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“Spitting up” pure oil

So, here’s a little background (I’m sure it’ll help).. about 2-2 1/2 years ago.. I woke up in the middle of the night with this suuuuper peppery, burning feeling in my throat.. (not really the throat, but more like when you drink or swallow something and it “goes down the wrong hole”.. then you start to cough and you can feel the liquids almost coming out from that area.. yeah that thing).. it was so bad that I couldn’t breathe without coughing and it was not going away.. I then started getting very freaked out, got dizzy (almost like an out of body experience), and my heart was POUNDING FAST. It got to the point where I called my sister to take me to the er, as I thought I was having a heart attack. By the time she got there, I felt normal, more or less.. but ever since that night.. I have stayed pretty consistently nauseas. To the point where I cannot function. And it comes randomly through the day. But ass I feel it come on, I think I literally throw myself into panic attacks bc I know how sick I’m about to get. The nausea is always followed by sweat POURING, my heart racing, feeling the need to go #2, dizziness, and just feeling like I literally may die. Went to the er several times.. was told it was anxiety.. ok sure, but then where is this awful, random nausea coming from??! I eventually got a GP and she told me she thinks it’s basically acid reflux and put me on Prilosec. Fast forward to now.. the bad nausea episodes are basically gone, but I still get slightly nauseas pretty often (it just never gets to me having a full blown panic attack). But over the last few months or so, I’ve been having PURE oil come up my esophagus and having to spit it up. I can’t say it’s vomit, bc it’s not. It’s weird. It almost feels like I’m flexing a muscle in my esophagus and it just pushes it out of my throat. When it comes up, it almost looks like pizza grease, even when I’ve not eaten anything that looks like that recently. But it has the taste, texture, EVERYTHING. I can blot it up with a paper towel and it looks like it’s just had greasy food on top of the napkin.. Of just oil! It’s like I’ve taken a spoonful of veg oil, swallowed it, flexed that muscle in my esophagus, and it came straight up. Again, I stay pretty fatigued, always constipated, can’t sleep, body stays sore.. I am overweight and don’t have the best diet (which I’m sure could resolve some of the issue, but even eating the best I could and exercising regularly, I still had issues and barely lost weight ), I only drink water with flavor packets though..and my food really doesn’t have that much grease!! Def not enough to just randomly spit it up.. sorry for the book but I wanted to be super thorough and see if anyone might know what is going on with me?? Is it really just terrible acid reflux doing all this to me?
3 Responses
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This is likely due to Bile Reflux in combination with GERD... I would recommend getting a mechanical bed base and slightly elevating the torso portion. Also, I have found diluting 2 tables spoons of Mothers's Apple Cider Vinegar with 16 oz of water (drink 1/3 in morning, 1/3 in afternoon, and 1/3 in evening) helps a great deal with Acid Reflux...

This may help explain...
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Also, mixing 1/2 tsp baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) with 6-8oz water and consumed (or gargled) should eliminate any unpleasant residual substance from the throat...
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It’s almost 1 AM and I just woke up with such a burning in my throat, I’ve had severe acid reflux before in heartburn, this is neither one of those. This is deep in the back of my throat very peppery like you described, But also feels like a bee sting at the same time. I ate some ice cream and sucked on some ice cubes to get rid of that hot burning. This was some thing Tums couldn’t fix. I took Pepto-Bismol to try and coat it, but it did little to help. I hope it’s just a stress thing, because it did freak me out and it hurt quite a bit. I’m gonna try and sleep on two pillows now to see if that makes a difference, and praying always helps. Can’t explain it any better than this. If you had this in Noah care please share it. Or the cause.
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EDIT: I still wake up to having burning in my throat/nasal cavities. I just don’t freak out about it now bc I’m sure it’s just stomach acid and/or vomit. I chew up some tums, let it roll slowly down my throat and it goes away faster.. so I can finally breath without needing to cough
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