible and this popped up on the bottom of the screen.

I just wanted to post to the older girls who have this and are scared to tell your parents, firstly, your parents will be understanding, they just want you to be healthy and happy. If you're really too scared to talk to your parents, you can go to a planned parenthood or try to find a clinic in your area that may be able to help or they can at least point you in the right direction and help you to understand the situation and hopefully give you comfort in speaking with your parents.

If I were a little girl and I had a male doctor checking down there constantly, it would freak me out. I am a grown woman and I prefer to avoid male doctors if possible. I know when it comes to a specialist, a man may be the best or the only option but I've always felt more comfortable with a woman.

I hope the best for anyone dealing with this condition.
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Wow, i've been doing research on this type of thing for a little while and I myself went through this when i was younger. it lasted until i was about 5. My mother was frantic for a VERY long time. We went to countless doctors and they all said the same thing. HORMONES. Well, the creams didn't work very well at first and neither did anything else but once i got older my body FINALLY kicked in and things are fine now. The best thing to do is wait. It's easier said than done but chances are things will clear up on their own. Very scary to deal with but not too bad in reality. Good luck.
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My daughter is one years old and she has had this problem since she was born. Her dr put her on the cream for months and this did not help. She had surgey to open her up today  in bham and has to go back every 2 months to keep a check on it. HE toldd me there is no quarntee it wont close back up. But you need to get your dr to reffer you to a GOOD dr because your daughter cold get so many infections.
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I'm 14 and I think I have this . I don't know what to do. I don't really know if I have my period. Sometimes I get it, other times I don't. I can't use tampons. I havn't told my Mom that I think I have my period. The inside of my vagina is closed, I can't stick a tampon up, I can't do anything. I want kids, I don't know what to do. I want to tell my Mom but its soo embarassing. Help ! )':
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when i was14 my stomach ached like hell... at first i thought it was ulcer but when we went to see a dr. we found out that its bec. i've got closed vagina... the inner labia's not open.... and the doc said i need an operation as soon as possible coz i already have my menstruation.....if not... my blood will be poisoned.... so they did an operation.... putting a tiny hole where the blood can go through......that time.. i don't know how to react as if i lost my emotions...i just go with the flow....
now after 7 yrs..... the issues closed , i thought,  but i know i have to face it now.... there's so many questions on my mind.... what will happen now? will i be able to have a baby? or it is safe to have sex? the hole is so tiny.... i want to know more but i'm scared of what people might think...... will i be  able to live a normal life?
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when i was14 my stomach ached like hell... at first i thought it was ulcer but when we went to see a dr. we found out that its bec. i've got closed vagina... the inner labia's not open.... and the doc said i need an operation as soon as possible coz i already have my menstruation.....if not... my blood will be poisoned.... so they did an operation.... putting a tiny hole where the blood can go through......that time.. i don't know how to react as if i lost my emotions...i just go with the flow....
now after 7 yrs..... the issues closed , i thought,  but i know i have to face it now.... there's so many questions on my mind.... what will happen now? will i be able to have a baby? or it is safe to have sex? the hole is so tiny.... i want to know more but i'm scared of what people might think...... will i be  able to live a normal life?
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1055162 tn?1263310851
Ive been seeing this girl who is absolutly terrific so i came online to seek some answers. I had never seen this before. Im just glad that she is ok, and this doesnt seem so uncommon, so people here that are affriad it seems there are many that have this issue, and all i can offer is support. So Dont be too affraid it seems we arent alone with this issue.
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Well I am 24 now and when I was little my inner labia was fused together and when I was about 2 my pediatrician referred my parents to a specialist.  I had to have surgery and after that my mom said she had to apply cream for a while and I have not had any trouble since.  So stay encouraged!
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My daughter is 17 years old and I just took her for her first "female" exam.  The Dr.  couldn't do the exam because there is no hole.  I am terrified.  For a little history,  She had this problem shortly after birth, or as a toddler and her Ped. prescribed Premarin and we applied it as directed and the hole seemed to open back up.  Then as she got older, as you all know, there was no way she would let us ckeck it.  I had actually forgotten about it and have been more worried about other teenage issues.  But a month ago she told me that she could never use a tampon because it would not go in.  This brought back all of the memories from her toddler years and I got her an appointment ASAP.  What worries me more is that her Dr. said that she can get one pinkey finger about an inch up into my daughter and then it is completely blocked.  We are going to an OB-GYN Dr. tomorrow for an ultrasound.  She has had normal periods since 12 years of age, but never used a tampon.  So,  Don't think that this will go away with puberty.  I am very scared and worried.  She is my only child and I don't want to think of her not being able to have children or even worse, a healthy normal sex life when the time comes.  

