will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
Birdwatchers Dream
MedHelp General - 14 members
This is a group for all members who enjoy Birdwatching/Birding. :)
benzodiazapene withdrawal
General Health - 29 members
help and discussions for people trying to get off dr prescribed benzos
Cancer - 4 members
Experiences, a way forward, a road map for the future
Biblical Analysis Group
MedHelp General - 13 members
Forum is Closed for good... finally... read your bible folks, the stuff I told you is no lie but I guess it is hard to believe being there are only closet Christians on this site.. but every now and then you will run into someone like me who cares enough to take the ridicule and persecution, but the games - no, I don't have to deal with that so thats my reason for leaving,,, so someday every single one of you will find out what I told you is true but for many it will be too late.. No one is promised tomorrow. What if you don't wake up tomorrow, do you know where you will spend eternity? Are you sure? I'm sure and you can be too. Think of the things I told you and continue to seek God. Time is VERY short.
Bipolar teens
Mental Health - 15 members
Just a group for teens and young adults who suffer from bipolar depression or other mental illness but who need a means of support.
Have you ever wondered how your body works? How drugs affect your brain and physiology? The influences of genetic, beliefs and perception of the environment? How we are changing our brain because of plasticity? Hormones and there mechanisms of action? Amino acids and proteins? Medicinal herbs? This is the place to post. I'm studying Biology, Biochemistry and Neurobiology and i am inviting any passionate people on the subjects on anyone who have questions regarding those topics or nutrition, natural remedies/supplements, vitamins, exercise and it's impact on life etc.
Bargain Weekend Breaks, Short Breaks UK
Healthy Living - 2 members
Brilliant Trips provides UK short breaks don’t have to be boring, and weekend breaks abroad don’t have to be expensive. And also some winning breaks offering exciting activities, great evening entertainment and amazing value for money.
Time to heal come chat and make friends lets help each other understand how our minds work, i have been studieing psychology for 10 months now and have learnt to understand how my brain works andd who i am and to be honest its helped me alot and i would like to help everyone who has the same problem i do or any other illness.xxxxxx
blighted ovvum
Pregnancy - 1 member
to all you ladies out there that have suffered a loss through a blighted ovvum to share your worries and your experiences.
bible study group
Women's Health - 53 members
coming to gether to share things and learn things about the bible. ( god's word)
bipolar no more
Mental Health - 7 members
REMEMBER THIS IN YOUR HEART ALWAYS: Today I CHOOSE to remember that I have a chemical imbalance. Today I CHOOSE to remember some things are out of my control. I CHOOSE to remember that I am not defined by my disorder. Today is a NEW day. I CHOOSE to change the things that I can. I CHOOSE to change the things that are difficult. Pain will no longer stand in my way. I love my life, I love my family, and I CHOOSE to love me!
Bipolar ll disorder
Mental Health - 16 members
behaviour problems in 4 yr old girls
Children's Health - 2 members
hi i have a 4 yr old little girl who has me at the end of the rd i jus dont know wat to do with her anymore, she goes from a lovely little girl to bad tempered in 0.01seconds, anything can trigger her off, shes started punching her siblings, spittin and blowing raspberrys when u tell her not to do something, i have tried naughty step, time out, no sweets, no treats, taken away toys, and even ignoring her but i cannot ignore her hittin her siblings as one is only 1yrs old, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black cats and cauldrons
MedHelp General - 7 members
for those of you into the weird stuff that's a bit alternative rituals and folklore. practicing the craft and unexplained experiences yes this forum is for you.
Behcet's Disease & Neuro behcets
Autoimmune Diseases - 6 members
Hi I am recently diagnosed with NBD and thought i would start this user group for people like me and also people at the start of trying to get some answers to their questions pre- diagnoses. I felt the hardest thing for me over the years of limbo was knowing I had this and people thinking I was mad, So my first pearl of wisdom is seek the best neurologist you can afford and no matter where they are in the World go and see them as this will save you thousands and will also cut out all the crap one is faced with seeing under qualified people. Normal people say "I just don't know when asked a question" Some Doctors are so arrogant they can not say this basic sentence it is beyond them. So it is easier to accuse the client of been insane even doe the medical evidence says otherwise. So class lesson number one you know you, don't let anyone try and convince you otherwise, My illness started with itchy hands and then progressed to mild mathematical disfunction, visual disturbance, and then after 2 years muscle twitching, tremor and weakness this is not all the time but most days. I also get mouth sores and yes the unmentionables get the lesions as well, I have been tested for stiffer-less and VD more times than any porn star. So lets get this rolling i am open to your questions !
Bedrest Support Community
Pregnancy - 2 members
This community provides support to women who are experiencing complications during pregnancy and are on bedrest.
bilateral duplex kidneys
Children's Health - 1 member
bilateral duplex kidneys in children.... my daughter was born sep 2009 with bilateral duplex kidneys, shes had 3 ops, one massive kidneys infection, which led to the surgeon removing 60% of her left kidney.. my daughter has 30% funtion on the left kidney and 60% on the right.
Children's Health - 1 member
Bechet's Syndrome
Autoimmune Diseases - 1 member
Diagnosed with Bechet's Syndrome
Bible Reading and Learning Group
MedHelp General - 3 members
Welcome, all who enjoy Bible reading, or would like to learn more about the Bible. My name is Blu. And I will regularly post Bible readings at least once a week, maybe twice. We will only do five chapters at a time, for any given Book. That way it will be easy for all to find time for, and we will discuss it here. NOTE: NO RUDE, OR ABUSIVE COMMENTS OF OTHERS OPINIONS WILL BE TOLERATED! If you do not have something nice to say, do not post it. Our goal is to read and learn more about the Bible, and with that in mind, we will treat each other with respect, as brothers and sisters under God, learning to be closer to Him, by reading His Word. Let us begin! :-)
Binge Eating Disorder Community
Mental Health - 4 members
A place for people to come share their stories and ask questions or advice from others who are struggling with or have overcome binge eating disorder. Also for those who may not be diagnosed, but suffer from compulsive overeating and similar types of disordered eating.
Mental Health - 8 members
Connect with others HERE!
Have bilateral vocal cord paralysis(paresis). Considering laser surgery. Has anyone had and willing to share results or has anything else worked?
Black Eye
Eyes & Ears - 1 member
To discuss the problems concerning spots or anything blurring vision and to get help on the problems