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Skipped Heartbeats

Doctor, A few months ago while checking my pulse, I first noticed my heart skipping beats. This now happens regularly throughout the day. I never had this problem before. Are these also referred to as PVC's? What caused this to happen? Will these skipped beats go away? I started taking Zestril for high blood pressure right before these skipped beats started to occur. Did the Zestril do this to me? Could a blockage cause these skipped beats? Thank You....for your time.
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FYI, I had heart palpitations, skipped beats, especially when bending over in the morning, would skip 1 in 4 beats.  Found that it was being caused by the Lipitor.  It took about 4 weeks from the time I was perscribed the Lipitor until my heart started skipping beats.  I skipped 20,000 beats the first day then it decreased until it was only in the mornings.  After 3 months I went on a trip and forgot to take my lipitor with me, the skipped beats stopped.  After returning I went back on the Lipitor and they came back the next morning.  I have been off Lipitor for over a month and not one skipped beat.
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What a great site, i have quite a history but these pvc's. what an annoyance. I have had them for years but just recently something changed i am having them more and more, all of a sudden i cant sleep on my left side as well. I am fine at work because i keeep myself very busy.I am on sectral 2oomg twice a day.I am looking into other remedies such as magnesium , My question is what type of magnesium would be the best one to try ? (calcium/ citrate/ oxide ?) I also have gerd and a hiates hernia so after reading some of the posts here i will try maalox.I have had an  ablation to cure svt and afib which actually worked but i am still dealing with these darn pvc's. Thanks
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Here are some potential causes and solutions for episodes of palpitations/ectopic beats, in my experience.

Cause: Dehydration
Solution: Drink more water

Cause: Caffeine
Solution: Don't drink Coffee/Tea/Coke/Dr Pepper/Mountain Dew etc

Cause: Alcohol
Solution: Don't drink alcohol

Cause: Tobacco
Solution: Don't smoke

Cause: Aspartame/Equal/Nutrasweet/Diet drinks
Solution: Don't use products containing these sweeteners (Palpitations is a symptom recognised by the FDA for users of Aspartame)

Cause: Magnesium deficiency
Solution: Use a supplement such as Solgar Magnesium/Calcium

Cause: Tiredness
Solution: Get more sleep :-)

Hope these help!
(I am not a doctor)
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Basically there is no information on this which is sad because its pretty frightnening.

I don't really understand why but I get this when I get reflux or bloating.

This happens when I eat to quickly, especially starches or eat foods like peppers that for some reason I don't digest very well......and then ....drink water!!!!!!!

You will never digest things properly if you eat and drink at the same time!

Anyway bad digestion causes your heart to skip a beat. I don't know why but this could have something to do with erratic blood flow in you digestive path or sudden releases of sugars into your blood.....I don't know...

This problem can be fixed very quickly....around 4 hours. I've started a web site with a step by step guide. Let me know if it works for you.


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I don't know if this would help you but I found this info that, although it is about a-fib:  http://www.vagalafibportal.fsnet.co.uk/vmpaf_faq.htm#2

if you go to the main page and search, there's info on eating and arrhythmia, etc.
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I am 32 years old and in relatively good health.  I have had no history of heart arrythmias until about six months ago when I was briefly in and out of A-Fib for about an hour at a time.  I was prescribed Cardizem and reccommended to stop caffeine (I was working 60-70 hours a week and travelling and constantly drank diet Cokes)  It appeared the a-fib was a direct result of the lack of sleep and the caffiene.  Ever since that time I have been having what the doctors have called compensatory pauses.  I can only get in about 3-6 regular beats at times.  I never notice the arrythmia unless I have recently had a meal.  Has anyone had a doctor confirm a relationship between digestive problems and cardiac rhythm?  Like most I read I have been to the emergency room and at times feel as if my heart is going to stop for good at any time, the doctors feel as if it is not dangerous but for my mental health I need it to stop.

