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Hyperthyroidism, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata?

Hi Im a 15 year old male. 4 months ago I noticed a receding hairline (temples and frontal) i thought it was nothing and moved on, then later i had balding everywhere, i started researching and it sounded like telogen effluvium. Later it was getting worse, about a month ago i noticed a thin bald patch in a horizontal line about 2 cm on the side of my head, shedding varies on my stress it seems. my hairlines gone up a tiny bit since, and it seems like i have about 2 thirds of the symptoms for hyperthyroidism. my hair has a club at the end, and my dermatoligist said it was telogen effluvium though i dont believe him. Apparently i get my thyroid test results tomorrow but im suspecting alopecia areata now! PLEASE, help me and what do you think this could be? When willmy hair grow back?
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563773 tn?1374246539
For such kind of hair thinning, I would like to rule out alopecia aereata, male pattern baldness, hormonal imbalance or telogen effluvium. It is nonscarring alopecia characterized by diffuse hair shedding, often with an acute onset. There is a chronic form also which persists for a longer duration and starts with insidious onset. Chronic telogen effluvium is hair shedding lasting longer than 6 months. Treatment consists of medications like Minoxidil, surgical approach(hair transplantation) and improvement in diet.

My sincere advice is to consult a trichologist. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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because i am seeing regrowth it looks like but its fine hair
to the point where you can only see it close close up cause its blonde. i was wondering if it was stopping, and if my hair would turn thick again.,
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Hi, thank you my thyroid test came back normal, and im thinking telogen effluvium,
ITs been going on for 5 months, do you know when this will stop? im a male so i dont think ill have chronic telogen, but i remembered that my bald line/spot whatever might be frmo a scar i got years ago, i was wondering if scars on the head can cause bald spots in telogen effluvium? or even in general?my friend has a fine head of hair and there is a scar of baldness thats visible in his buzz.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Trichotillomania is a type of psychological condition that involves strong urges to pull out one's own hair. From your symptoms it can be responsible for the smooth balding spots but hypothyroidism cannot produce localized  bald spots. For such spots, the possibility of tinea capitis also needs to be ruled out.

It is contagious and can spread direct contact with someone who has the condition, or if you touch contaminated items such as combs, hats, clothing, or similar surfaces. Diagnosis is by clinical examination of the scalp as well as a skin lesion biopsy with microscopic examination. Anti-fungal medications, taken by mouth, are used to treat the infection.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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Thank you. With my hair loss i dont lose it in the shower or anything, it falls out during the day cause i play with it alot. Ive noticed that theres fine hairs in the front where my hairline receded, im considering trichotillomania now. Could this be? Also last question, does hypothyroidism cause small smooth bald patches?
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563773 tn?1374246539
Male hormone or testosterone paves the way for Dihydroxy testosterone formation that adversely affects hair follicular function and disrupts hair regeneration cycle. Imbalance of this hormone may cause increased hair loss. Thyroid hormone mainly causes dry and course hair but in males testosterone imbalance can cause hair loss.

I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
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Thank you, that helps. Ill let you know how im doing for sure. Also by hormonal imbalance you mean thyroid right? if not, what do you mean?
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