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We have a similar problem with our 3 year old. It started with a UTI infection that was treated with antibiotics. Every 2 months months she would get another infection. After her third infection we were refered to a specialist. She told us she was sealed closed. Altogether  she has had 8 UTI infections that were all treated with antibiotics. We went to see a naturopathic doctor who told us that this whole problem was caused by the use of too much antibiotics.It not only gets rid of the infection but also kills all your good bacteria in your body. We were never told that we had to put good bacteria back into her body. We also found out that she has a yeast infection that has spread all over her body. Since the irritation was so bad her body thought it was a cut and sealed this area closed. We have been puting bio k plain yogut on her vagina and also making fruit smoothies for her to drink to replacing good bacteria back into her body. This has seemed to help. We are going to Sick kids soon to see what they reccommend. We will keep you posted. I just want to say that I am thankful that we are not the only family going through this. We were devastated when we found out and thought maybe we did something wrong. Hopefully together we can help our kids get better faster.    
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I hope all is well with your daughter and family!
I just wanted to ask how things are for her and if you were able to get the yeast problem fixed up, and if that solved the problem with her vagina. I hope so.
All the best to you all.
Inkpot, thanks for posting. Do you know someone you suspect this is the case for?  Such a difficult thing for anyone to go through!
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It makes me feel better to realise this problem is more common than I thought.
I just took my lil 3 year old to the pediatrician this morning for this problem It is the 4th time it happens now. The pediatricians we have taken her in the past opened it up for us right then and there and today I was worried she would have to go through that again, as well as having the vaccinations! This time we were prescribed a cream that I have to apply daily with a cotton bud for a month and return if it doesnt open. What is interesting is that this cream does not seem to contain estrogen like most of you mention (we had been given one in the past that did and I worried about side effects). It specifically says on the description that it is used for feminine genitals without the side effects produced by estrogen. It's called Colpotrofin if anyone is intrested, I'm in Spain though..
I've even had one doctor say to leave her as is and get her 'opened' when she's older and closer to puberty. Does anyone know if this would make it more difficult to open? I'm really quite worried now, I dont want her to be traumatised with a problem in her genital area and I already know Im going to have trouble applying the cream to my strong-willed little girl!
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My little girl is about to be six.  She had this problem when she was a few months old and again a couple of years ago.  She always has slight irritation around her genital area.  Times past i have used the estrogen cream and was scared that there was something very wrong with my babygirl. (she is the light of my life.)  Her pediatrician said this was quite common among young girls. I've never heard of it before.  But, after my babygirl complained of some irritation from wiping herself today I decided to "take a look", only to find that her labia have once again fused back together.  Her ped prescribed premarin, which is an estrogen cream, soaks in the tub w/ baking soda, and each time try to pull skin apart.  Needless to say I thought I would have an anxiety attack today after realizing this problem once more. It scares me to death for her.  I had problems carrying pregnancies to term.  So I'm very concerned for her.  I am also worried that the cream will lead to future problems.  But I'm worried more about what would happen by doing nothing about it. I teach my daughter to respect her body, to be aware of her body. And, I try not to do anything that seems invasive, although I know to her this seems that way. But health comes first.  Her doctor also told me to make sure she is "drying" herself after peeing and no bubble baths.  I let her wash "her" private area, but never with soap.  I guess all we can do is whatever works.  I feel better knowing that she is not the only one. Thanks for sharing, my heart goes out to you all.  Hope all ends well.
Concerned and Loving mom
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My daughter is 8 and just noticed her vagina is closed. she was complianing of burning when she urinated and I thought she had a UTI. The Doctor said it could be trying to open and that's why it's burning. She didn't seem concerned at all. I am freaking out because I remember about 6-7 months ago she said to be Mommy how come my sister has a whole and I don't. I blew it off and said yes you do you just couldn't see it. what the heck should I do!!!! Help.

