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172023 tn?1334672284

Introduce yourself!

Ok, here's the place to introduce ourselves and get to know one another a little bit.   Share what you like!  Others will enjoy hearing where you are from, what you do, and how you are adjusting to the pregnancy.

19 Responses
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Hey all I'm danni 27weeks today on my 5th freakin out big time been told I'm high risk I have no bump and baby doesn't really move
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Glad to have you with us waitn838, I agree with you 100% after you are recovering from a loss you never feel fully comfortable until you get over that hump of the first trimester and then it's the 2nd trimester.  Definitely glad to have you with us to share your experience and journey of pregnancy.  Welcome!
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317019 tn?1532965586
hey everybody.....ive been with medhelp for a few years now.....its been a roller coaster but last year i welcomed my daughter after 2 losses....she was born 8 weeks early but today you would never know that

i am currently preg with identical twins and just about 16 weeks.....i never feel comfort until i hit that 24 weeks mark but im def getting closer....tomorrow is my next u/s and they can try to determine gender if the babies cooperate

i am married and have a 7 year old son

congrats to all the expecting mommies
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Definitely keep us posted.  You were very fortunate to conceive on your first round of Clomid indeed, so this is a good sign that your body is responding to the treatment.  Sticky Baby Dust to you!
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1703313 tn?1322578595
My name is Alia. I'm 31 and I live in Dallas, TX. I don't know how many weeks I am or when I'm due just yet. Drs won't say anything except that im very early. LMP was May 19th but since I've been irregular, I don't really know for sure when I ovulated. I took a round of clomid and luckily and happily, we conceived on the first round. Not sure if this pg is going to go all the way since I've been bleeding and cramping since Thursday.
My DH and I have been ttc since we got married in 2008, hence my tag name. He has a son from a previous marriage who lives with us and will be 15 next month.
I will let everyone know what's going on through my journals and posts in the forum.
Thanks, in advance, for words of encouragement and sympathy.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Welcome everyone, it is great to read your introductions and get to know about each of you.  My husband and I currently have a little one due October 16th.  I don't know if it is going to be a boy or a girl so leaving that to be a surprise at delivery.

We have 2 boys, one is 5 and the other is 8. I miscarried back in October and we were blessed with another pregnancy 3 months later.  After our miscarriage I made a few changes in my diet and tried to relax more.  One thing I did was stopped drinking all the water I was drinking from our 5-gallon water cooler.  I found out that the bottles contain BPA which can lead to miscarriages :( and here I was drinking a ton of water from that.  I stopped taking any cold medicine or aspirins and only take Tylenol on occasion and increased my protein intake.

I also stopped drinking coffee and only had tea on occasion.  So I don't know what worked, but something worked :D  Glad to be here and share the journey with all of you!
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1510339 tn?1321394813
Hello my name is Taneisha, my DH and I are expecting another little one in November.  My husband 2 girls from a previous, I have one from a previous, we have 1 together and we are expecting a second together.  We were trying since Aug. of 2010, but when my period disappeared for 3months and a neg. Hpt, we put everything on hold until we could figure out what was going on with me.  My OB had me stop all medications (mostly vitamins) so that my body can get a break from everything.  We had actually stopped trying as my body ws getting back to normal.  I finally received my period Dec. 1st, had it again Jan1st, and then it was late again  with Feb. 10th. after that I only took a Htp test because my Dh asked me to and it came up positive.  An unexpected surprise that we are happy to receive.
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372900 tn?1315512302
DH and I struggled with IF for the past four years.  We both had complications that was preventing us from getting pg.  We were told two years ago that we would never have kids without medical intervention.

We tried one IUI (with Clomid and trigger shot) but didn't get pg and decided to not waste our time or money anymore.  So we stopped charting, etc. and decided if God wanted us to have children it will happen.

