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"I want to go home."

My 3 year old child says she wants to go home, when we are home.  She has been saying this off and on for at least the last year.  She can't explain to me what she means by "I want to go home."  It scares me.  What does that mean?  Is it something psychological, spiritual, or just a lack of understanding?  Can anyone help?
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reincarnation kids often remember a past life i remembered who i was and how i died and were i had been buried
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I agree here. It sounds crazy, but i knew i had drown in another life. Constantly having dreams of being in the middle of ice in a pond, my mother screaming from the side is always had it ended. Then after my husband passed i saw a medium. And instead of touching on my griefs and my dying attempt to “contact” him (yes i know)...she brought up a past life where i was walking along snow, my mother not far behind me when the snow started cracking and i fell through the ice...
THEN, i was at a job (claims) and the client said “Are you spiritual?” She went on to say...I lost a daughter in a past life to a drowning. I just know it. I dream of watching her drown in the snow covered ice - i knew the moment i saw you it was you” Of course working in insurance i kept it very professional and offered to discuss another time and went straight back to work...However, this obviously throw off everything inside me. I too dreamt this, i was told this by a medium (15 hours away from where i lived)..I did not have social media at the time...

ANYWAYS! This is completely possible

She also told me my middle daughter was someone i once knew. When my daughter was meditating i asked her to think of the name i was told and asked her what came to mind. She described my late aunts town house, referred to her as Hollywood, and went on to describe how she feels “ester really loved teachers i think” well. Ester had 5 teachers in her life. All her sons and all her daughter inlaws. And a grandchild who also became a teacher. We had never spoke of Ester before. Yet she knew..
And oddly enough, my father has called my daughter Hollywood since she was 2 and always insisted on flashy outfits and accessories- just as my great great aunt Ester..
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I have said that since I was a child. I really didn't know what I ment by that. When I was asked what I ment by that I would just say idk I just want to go home. Then later on in life I would say home is where my heart is but I don't know where it is. Then one day I looked up and said to the sky, I don't belong here. I want to go home please. Then it hit me. I need Jesus.... Heaven is home. I was 33 before I realized what I ment. This world was dragging me down and I have been longing for home.
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Oh geez ok don't freak out this might Scare You But Your 3 Year old MIGHT remember her/his past life...

For real god is real some kids remember their past lives
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I'm 18 and I've been doing it since i was 3 and its a psycholog thing, to me at least - I've made up an amagary home where I go when I feel left out or overwhelmed, at that age it's just a house -ask her to say where the stares is in this house and now I say it to remind me there is a safe place I can go ... If that makes sence
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I am sure the OP does not want an answer to this anymore, however i used to do this as a child and i see my children saying this too.
For me "going home" meant that i was overwhelmed and needed something comfortable. A warm cup of milk and a comfy bed, some cuddles, some attention.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Does she watch a program on TV with chjldren in a house or home she may be copying, does she have a babysitter may says the same thing about 'going home 'or a gran or family visiting and they say they are going home , ?.
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13167 tn?1327194124
i wonder what would happen if you asked her to draw a picture of where she wants to go?  

I know at that age her drawings would be VERY crude, with just soft of scribbled symbolic images,   but when she explains what is in the picture she's drawn,  maybe you'll have an understanding?  

