1478333 tn?1287401534

Alzheimer’s Disease: Specific Warning Signs

The Alzheimer’s Association has developed a checklist of common symptoms to help family members recognize the difference between normal age-related memory changes and possible warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

   1. Memory loss. Forgetting recently learned information is one of the most common early signs of dementia. A person begins to forget more often and is unable to recall the information later. He or she forgets to attend medical appointments, for example
   3. Difficulty performing familiar tasks. People with dementia often find it hard to plan or complete everyday tasks. Individuals may lose track of the steps involved with preparing a meal, placing a telephone call, or playing a game.
   5. Problem with language. People with Alzheimer’s disease often forget simple words or substitute unusual words, making their speech or handwriting hard to understand. They may be unable to find the toothbrush, for example, and instead ask for “that thing for my mouth.”
   7. Disorientation to time and place. People with Alzheimer’s disease can become lost in their own neighborhood, forget where they are and how they go there, and may not know how to get back home
   9. Poor or decreased judgment. Those with Alzheimer’s may dress inappropriately for weather, wearing several layers on a warm day or little clothing in the cold. They may show poor judgment, like giving away large sums of money of strangers
  11. Problems with abstract thinking. Someone with Alzheimer’s disease may have unusual difficulty performing complex mental tasks, like forgetting what numbers are for and how they should be used.
  13. Misplacing things. A person with Alzheimer’s disease may put things in unusual places: for example, an iron in the freezer or a wristwatch in the sugar bowls.
  15. Changes in mood or behavior. Someone with Alzheimer’s disease may show rapid mood swings-from calm to tears to anger-for no apparent reason.
  17. Changes in personality. The personalities of people with dementia can change dramatically. They may become extremely confused, suspicious, fearful,, or dependent on a family member.
  19. Loss of initiative. A person with Alzheimer’s disease may become very passive, sitting in front of the TV for hours, sleeping more than usual, or not wanting to partake in normal activities.

It is important to note that many treatable health conditions have the same signs as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The earlier you detect and discuss your observations with your elders, the better. Seeking help early can save families heartache and money
5 Responses
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874521 tn?1424116797
bear...just curious how you made out on your appointment with the doctor?

I am separated from my DH, he's 63 and suffered a brain injury 20+ yrs ago, so he's had cognitive impairment since than. he doesn't live in the same city I do anymore, but comes 2-3x a year for a visit with the grandkids and stays here, we are still good friends and I do all his finances yet...(need to)
over Christmas holidays he was here and I was shocked to see how badly his short term memory had deteriorated since summer....memory and confusion especially.

I also found out recently that he had been drinking heavily for the past year...after a few bad falls he admitted this to me and has since sworn not to again..and has been dry since Nov.

is this normal to see such a rapid escalation of this disease? its been my experience to see a much slower progression, but perhaps not living together for 3 yrs now I may have missed many of the signs before now.

anyone have thoughts on this?
thx ♥
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176495 tn?1301280412

I see my doctor today and intend to discuss the above.  I like to think that a lot of it is stress related I have a very stressful job (well, will have for a few more weeks as I've been laid off thanks to offshoring) and other stressors.   Plus I know we all forget things occasionally.

We'll see what my doctor says..

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212161 tn?1599427282
my mom has it and has them all.. scares me because i forget sometimes am 50 and when i forget it scares me so bad, that i forget something elsa. my mom lives with me i take care of her so am very aware of it and what goes on thats why am so scared.
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176495 tn?1301280412

I'm 60 years old and seem to be experiencing some of #1, 15 and 19.  Not a lot mind you, but enough that my wife has pointed it out to me and we argue about it, but I've caved in and agree she might be right.  I seem to be able to perform my job every day, a stressful one, but complete my tasks and responsibilities.

Strangely last night I was at the grocery store, checking my list and the basket several times and all of a sudden had a strange feeling come over me..."what is wrong with me" I asked myself..I seemed to be fine the rest of the evening but today confused a very simple task of transferring money from one account to another online.

I do have a slight hearing problem, for which I'm being treated and I see my PCP next week to discuss the above as well as my frequent headaches (CAT scan didn't show any problems).

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I'm not there yet and wish to avoid getting there.
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