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Like most here, I'm very grateful to have found this forum. I've been plagued with intense and prolongued episodes of these extra beats, often lasting 48 to 36 hours. Have gone through all the usual testing, and like a previous poster, the beats normalized only while they were being monitored by doctors or halter monitors.

It's interesting about the gastric association, and I'll see if there is any relief after attending to any problems there.

However, over my lifetime, I have noticed the main trigger has been a sudden drop in temperature. I go through hell in winter, as the temperature goes below 15 degrees celcius at night (I live in a semi-tropical climate where it's pretty warm). During the summer months I hardly have any problems. I would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced these temperature-related episodes.

Also, has anyone found a natural remedy which has been of any help? I've been reading hawthorn is supposed to help, but wondered if anyone has any experience. I'm taking high dosage magnesium each day, and found I had my worst attack ever when I missed taking the magnesium two days in a row.
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I am 23 weeks pregnant and have abnormal heart beats, but only while laying down.  They can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.  If I roll over to my left side, it seems to relieve it.  I have chronic hypertension and have had for a number of years.  I usually take atenolol, which is a beta-blocker.  However, when I am pregnant, (this is my 4th pregnancy) I switch to a more acceptable med for pregnancy.  Atenolol has never been considered safe.  During my last pregnancy 4 years ago, the drug of choice was propanolol, aka Inderal.  This pregnancy, the drug of choice is labetalol, which is a combination alpha-beta blocker.  Talk to your Dr. about which med to use during your pregnancy, but never, ever abruptly stop beta blockers without consulting your physician.  Never, ever stop taking any prescribed meds without consulting your physician.  I think of it in this way, if I am taking a med which may not be safe during pregnancy, I ask my doc before stopping or switching.  If I don't, and I have a med problem because I am no longer taking my meds without doc approval, this outcome is no more safe for my pregnancy than taking the prescription med that I felt was unsafe.  Hope these opinions help.
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Last night I had the worst attack of skipped beats and flutters ever. I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have suffered with skipped beats since I was about 16 years old. I'm 30 now. Last night though, I really thought I was going to keel over. I started crying as I have a 7month old daughter and a wonderful husband. He talked me through them and we went to the doctor for an ECG. But what do ya know - nothing showed as I was relaxed and they stopped. As soon as they took the machine off me, they started again. They put it on again, but then again - nothing!! The doctor said that I should probably not have come off the beta blockers so suddenly (because I fell pregnant) and that it may have made them worse. I'd just eaten a chinese meal and though perhaps I was allergic to something, or had eaten too much. It was skipping a beat practically every other beat and didn't stop for well over an hour. I got home and took a beta blocker (50mg) and sat on the sofa with my legs out flat. I relaxed and started to feel much better. This morning I found this website and feel even more at ease, realising that it is not life-threatening, could have been worsened due to over eating and the fact that I am pregnant. But i do hate them... I really wish I didn't get them. My father died of a heart attack last year and you always think the worst. Over the last 15 years, i have had test after test, checking everything and it all comes back as normal. I am going to start Yoga next week, three times a week and get some stress relief counselling as I feel this could also help. I would love to talk to other women who are pregnant and suffer from this as I feel this would be a great help to the stress relief and in turn help us all get through it.
Thanks again for this wonderful website!! Look forward to hearing from someone soon...
take care, Samantha (UK)
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I believe that irregular heart beats can be caused by a variety of things.  I get them regularly.  However, I am not bothered by them because I have no other symptoms with them.  I think that is just as important to note when having bursts of irregular heart beats if you are symptomatic in other ways while this occurs.
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This is weird.  Nobody has the same thing as me, similiar but not the same.  
When my PVC kickes in im on the floor.  But only for up to 45 seconds.  I had one that put me on the floor for 5 mins, that was the worst i had.  At rest my heart beat is 95-120, which is normal for me.  Then when the episodes hit my heart jumps to 300+.  I noticed that it happen alot when sitting, just standing up, middle of sitting down, hunched over, and Adrenline situations.  Im in the military, i find that when in Intence situations i get them too.  Stress seems to be my biggest "trigger".  Anybody else get this?
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I was just reading stuff on this thread about Maalox helping with skipped beats.  I didn't have any on hand, but I popped about 6 Tums, for what it was worth.   The skipped beats went away within 20 minutes.  Unbelievable.  

