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Can the Mirena IUD cause early menopause?

I've read dozens of online testimonials from women claiming that the Mirena IUD sent them into premature menopause. I can't find any scientific research supporting this though. Anybody have any thoughts? Is this even possible?

I am very worried because I had mine removed almost three months ago, and still no period. I have also been breastfeeding for twelve months and I hope that is the reason. But I've had the occasional hot flash, terrible mood swings and thinning/graying hair. I'm only 30. Any advice?
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Hi, ll drop in my 5 cents. I had mirena twice. Firstly it was in for 1,5 years after my first baby, and second time now, its been almost 2 years that I had it inserted after my second baby. I believe I have all the symptoms of menopause, which I ignored as I thought "this is just life in fast lane with kids work etc. I gained 30 lb - I weigh more then when I was 9 month pregnant!! ( after the first baby i only had 4-5 extra lb), working hard to reduce no relult. I am always hot ( I thoughts it was due to breastfeeding - I did it for 1,5 years, but was done with it 6 month ago) still always hot , constantly got sick with cold ( as when other ppl dressed warm I dress too light-hot). I have practically no sex drive. Fatigue, emotionally liability, sleep messed up. What else? I just got blood work done and LOW almost none estrogen and low low estradiol. I have appt to remove mirena next week and really have high hopes that condition is reversible.
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I'm 35 for the reference
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I am 30 and had the Mirena put in last year April 2015. I was on my period when it was put in and the pain of 3 horrible long pinches. I have one child and my husband had a vasectomy before we met. My doc put me on the mirena for heavy, clotting menstrual cycles for fear of becoming anemic. The cramping and bleeding stopped for a few days but the bleeding came back and lasted for 6 straight months. There were a few times that it stopped within that 6 months. During the 6 months I was also diagnosed with tonsillitis. My doc told me my tonsils were trying to fight an infection in my body but my tonsils couldnt handle it and I caught an infection.  After that 6 months, I had a tooth that had to get a root canal. A month later after that 6 months of bleeding the spotting came back maybe in Nov 2015. I had ANOTHER tooth that was bothering me and had to get another root canal. That was so strange to me.... within the year I have had the worst itching of my scalp and tons of grey hair at the top of my head.  My face is extra oily now and the depression comes at random. It is now March 2016 and Ive been experiencing issues with my wrists like carpel tunnel.  I havent been diagnosed. Ive also not been able to sleep and I  get so hot at night that I cannot sleep. I have brain fuzziness and my sexual appetite depleted well in the beginning of the placement of my mirena. I have 2 friends on the mirena who are experiencing other issues and some of the same.  Ive also put back on weight that I had lost 6 years ago. Ive always had a weight issue but Ive been able to control it within the past 6 years. Im back up to 167 which is high for me now.  I cannot believe Ive pushed this aside and have been dealing with this. I started researching today and found this forum and I also believe Im experiencing perimenopause symptoms.  Ironically my annual appt is tom.  I wonder if they will do the hormonal test if I asked?  They told me on the phone today that they cannot take it out on the same day as my annual but Im so DONE with this thing.  Im mentally drained and so stressed. I hate I did this. Fyi, I'm still spotting everyday. It's very light but always there. It's worse after sex and when I have a bm.
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I'm 20 years old and I had the Mirena fitted about 18 months ago due to heavy, long, agonising periods (7/8 pads a day, 5 weeks if not more bleeding at a time with only a few days in between [caused me to become anaemic] and symptoms so bad and painful it was affecting my education and my everyday life) due to Polycystic ovarian syndrome. I had tried everything else first (all the pills, losing weight) and nothing else had worked. The Doctors said that I had 2 options, the Mirena or a Hysterectomy, and with me being 20 and the fact that I've not had kids yet I went for the Mirena as I still hope that I'll be able to have kids of my own one day.

At the start it wasn't too bad I bled for another 2-3 months (but it was nowhere near as bad as before) then I haven't had a single day of bleeding.

I have however had a lot of pain. It seems to be that since the insertion of the Mirena my physical health has just got worse and worse. I gained 30lbs in the first year of having it in despite eating healthily and going to the gym.  The symptoms of my hayfever have gotten a lot worse, I get I'll a lot more often, I experience more joint ache and back ache, I've recently been diagnosed with migraines after finding a cyst on my head too. And have abdominal pain at least once a week.

The past couple months I have been getting hot flashes and dizziness and nausea and after reading other people's experiences I am starting to worry.

I am unsure of whether to get the Mirena removed or not as it has stopped the bleeding and I am no longer anaemic and I am terrified that I might have to have a Hysterectomy and I know that if they told me that I would probably lose it and not be able to cope as ever since I was little all I have wanted to be is a mummy.

