649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in May 19, 2024

Good morning - how is everyone doing this morning?  I hope you're all starting out the morning on a good note.  We've just had a small rain shower go through, so everything looks bright and clean.  

The week has been busy for me.  We had our woodworking meeting on Tuesday, which meant getting a project ready for that Show & Tell - if we show and tell, we get entered into a drawing and if we win the drawing, we get $20, so it's worth the effort...  My calligraphy guild is also getting ready for the last meeting of the year, which is a spring luncheon.   I was tasked with making some items to put in goody bags for that, so those items ultimately ended up being my Show & Tell for woodworking since they're made from wood.  The luncheon is tomorrow, so I have to get those items wrapped today and ready to go into the goody bags.

Healthwise, I'm pretty much back to normal since my experience with the kidney stone, Lithotripsy and the lenthy time with the dreaded stent.  I did see the urologist's PA on Wed and she asked how I was doing... I told her I was fine, then proceeded to tell her very clearly, that the stent had been left in much too long (30 days) and that had been totally excessive and that because of that, I would never have the procedure done again, in spite of the fact that I have 2 stones in my other kidney.  She looked at me with raised eyebrow, but did not comment.   She did give me a print out of foods - one list of preferred, one list of okay and one list to avoid, along with a website to find a cookbook for kidney stone friendly recipes in an effort to prevent the small kidney stones from becoming large.  We will also monitor them every 6 months to check their status.  

That's over so it's time to move on with life!!  The next thing I have to do is get fitted for a splint to hold a tendon in place on my right hand.  It will be one I'll have to wear most of the time.  I'll be fitted for that on Tuesday.  

I'm not walking every day now that my neighbor has gone back to OR for the summer.  That means the weight loss I was enjoying a month ago is much less stable...  I haven't weighed this morning, but yesterday, I was down 1 pound from last week.  I did a lot of physical work yesterday that included mowing lawn, cleaning my screen porch, carport and my golf cart, so I'd like to think I might still be down, but it's hard to say.  

I've been having a lot of "tummy issues" so that's leaving me with a lot of bloating and is probably also contributing to the lack of weight loss.  I'm going to have to try to find a resolution to that and we'll see how things go.  For right now, I'll take the 1 pound down.  Unfortunately, that blows my overall weight loss since October, which was 22 lbs and makes it only 17 lbs.  Grrrr.

So that's my story.  How are things going in your world?  I hope you've been able to meet your goals, whatever they were and look forward to hearing about them.  

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~

1 Responses
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134578 tn?1693250592
We had a busy weekend due to our son's schedule (the prom was Saturday), so I weighed this morning. I'm down about a half pound from last Sunday. I do think that the better I stay with the no-sweets plan, the better I feel, even if the weight is not flying off.  And at least it's not going up.

Can't remember if I mentioned last week that our son had decided at almost the last minute to go to the prom, throwing me into some rushed shopping because it was too late to rent a tux. I got on eBay hoping to find a tux his size that someone was selling because their son went off to college or whatever, and found several options. We got a great deal on a DKNY tux jacket (new with the tags still on) and some nice Italian dress shoes. Even tux pants were available though he wore his own black suit pants instead. For formal clothes, eBay is a good way to go -- people only put the lightest wear on fancy things. The shoes looked like they'd been worn maybe twice, and were on eBay for a tenth of the cost they would have been new. (Unusually, they were also close by, and arrived in two days.) Because of the short timeline, I rush-ordered a tux shirt, dress socks and cummerbund from Amazon. All in all, the whole outfit wound up costing less than it would have to rent. But I was pretty stressed wondering if everything would show up in time! lol

The school has a homecoming dance, a Winter Ball, and a prom. Formality increases for each event. The homecoming dance is at the school, and is pretty informal. Winter Ball was at a ballroom in Portland, had a sparkly theme and decor, and all the guys wore suits. Prom was at a rented ballroom in the nearest little town to our little town (really nearest ... the ballroom isn't two miles from the school). Though the prom had a theme and dress code was the most seriously party-ish (at least 90% of the guys wore tuxes), the ballroom didn't turn out to be a great choice. It was smaller than the one for the Winter Ball, and crowded, and in fact too close by. (If the kids got bored, they could just walk home, or go out to dinner. ) As a result, prom was a little more dull than Winter Ball. I guess this is how you learn to go to grown-up parties -- some are fun and some are more ho-hum, and you make the best of it. Our son was pleased with his new duds, anyway. lol If he doesn't grow out of them, he's set for next year.

Also this week, our son took his AP finals. This didn't ease the tension in the household! He's got one more (will be taking it in a different school district) on Friday, and then those are done.

Anyway, have a great week! I'm still in the dumps about the impending end of MedHelp, and it's always hard to sign off without thinking of it. Hope you're all doing well.

Helpful - 0
Well, here we are, almost the end of the week and I'm just getting back here to read last week's comments.  

Wow, Annie, you hadn't mentioned that your son had decided to go to the prom at (almost) the last minute.  It's great that you were able to find good dress clothes so quickly and at reasonable prices.   I don't do a lot of shopping on E-Bay but maybe I should start.  My husband does once in a while; there's a certain type of western shirt that he wears and they tend to be pretty expensive in the western shops.  He's found several of those on E-Bay that are very gently worn and reasonably priced.

Sorry to hear the prom was boring - sometimes that happens.  Turned out that my senior prom was pretty boring and we ended up leaving long before it was over, as well.

I'm sure your son will be relieved when the AP finals are all finished - actually, today should have been the end of it??  I'm sure he did well.  

I've been meaning to ask how his driving lessons are going and how he likes his car.  I'm sure he's doing well and hope the car is serving him well.  

I try not to dwell on the ending of MedHelp, though I'll miss the daily time I spend here.   We still have one more Sunday Weigh in...

Have a safe happy Memorial Day weekend.  

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