This past January we decided we were going to take a huge vacation for our 5 year anniversary this August.  We started planning it and a day after my birthday found out we are pg!  It was completely a surprise!  Our LO is due two days before DH's birthday.  So needless to say we both got (are going to get) the best birthday presents you can think of this year.
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Hi my name is Ashley and my husband and I are expecting our first December 14.  We found out a couple of weeks ago we are expecting TWINS!!  We are thrilled.  We did IVF after many failed IUIs and I have been a member of medhelp since March when I was in my 2 ww during the IVF process.  This is a great place and the women are so supportive.  I look forward to being a part of this forum and talking to other moms to be.  
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982214 tn?1471454781
My name is kellie! I am a Canadian mom of one with another on the way! I met my dh when my son was one and as far as we are concerned he is the dad! He will be 11 in may! We have been trying for 9.5 long years to give him a sibling with no luck! We have been going to the local fertility clinic for almost 6 years and after multiple treatments and ivf cycles I am so excited to say I am 27 weeks pregnant with our 2nd little boy!

I am here to chat and vent and learn from other moms and women going through the same trials and tribulations as myself... Ivf's and iui's are not exactly dinner conversation... And apparently miscarriage is taboo in the real world!

I have been through alot in my short 35 years and will do my best to help anyone that comes my way and if not I am for sure a good shoulder to cry on or just vent to!!
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1656009 tn?1329322563
Hello everyone, I've only been a member of medhelp for one day so this is fairly new to me. I am from Mississippi and I have two handsome boys with a girl on the way. I am 28 years old (as of March 28) and 26 wks pregnant. This pregnancy has been kind of rocky for me that's why I wanted to join a community where I could talk to other pregnant ladies about their pregnancies. I love being a mother and can't wait for the new addition.
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1419501 tn?1320206310
Well everyone.
First i want to say to Joyrenee, i have been chatting and following you for a while and think you are doing a GREAT job! you have helped me with so much but i was suprised to learn your hubby is a pastor. I have been interested in this subject and opening my self up to god since my recent miscarriage and am getting closer and closer to god.
And to Peek, I have also been following you through your hard journey and again knowing you are a labour and delivery RN is great news. You learn something new every day. if i were to do my schooling again i would love to be a midwife or labour & delivery RN.

My names Kelli and im living in the great country australia. I allready have one very spoiled and demanding almost 3 year old. Its our won fault but you cant spoil something you dont love.Ive had two missed miscarriages at 12 weeks and after my last D and C found out i was pregnant again after 3 months. Im now 24 weeks and going strong.

Im very proud to be a young mum and believe i am doing very well at it due to the curcimstances i have. We live in very rural australia and i very rairly see anyone but my family. Even going out to dinner is a BIG thing as we have to drive 4 hours to get it. its a big change moving from the city to the sticks. But i wouldnt have it any other way.
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1619251 tn?1345157163
I'm Laura, a Brazilian living in Canada since 2006, where I'm currently pursuing a PhD. I'm 27 and expecting our very first child. My husband and I started dating in 1998 and have been married for 5 years now. We have been dreaming with the time that we would finally become a FAMILY. :)

We were TTC since January this year and got a BFP two weeks ago at 12 DPO. I am entering my week 5 of pregnancy. I couldn't go to my health care provider yet (getting a family doctor in my city is a heck of a lot of work!). I'm praying for this seed to stick and become a healthy, pretty baby! :)

I'm looking forward to everything now. :)
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1187113 tn?1320691496
Hi, my name is Denetra. I have been a member since May 2010. Me and DH recently found out that we are preggo and I am currenlty 6wks 1day. My due date is October 18, 2011. We have been trying since May of last year for our first child and we are excited that we finally did it. We had to employ the help of clomid and metformin as I suffer from PCOS which caused me to not have a cycle. I look forward to meeting more wonderful ladies. Good luck to all
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1510919 tn?1298825067
Hi, my name is Dakota. I have been with med help since the last year. i am currently 30wks pregnant with my first child and i turn 20 this year. Technically this is our 3rd if you think of my siblings who live with my fiance and I. I raised them since they were born and they still stay with me. i have full custody. We are so excited for our little girl to get here! I work full time at a clinic in the next town over. I love my job and working but will be a stay at home mom after my baby is born. We can afford it and I don't want to miss a moment of anything. Can't wait to meet new friends and learn more about all of you.
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676143 tn?1312941771
I'm Angela, a 30 year old mother, and I've been on medhelp since starting my TTC quest in July of 2008.  I have one son who is 14 months old and I am 24 weeks pregnant with my daughter, due June 12.  I had just gotten off the pill, which I had been on for 6 years prior, when I started TTC and finally fell pregnant with my son in March 2009 - took 8 months.  I had one chemical pregnancy in the mean time.  Our plan was to wait until he turned a year old and then start trying again for our second baby.  But, I think God had other plans, because even though I was certain I was no where near ovulating, not that I had been actually tracking, but I usually know when my period is due, I wound up pregnant with baby number 2 when my son was 9 months old.  