by cc2
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my little girl is 3 years old now i noticed that there was a problem when she was about one and half took her to the docs and was told eveything was fine . i left it a little longer and still wasnt happy with it myself at this point the doctor at are local gp's refferred her to a specialst at the hospital who said that this is normal in little girl's and should change in time , from then my little girl has had water infection ect and is very  uncomfortable all the time  just had her back to the docs and they have put her on the estregen cream which at the minute hasnt done a thing but make things worse she is due to see the hospital again in june i'm really scared that this will always be a problem for my little girl even if it opens will it stay open? will she have problems in later life?
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My 4 year old daughter suffers from constant redness and sensitivity aroudn her vulva. She's had this problem since her inner libia sealed together. She was prescribed some estrogen cream and it reopened. Since then, which has been over a year now, i've been using hydrocortisone cream 1%..prescibed by my doctor for the redness..and as soon as I don't use it..the redness and pain comes back...what am I to do? I've tried everything from her diet to unscented products..?? i'm all out of options. I am going to see my doctor this week. I'm worried for my little gril..I hope that it's nothing serious.
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I was born that way, I had to have an operation, and I was like 5 years old. I'm 24 now and my parents used to tell me that it was a cyst I had the operation for. I don't know why they lied to me then. But now, it is really difficult to have sexual relationships, I love kids but I am so afraid of giving birth since it hurts so much and I am afraid I'll probably will never have any. Well, what can I do about it? Nothing! I hope everything turns out GREAT for your daughter. Don't worry!!!
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i just want to let you know that i had the same problem and had to use the cream to about the age of 10... my hole closed up many times but i was too young to remember how they reopened it.. i just want you to know that everything should be fine! The olny problem i have is pain using feminine products and sex... but that goes away after a few minutes.. also as for having children.. i'm 4 months pregnant and they thought it wouldn't happen.. the only difference is that cause of my small hole size that i must have a c section but besides those small things i live a perfectly normal life and there was no emotional problems.. i understood that it was rare but it made me special.. good luck and if you need to talk to someone who dealt with this first person my email address is ***@****.. good luck
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I am wondering when you say "closed up' do you mean there is inflammations involved? Is that why these children are being given hormone cream? I was thinking if it was some sort of inflammation wouldn't a steriod cream work better? Have they had any tests suggesting they have a hormone problem? If the problem is inflammation it could be caused by an autoimmune disorder callled Behcet's Syndrome. It is not contagious and it does not run in families. It is trigger by things like strep throat, infections, food poisoning or for unknown reasons which have caused permant damage to the immune system. The first symptom is genital inflammation. The disease later evolves to include genital sores, cranker sores in the mouth at least three times per year, then muscle or joint pain, and finally eye inflammation. It can be years before all the symptoms show up. Predisolone and other immune supressants are used to control symptoms. It is usually treated by a Rheumotologist. You can find much more information at the Behcet's Disease Association Website.
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my daughter also had this when she was 4 i used the cream just for a while. it opened up on its  own my pediatrician was really great he said even if it didnt open up on its own after the cream it would when hormones kicked in the only thing to watch out for are infections, uti's i'm sure everything will be fine.
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