Best of luck with it,  very puzzling.
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1027094 tn?1327429732
Might just be a lack of understanding. Have you moved in the last 2 years??
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My son used to do this at that age. It meant that he needed a little extra comfort. “Home” is a safe and cozy place and so a nice long hug and maybe a cozy blanket and a snack. Whatever makes your kid feel extra safe and comfortable.
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My 7yo has just started saying “i want to go home” as well.. when we’re home. Usually he says it when we’re about to leave the house, and he crawls up in fetal position and says i just want to go home. His therapist has diagnosed them as anxiety attacks… he’s not conscious of any worry or thoughts that are triggering it. Tonight was the first time that he did it when we weren’t going somewhere.. and it happened right at bedtime. Normal bedtime, normal day, things were happy and comfy. And it was like there were 2 parts of him - one that knew he WAS home and that felt good and lovely, and another that wanted to go home. He couldn’t explain what he meant by it. His whole body wanted it though - to be home. He was so sad too. He muttered it for nearly 20mins as he faded in and out of consciousness falling asleep. I did some tapping with him, some meditating, called in his spirt guides/ angels/ earth parents (water/ mountains/ etc) and all the big guns up there to help him fall asleep soundly. It was so sad. Makes me wonder if there’s something there about wanting to go back to the womb? Him going into fetal position and all. He’s a deep, soulful, very self aware and intelligent kid. I’m really spiritual and believe in all the things… anything that brings us peace and comfort I’m all for. Definitely stumped on this one along with you! But was happy to find a result when I googled it :) so thank you for posting in here. Good luck.
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My 4 year old has started doing it and saying she is about to leave and it scares me to death sometime
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I have the same question, for the past week my 4 year old son keeps telling me he wants to go home, when I asked him where he said with Jesus at church it scared me… made me think he was gonna die or something. I told him this is his home, so he keeps on saying it and now he says the tree is his home, every time he says it I get scared cuz home to me would be with God that’s where we belong and where we will return once we die.
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It's possible your child heard this.  Religious beliefs abound in human history, and most of them are parables and superstitions, not stuff that actually happened or happens.  Adults can process that and hold two conflicting ideas at the same time, for example, when we die we are going to join Jesus when factually we really don't know that, we just believe that, and not have that make us believe we should therefore die as quickly as possible to get the that better place.  A 4 year old takes things literally.  
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I am speaking as a child who have expe
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I am speaking as a child who have experienced this behaviour, I didn't have the best childhood but I was fast to find a loving home. But instead of things being normal I started to say this quote "I want to go home" at the age of 6, I recently started reading about this and I found this dialogue by the philosopher Plato about having the 'idea' home, this is a faint recollection of the 'past' life or the place where a soul is before it moves into a body. The 'idea' home is basically a recocollection from before the would entered the body. Sorry if this wasn't a help I am just saying what I have interrpreted after reading 'Sophies world' by jostein gaarder.
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With in the last few weeks to a month my 2 year old says this. :( idk how to console her.  But reading other people's responses helps me not feel so alone. We did move a year ago but she would have only been 13 months? But maybe she does remember our last house.
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Oh yes, so very common in kiddos your little one's age.  You aren't alone.  :>)  
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So now it is 2020 and I'm now in my mid twenties and I remember always saying this as a child it would literally tear me apart and the feeling was so strong but I could not explain home I couldn't even picture it I just knew I needed to go home. Now these past couple of months my 3yr old son has been saying this and he cries so hard and I remember how I used to be the same. You probably won't believe me honestly I don't care but I do remember always being and talking/interacting with people who  were not there my mother used to get scared....I remember talking to relatives who had passed away long before I was born and I could describe them to my parents even though I had never seen pictures of the people. I could even tell when my loved ones were about to pass away but when I was 12 and I knew it was my grandfathers time to pass I just ignored everything told myself I didn't see/hear/feel things and I guess eventually it  somewhat went away. Now my kid says he talks with my dad and my sister in law who's both passed away before he was born and he says things to me that I can't possibly explain how he knows  especially since nobody ever talks about my dad or my sister in law...I don't have any answers just super puzzled....
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I think home is comfy.  Everyone gets that feeling of wanting to retreat to the safe place and this is the way that a little one shares it.  I take it as a compliment when kids say that.  And I think talking to someone who has passed away is a coping mechanism used to make someone feel better.  The mind heals in this way.  
I believe in people having certain gifts that they are able to either remember past lives or even talk to and see those who have passed away. I can imagine that it could be scary, the unknown, but I think that the more you educate yourself on this possibility the more comfortable you will feel which will lead to making your child feel more comfortable and okay with this.
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I used to do the same thing as your daughter when I was younger. I just couldn't recognize that I was home because it didn't feel like home. My mom was scared when she heard me say this, because I would usually be quite hysterical. I still recall the days when I felt like home wasn't home. Like something was missing, though my family was stable. I am 16 now and was wondering why I was feeling this way as a child, did you find any answers?
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I used to think this a lot as a kid, not sure if I ever said it out loud to anyone or not, but for me at least I think it just meant I was unhappy. I didn't feel "at home" because one associates "at home" with feelings of contentment, relaxation, etc. And I suffered from anxiety as a kid (still do). So I think if I was anxious about something or if maybe someone I loved wasn't there, or especially if something bad was happening at my house (not to say anything bad is happening at *your* house), it wouldn't feel like "home" anymore and what I really wanted was that "home" feeling back, not a physical location. Hope this helps!
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Dear Fatherson..

My 2 1/2 yr old is doing the same thing...i cant figure it out. what did you find out that helped you. PLEASE i am so worried...
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My daughter does this to has Been for about a year have you found any answers
I think most kids do it from time to time or frequently, to be honest, El_girl
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Ask her if she can tell or show you where "home" is.  Who is at her home?  I agree that if you've recently moved, this would explain what she means, but it's very puzzling.  She's so young and easily confused, she may have home confused with something else. I think since it has been a year, I would get her evaluated if only to find out what she wants.  I wish you all the best, and take care.
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