Placebo effect?   I can't say, but this gastro-intestinal angle is quite interesting regarding missed beats.  

I'm glad I found this website.
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I'm in the same boat you are, with skipped beats.   It's hard to say if they will ever go away forever.  Mine went away in August 1997 for about 3 years, but then came back.  

The best news is that these are normal, and do not mess up the heart and have nothing to do with heart attacks or shortened longevity.  

As for a racing heart, a couple of yrs ago I was raking leaves and my heart all of a sudden started racing to around 150 bpm.  I got scared, but just rode out the storm.  I don't know, there isn't a whole lot to do but lie down.  

Sometimes exercise makes them go away, or a change in diet and more positive outlook, but I guess everybody is different.  

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Hello everyone,

Glad to have found this little section and to know that I'm not the only one suffering with PVCs. I have had them since last year and it seemed as if they progressed. I never had this problem until one day I decided not to eat(stupid me) and all I did was drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. By evening, I noticed my heart skipping and I stood up to shake it off. But all I felt was my heart racing faster and skipping. I thought I was having a heart attack and scared the living daylights out of me. I went to the ER and they told me it was anxiety.

I've done everything to prevent anxiety but I still get these horrible PVCs and they progressed to frequent ones which has scared me. So, I stopped smoking and drinking coffee. The cardiologist says my heart is perfectly normal. So I wonder, will I ever be able to recover and have normal heart beats. I also have heard malnutrition causes PVCs too and heard that it is possible to recover in a couple of years. So, I believe that the combination of anxiety and malnutrition were my key causes to my frequent PVCs. Does anybody know if this is true? Can it be possible to recover? Do any experts know about this?


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Perhaps helpful for positional PVC. Mine are caused by stress that locks up my spine (subluxation) and pinches some nerves. Nerves (spinal nerves) are running through the spine to steer and feed a.o. the chest, heart and lungs.(in the T1-T6 area)
Chiropractic treatment might help (it helps me).

Check out:


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My suggestion: learn to relax!!!!!  I have been there too.  The cycle compounds itself; more anxiety = more PVCs... more PVCs = more anxiety.

Since you have been thoroughly checked out, you are okay.  As annoying and scary as they can be, you must basically "get over it." I don't mean to sound so black and white, but that is what you need to do if you don't want them to run your life.  They ran mine way too long! I've had many panic attacks and ER trips thinking I was going to die.

I'm 44 and I've had these things since I was 17, n and off all my life.  I still have them every day.  Sometimes I'm more aware of them.  When I'm busy, I don't notice them as much. I also get them during exercise (dance) but I work through them.  I just keep telling myself I'm okay.

Yoga, meditation, outdoor walks, weight training, dancing and complete acceptance of my condition has helped me tremendously.  When I am at peace, so is my body.

I have also found a nutrition connection to PVCs.  Some folks state a gastro connection (doesn't seem to apply to me). Read the other posts too.  And the archives in the Heart Forum (search for PVCs) have great insight.  Hope that helps you.

