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Gagging while workouts

This may sound weird, but when I work out (especially when I bench press and when I do bicep curls) I gag very easily, which causes me to stop in mid or early set of my excersize. This wasn't a problem before, but all of a sudden started occuring out of nowhere. I do has nasal problems, but even when I clear my nasal passages, I still gag. I try to clear my head, because I know if I think of it, it will occur too. But it still happens. My muscles around my neck tightens and I start gagging. I tried relaxing before starting my next set and drinking water before my next set, but it doesnt help.
It also occurs when I eat, but thats not my main problem. I just need some opinions of how to help stop it, or minimize it. Thanks.
23 Responses
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I too have a weird mucus production increase during exercize. It would be interesting to see if it is a Ph imbalance. When speaking with my PCP I was told that the mucus buildup was due to post nasal drip which increases during heavy breathing. If I remember to take an OTC allergy suppressant them it is reduced, but not eliminated.
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20797011 tn?1513631048
The gag reflex is a direct result of irritation of the throat of pharynx.  Since your gagging occurs when you exercise or eat, I would suspect that you have a condition called gastritis.  This is a chronic condition in the stomach caused by a critter called Helicobacter pylori
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I was an intensively training bodybuilder for 6 years before this kicked in. Now I find it impossible to do abs, running, or more than 15-20mins of intense lift... and forget about squats and deadlifts (instantly cause gagging). Doctors will hypothesize that it's acid reflex or post- nasal drip, and give you a nasal spray (at least my 4 have). Unfortunately, even if you get an endoscopy, you won't learn much. I am currently trying a few things to solve this, and I think I finally know the cause of this condition.
It's been 3 years since this condition kicked in, but until then I noticed a red flag about the changes in my life. I use to eat a rediculous amount of food and take tons of protein powder supplements and creatine. I have 2 hypotheses. Either there is a god who hates bodybuilders making gains, who gives out this weird condition at the peek of us making these gains... or there is a correlation between diet over time and this mucus condition. As a Bio B.S. Degree holder, one thing that I've learned about mucus production is that it is secreted to keep cells safe from infection. Therefore, one of 2 things is probably happening. Our immune system may be week or we already have an infection (yes possibly for years). This can be caused by blood pH being too acidic, micro bacteria parasites in the small intestine, or constant exposure to a food allergy. I doubt it's a food allergy because I've already tried every diet imaginable and still the same mucus occurs. Thus, leaving the other 2. I am currently trying "Parasmart" cleanse, which some people said works. And I am also making my pH more basic by increasing freash vegetable intake. Nexium is also a good pH balencer. If these remedies don't work then it's probably a weird syndrome.

P.s. I've had the mono virus in middle school, and this stays in your system for life... this may somehow contribute.
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I read its [ EIA ] exercise induced asthma. Coughing and gagging occurs when the heart rate increases.  Using an inhaler 15 to 20 minutes before exercise is supposed to help in most cases.
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My son plays hockey and is having a devil of a time with this.  Seeing a specialist tomorrow
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I came across this post when I was googling the symptoms of gagging while exercising. It is stressful to not be able to grow due to health discomfort. I had endoscopy before to check for gastritis and it came negative. I was told these symptoms were psychological, which made me mad. I am not a health expert and my story is only anecdotal but hope it helps people with similar situation.

The problem started because I was using protein supplements and drinks as a larger source of calories in my diet than I should. Trying to eat big meals or many types of foods at this time may be an agitator as the OP states. However, I could still feel my body craving solid foods so I started eating some yogurts and my stomach felt instant relief like the acids were neutralized on contact. I laid off the protein drinks for a couple days-weeks and had more solid foods (microwave if you dont cook).

Even though the gagging during exercise stopped, I was still gagging in the morning before work/school. It was the same problem/solution. I had not had a solid meal for the 8+ hours of sleep and my stomach was agitated. Yogurt or small meal (careful with heartburn) before bed and the gagging in the morning stopped too. The nasal trick and posture may also help with relief slightly short term, but the diet may be long term solution. Hope this helps!
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Been getting this too, very frustrating. There HAS to be an answer. Mainly happens during ab exercises, or if I try to do a lot of pull-ups (not really all that many though) and if I jog/run too hard. Very frustrating.
exercise induced asthma
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this is just starting to happen to me too.. I am 18 years old and this problem began about 3 months ago. The gagging sensation only comes when i am exercising in any way: lifting, running, swimming, playing basketball, etc... It is really pissing me off because i can't do anything that i love to do without this stupid gagging sensation. Any fixes? Or am i doomed for life lol
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to markymark12