I didn't find out until my period was nearly a week late - and just 4 days after my son turned 10 months old (which, coincidentally was the last day I breastfed him).  I really feel that he stopped nursing because I got pregnant and wasn't producing as much milk as I had been.  I have read you have to eat 300 extra calories per day when you nurse and another 300 if you are pregnant at the same time - well, since I didn't know, I was certainly not eating that much extra.  I can't say for sure if that's why he stopped nursing, but he'd been disinterested for quite some time, by the time his 10 month birthday rolled around - so I decided that was a nice even place to stop.  My goal was one year, so we almost made it!

Even though my current pregnancy was a surprise, it didn't take us long (like maybe a day) to get over the initial shock and now we are absolutely thrilled!  My husband says we can retire sooner - haha

I am now a stay at home mom with my son and growing belly.  I used to be a teacher, but this past school year was my last year before temporarily "retiring" to raise our kids.  I'm sure I'll go back to teaching some day unless something else comes along in the mean time.  I would love to get into more "me-time" projects like scrapbooking or making jewelry, maybe even learning to sew.  But, for now, my day is filled chasing around my son and also getting our new house unpacked.  We just moved to my husband's hometown 6 months ago and have been in our new house almost 2 months.  We were with my in-laws in the interim.  

I'm excited to learn and "grow" (ha- how cheesy) with the rest of you! :-)
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172023 tn?1334672284
I'm Peekawho, and I've been with MH for nearly 8 years now in one form or another.  I'm a labor and delivery RN with 33 years experience.  That field is the love of my life!

I'm currently going through a divorce, and finding myself again at the ripe old age of 53.  

I've been affected by chronic pain for nearly 2 years now, and finding the adjustment difficult at best...but I'm getting there bit by bit.

Life happens to all of us, I guess.  We all do our best.

I look forward to meeting everyone who wants to join us.
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*I want to clarify that the drummer in Mercy Me is a friend and is not in my husband's band nor is he writing music or anything. He is a manager and just gives my husband's band tips of the trade. I had to clarify that because I don't need rumors spreading that MM's drummer is in my husband's band. They're all just friends.
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Hi! I'm Joy and I'm a 20-something mom to three sweet girls. We're expecting our fourth baby in September and excited to find out if we're going to have a houseful like "Little Women" or if we'll add a little prince to our brood.

About me - first of all I'm a community leader in the Pregnancy 18-34 Forum so I'm excited to bring my wisdom and experiences to this community... but I'm also excited to learn NEW things and get to know other parents-to-be.

I'm a pastor's wife. My husband is a youth pastor in the inner city. He is also a worship leader and the lead singer/guitarist in the band Waiting Here. He's currently working with the drummer of Mercy Me in refining the music and hopefully one day you'll hear him on the radio (that is our dream!).

My daughters are Elaina (5), Abigail (almost-4) and Zoë (16-months). I work at home doing my own jewelry business while taking care of the two younger girls. The jewelry gives me a piece of myself that is not wife or mommy but just Joy. I'm very much into crafts and learning new skills.

One of the biggest things to know about me for this community is that I'm a huge natural birth activist but foremost I believe in informed consent and providing women with as much knowledge about birth and the birth process as possible so they can make educated choices for the birth they envision for their little one. I'm very pro-midwife as well. That being said I'm happy for a woman's birth experience if she is proud of it too whether it was an elected cesarean or she had an epidural before she felt any pain or if she gives birth naturally. The point is educate yourself and make the right choices for YOU.

I'm excited to meet everyone!
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