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Good morning all...I want to tell you that I am so thankful for this web site!!!  I thought I was the only one going through his.  Little history about myself, At the age of 27, just after a 5 month deployment over seas (national gaurd) I decided to take up running.  The first 3 months I had no problems, then about month 4 during my run I would feel a "flutter" in my chest.  With the excpetion of an extra 15 pounds, I am a pretty healthy guy.  The "flutters" became more intense and I stated to think I was haveing a heart attack.  I decided to move the running indoors, as to not have a heart attack out on some country road.  Sound paranoid to you?  Let me tell you the "flutters" were nothing compared to the anxiety.  I did research (internet), cut out all caffine, I don't drink or smoke, but the problems persisted.  
  Been to the doctors, had ekg, ecg, holter, stress test and physicals.  I'm told my heart is healthy, but the PVC's happen 10-20 times per minute some hours and some some hours 5-10 times.  But they're always present.
  Two nights ago it was so bad I was scared to sleep, I didn't think I was going to wake up.
  Any advise?
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Postural arrythmia's.
That is a very common thing here on this site about PVC's and Palps.
The only thing to do is to turn to your other side, and see if that goes well.
Did you perhaps eat a large meal?
Were you more stressed than normal?
Do you suffer from anxiety, or hyperventilate?
Do you smoke or drink alcohol?
Get enough sleep? Excercise?
etc etc etc....
and the beat goes on...
Stay well    - *Ianna* -
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I have had occasional (once in a blue moon)VPC's for 10 yrs. I have just now noticed that when I lay on my right side I can start them up... any suggestions?
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I have had occasional (once in a blue moon)VPC's for 10 yrs. I have just now noticed that when I lay on my right side I can start them up... any suggestions?
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Arthur, thanks so much...and I agree with you 100%...I need to treat the anxiety condition.  Have had panic problems for years and  when I get upset the skipping increases.  I'm going to make a huge effort NOT to take my pulse at all; I must break that habit.  I get so tired thinking about my heart, and it's served me well so far (I'm 57 years old).  I've had every heart test in the book and nothing major has shown up.  Lowered my cholesterol to normal, so the blockages I have shouldn't get worse, at least for a long time.    I thank you so much for your input.  Wishing you the best!
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I would treat the panic disorder first.  In my opinion, it's the state of the nervous system, in particular, your autonomic nervous system, that needs to be calmed down.  This nervous system acts like a gate and lets the focal noise through.  Assuming you have a structurally normal heart (and your doctor keeps telling you this), then the attack plan would be to calm your nerves down.  Anxiety of this type feeds upon itself.  No one can calm you down, only you can to this, and it's going to be very difficult...and in my experience, can take years.  You need to divert your attention from the skips, which means a disciplined approach which includes not taking your pulse...you need to break out of the heightened self-awareness which allows you to notice your pusle pounding at night, and the occurrence of skips.  That self-awareness is a critical part of the cycle which heightens your nervous system activity...break it, and the nerves will begin to calm down, and you'll notice those skips a lot less, and they will actually occur a lot less.  You're the master of your fate... - Arthur
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Anybody with postural skipped beats/irregular beats, please email me at ***@****.  I am going CRAZY over these arrythmias and I cannot relax.  Just took a half mg of xanax to try to calm myself down.  When I bend over, I get the irregular beat, but as soon as I straighten up it resumes a normal beat.  I don't get many skipped beats in any other position, although a few mornings I have awakened with my heart skipping; I then take my tenormin and it stops the "attack".  I have panic disorder (can you tell?) and I worry about this constantly.  Arthur, I hope you in particular will email me with some comfort...I'm praying this is a benign condition.  I've had heart tests and they all came back normal.  But I'm living in fear.  Please help me, somebody!
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Sitting here depressed again, obsessing about my skipped heartbeats.  Happened this morning; took tenormin and it stopped the skipped beats but I find myself just sitting around waiting for the next series of skipped beats!  Is anybody out there as obsessive about their heart as I am?  I hate myself right now because I'm so scared. I constantly take my pulse.  Since the "attack" early this morning I've only had about 4 or 5 skipped beats but I'm terrified.  No other symptoms; physically I feel great -- emtionally I'm a mess.  Can anxiety caused skipped beats?  Oh, by the way, I called my doctor and she said to ignore it (I've had every heart test in the book and everything comes out fine).  Ignore it -- easier said than done.  I trust my doctor, I just have NO confidence in myself.  Afraid I'm going to die any moment.  Help!
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