why no coffee?  i never drank coffee until my wife and i had a baby last Septembe which is about when my gagging while exercising started.  it drives me crazy that i can only run for 5 minutes and then it starts.  i haven't had the same problem when lifting though - just running and cardio.
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Wow, ive had this problem for over 10 years and just saw that others had it too for the first time.  Ive been to 3 doctors that said they have never heard of it and im perfectly healthy otherwise and an ear/nose/throat specialist with tiny cameras and all saying the same except to not drink coffee or maybe its in my head to see a physchologist.
  Ive been surfing most of my life and when i was about 28 (now 42) i began gagging and almost always throw up after i need to go under waves.After i threw up and got my breath back if I didnt paddle in from exhaustion I would be ok. This is terrifying sometimes when there is big surf and has shattered my confidence in the water, so i stick to small surf. Years later i realized when I get my heart rate up from say riding a bike or running, it was the same thing happening except I was in a position to slow or stop to prevent gaging etc. unlike in the water where Id have to fight through the surf .  Thank you all for posting and i will try some of these suggestions and if I find anything will post, Aloha.
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The best thing all of you can do is to try and avoid eating big meals before exercise. I know it can be hard to work out on an empty stomach,but gagging can be just as bad. Also, the more water you drink during exercise, the worst the gagging will be. Just sip on your water. Do not guzzle. Try these tips out. Also, now many of you are associating your exercise sessions with gagging. so there is a mental aspect you have to take into consideration as well
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The best thing all of you can do is to try and avoid eating big meals before exercise. I know it can be hard to work out on an empty stomach,but gagging can be just as bad. Also, the more water you drink during exercise, the worst the gagging will be. Just sip on your water. Do not guzzle. Try these tips out. Also, now many of you are associating your exercise sessions with gagging. so there is a mental aspect you have to take into consideration as well
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I had the same problem.  1/4 mile in start gagging/dry heaving.  Gag when brush teeth then dental check ups take two appointments.  Well I have something you try as it worked for me.  My doctor put me on neurontin.  I noticed changes quickly.  I have been on the medication since sept and ran out during christmas.  Doctor wanted to see if the gag reflex came back.  It did but only mild.  He started me back on the neurontin agan today and said he wanted to do a case study.  He says I have a hypersensitive gag reflex.  Hopefully your doctors will try this for you as it has worked for me.  I have been to the dentist since taking and they were able to get X-rays no problems.  
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I get exactly the same thing, especialy when doing pulling exercises (curls, pull-ups).  I now chew a highly minted gum (like Dentene ICE(,  which helps a little, but I am stlll frusted that sometimes I cannot complete my work-out.  My doctor said it is most likely a very slight post-nasal drip which could cause the irritation.  I am hoping one of you finds the trigger!!
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Ok Guy's here's a massive prevention (maybe not a cure but DEFINATELY HELPS me), Interesting, but I think I may have found it. After 2 and a half years of this stupid problem I decided to have a go at simply sucking on strong mints such as eclipse blue. I'll chew on acouple before I workout to get the cool clear sensation in my mouth and nose and sit acouple in my mouth as I workout. this seems to cool my air intake and stop the gagging while i workout. Every now and then I'll still need a sip of my drink but the cool sensation comtinues as liquid passes down my throat and makes a HUGE difference. and now believe it or not I am able to push past my previous limits and get fitter with no problems!! I STRONGLY suggest to give this a go as its way cheaper than all this doctor expence and getting no answers. I can now run a marathon and am now excited about my life again.
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Hi, if you're feeling gagging during the exercising when the probable reason I could see is reflux of some gastric contents due to I intra-abdominal pressure. This particularly happens when you are lying down on the bench as in your case. You may try to do benchpress in an inclined position with head up and see if gagging occurs or not. The other reason could be posterior nasal discharge due to the nasal problem you're having. For that you have to see an ENT surgeon. These are the two possibilities where the flood or fluid can reach the pharynx to cause irritation and gagging as in your case. I hope this helps. Good luck.
