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Pregnancy Information Center

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Food Aversion During Pregnancy: Your Symptoms Manual


What Food Aversions During Pregnancy Are

Certain foods (and smells) will suddenly elicit a very strong and negative response from you. Foods that you previously enjoyed, or that didn't bother you, now make you want to leave the room because you can't stand the thought of eating or smelling them. 

Common food aversions include coffee, milk and dairy products, eggs, poultry, beef, and green veggies.

Your food aversions should subside or calm down a bit by the second trimester, but food will probably still taste a bit off for the entire pregnancy.


Why Food Aversions During Pregnancy Happen

As your hormone levels change, the chemical content of your blood changes. These changes can be reflected in your saliva, which causes foods to taste different than before. 

Your sense of smell also becomes more acute during pregnancy, and everyday smells can make you nauseous.


How to Relieve Food Aversions During Pregnancy

  • Leave the room if the smell or sight of a food is making you sick.
  • Cook with the exhaust fan going.
  • Use the microwave for cooking, as it emits less odor.


What the Risks to Your Baby Are from Food Aversions During Pregnancy

There's generally no risk to your baby, as long as you eat nutritious food that makes up for the missing nutrients. You don't have to eat foods that you're averse to, but you do need to eat a balanced diet that provides the nourishment baby needs to grow.
  • Try mashing up meat and putting it into sauces, such as spaghetti.
  • Eat tofu, beans, legumes, quinoa, edamame and nuts for protein.
  • Try yogurt and cheese instead of milk.
  • Get calcium from leafy greens, orange juice fortified with calcium, sesame seeds or salmon. 
  • Eat carrots, yams and sweet potatoes, or fresh fruit, instead of green veggies.
Albina Tiplyashina/iStock/Thinkstock
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