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I recently had a problem similar to all of this for the past 6 months. I ended up seeing a gastroenterologist and being diagnosed with being perfectly healthy. The next step recommended by the gastroenterologist was to have an MRI done and, if that didn't work, to see a psychologist. I decided to wait due to financial problems. In the meantime I saw an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor, since i was noticing a tightness in my throat that seemed to be the cause of the gagging. The E/N/T doctor saw that my adenoids were abnormally large for my age, and they looked a bit irritated. My tonsils also appeared to be a bit large, but not too large that they should have been causing a problem. I ended up having the MRI done after this point, as I started receiving financial support after this. The MRI came up clean, but once again my adenoids and tonsils were brought up again. I decided to have the adenoids and tonsils removed. It was a good thing I chose to have all of that removed, as it turned out I had tissue infections in both my adenoids and my tonsils. I am still in pain from having the tonsils removed, but I have not experienced any urge to gag, so this seems to have fixed the problem.
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vubu, Yeh the burping seems to help me feel alittle better too. it slows down everything. i've tried taking different types of drinks with me and nothing seems to fix it. 2 years down the track I still have this same stupid problem. But I keep running everyday. I have to stop at least 10 times to have a sip of my drink to try to prevent the gagging. I find running in cold weather it doesn't occur as much. Its like when I dry up it occurs so I don't know what the hell is going on. If anyone has any answers it would definately be appreciated.
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I have the same problem. More accurately described by Jay991. I get it when I lift weights. I tend to gag and my stomach would churn and then i burp and feel a bit better. I also noticed when the weather turns really hot or cold quickly, I would start having these gagging fits. It's really annoying because I would have to stop a lot of times when working out. Where a workout typically took 2hours now drag on to over 3 hours. I also feel like i have no saliva and my throat would feel dry and sticky
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I have a problem similar to this. but it doesn't look like anyone has any answers? or anything that helps?
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I have something similar but it mostly happens when I am running. I have started to notice it more after I eat as well. I don't feel sick to my stomach but I all of a sudden have an urge to throw up. When I am running its the same, I just start gagging. I am a 24 yr old female who has been running all my life and this has just started within a couple of months. My eating habits have not changed and I make sure I drink plenty of water throughout the day. If someone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks
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I also have a very similar problem. I'm a 23yr old male. I run alot to control my weight until b4 xmas last year, I developed an abnormal gagging problem where, if I was under heavy exertion (and sometimes not doing anything) I would literally have to stop and have a gagging 'fit'. It feels as like my throat sort of dries up and there's no saliva to lubricate it, then I try to swallow and start gagging constantly. I had a gag fit while I was driving at one time and caused me to run off the road and just try to calm myself. I dont feel sick or anything, I never vomit, I dont have trouble breathing or eating. I also had the thing where they put the light down your throat but I was told everything was normal. I had an ultrasound on my throat as well and got the same result. I dont suffer from any stress or anything. It mainly happens (95%) if I'm under heavy activity. Its seems a small problem, but is controlling my life at the moment and is very embarrassing to me, and wont go away. The doctors here are no help. If someone knows something that will help or ultimately stop this, it would be massively appreciated.
Cheers. Jay.
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it's maroon_machine_2008 as showed above but at yahoo. co.uk
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iv got this exact problem.... although iv had it for some time... i had something called an endoscopy "where they shove a camera down your throwt to take a look a you stomach" which found nothing... im extremly confused by this and need an answer as soon as possible .... one of my doctors sais it could be due to stress ?  douse this make any sense ?   ..... and how can helicobacterpylori be detected and treated ??? if you have any answers to my qeustions please e-mail me it would be greatly appreciated.....my e-mail is   maroon_machine_2008***@****  and my name is Andrew ....thankyou
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The gag reflex is a direct result of irritation of the throat of pharynx.  Since your gagging occurs when you exercise or eat, I would suspect that you have a condition called gastritis.  This is a chronic condition in the stomach caused by a critter called Helicobacter pylori.  It is a bacteria that just loves the acidic environment of the stomach and causes an inflammation.  This inflammation starts in the stomach and works up into the throat.  It can be without symptoms for a long time. When it gets ready to say Hello, this bacteria causes gagging that will progress to vomiting, sometimes with blood in the spit.  It is not life-threatening and can be treated.  You need to see a doctor for a true diagnoses and treatment.  If you have this friendly little bugger, it will not go away on it's own.  Over the counter NSAIDS will help, but it will not make it go away.
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