I know that ultimately it is my decision but I am in desperate need of advice. Please someone help.
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I have had 3 Children and my periods were always like clock work until I had the Mirena. I constantly bled for weeks at a time. Drs and health professionals were telling me it was normal until I finally got sick of it and had it removed 9 mths later in 2010. Not long after that I had my tubes tied. Since having the Mirena removed my cycle was never the same again bleeding weeks at a time with a few days break then again for weeks. Over the years it remained irregular but my period then became less often every 5 -6 wks apart. Today at 43 my Dr told me I am menopausal and have not had a period for 4 mths. I strongly believe that the Mirena had stuffed up my cycle and as a result now I have early menopause. I'm angry that the Drs suggested this as a form of birth control because it was only a birth control because I bled so much my husband couldn't come near me. I wish I never used it and I will tell people not to use it.
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47 years old here. I am currently on my fourth Mirena. I had my first one inserted in Spring of 2003. I had it replaced in 2008 and removed a year later to conceive another child. I had no issues up to that point and conceived easily. Summer of 2010, I had another one inserted. Then in 2018, had it replaced. I have been having horrible migraines for at least 10-12 years and was diagnosed with PMDD within the past 10 years. I began noticing low libido and vaginal dryness for the past 6 or so years. Then, around 2020, I began noticing heart palpitations brought on by sudden sensitivity to caffeine. I've also been noticing since then heart related sensitivity to alcohol (ie racing heart rate). To top it off, extreme increase in anxiety. I've also been experiencing extreme breast tenderness and what I can only assume is ovarian cysts from time to time. I've only recently put it all together and am assuming I'm experiencing perimenopause. How would I know for sure since I don't have periods due to the Mirena without blood tests. Why my doctor hasn't suggested this yet baffles me. I've simply just been diagnosed as perimenopause without having any real discussions about it. To top it off, I just learned that my 51 year old sister has yet to enter perimenopause. Unfortunately, our mom had a hysterectomy so we can't use her experience to go on. Today, I had an epiphany and began to research the possibility of the Mirena causing early onset of perimenopause and found this thread. If there's ever a class action lawsuit, I want in. I am heartbroken and feel completely betrayed by my gynecologist.
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Same here I had chose to have Mirena inserted after my daughter was a year old, I was 32 at 37 I have it removed they had a tiny bit difficulty getting it out but they got it out, I never got a period when I was on birth control but when I wasn't on it I was exact every 27 days, I had three ultrasounds done to try to see if anything was going on in my uterus because I  can not conceive anymore because I have seven kids so I have never had a problem getting pregnant, but now I'm just waiting for my blood work I haven't had a period for going on 7 months now ever since I got Mirena taken out I never had a regular period It was like every 3 or 6 months I know I have to be menopause early and Mirena causrd me to menopause early which is not what I expected or wanted... All my kids are planned had I known I wasn't going to be able to have anymore kids after Mirena I would have never got it.
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Oops on all the typos
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I think the Mirena IUD is very dangerous.  It is supposed to be a local hormone, but I started having emotional stress and hot flashes within hours of having it inserted.
I gave it a while even with a trip to the emergency room for a panic attack caused by a hot flash on a almost hundred degree day in a hot car.
But thoughts of hatred and wishing for my own death (often because I felt hungry) filled my mind.  I couldn’t stand people around me even my family.
I got it removed and felt an immediate relief.
But I began to have a deep worry about all the other women who might not realize their illogical emotions are not real but synthetically hormone induced.  And I can see there are doctors not taking it seriously, (my doctors nurse told me I needed antidepressants).

Are there women out there committing suicide on the Mirena and no one is connecting the dots?!?

Mine has been out for 3 weeks and I am on my second period since!

I hope this doesn’t last long!  And I am longing for the menopause that is eluding me much later into life than other female relatives!  
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Had Mirena taken off 2013 after 5 yrs of mood swings, backache and weight gain to mention a few, my periods disappeared and after the check was told I had early menopause @ 42 could believe it, medical institutions should stop this, I want as many women you have gone through this to come forward, coz it’s not right!! Come on strong Mother’s we can do this!!
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I hear your pain cuz I was 35 when iud send me to premenopause and I had iud for over two years and I was going crazy for the whole time
I was ur age when iud send me to premature menopause and my life never been the same again
Hi Rosetlouis.  So, what happened?  Can you share your story for us?  
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This is most definitely true and can happen. I had my first Mirena inserted in 2004 after my second child. I was 22. I had two different IUDs in for a total of 9 years. The entire time I had it I had no period. I also didn’t have a period with Depo and had my youngest son after several years of Depo shots so I thought maybe no period was okay. Even still shortly after insertion I had low libido and some placement concerns because my husband was hitting the wires. I was reassured and told the low libido could not be related and that the lack of periods was not a concern. I trusted the doctors! Don’t make this mistake. In 2013 we decided to have another child so I had it removed. I was shocked when my period didn’t resume and I didn’t get pregnant immediately as was typical for me in the past. After about 6 months a fertility specialist confirmed I had premature ovarian failure and was at the beginning stages of menopause, at 31! Menopause actually runs late in our family so I was in complete shock. My mother was born when my grandmother was 40. I have different doctors now but no one will admit still that the IUD has caused my infertility. I do not believe for a minute that the medical community is oblivious to this fact. I know 3 women personally that have had this experience all close in age to myself. This alone tells me statistically there must be hundreds of thousands of us. My periods have returned but I bounce between them being somewhat regular but only a couple of days long to only 3-4 periods a year, and even when they do come I never ovulate. I have had 5 years of fertility treatments and no luck. Please avoid this product if you ever want to have children after using it or just want to prevent unnecessary early aging to your body. This product is definitely sterilization without consent.
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Interesting read.  Thanks for sharing your story.  And I love your user name.  Hope you stick around the site as I'd love to hear more from you!
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I don't have the answer but I am seek the answer also. I am 38 years old I'm in full Menopause. I have ever keep the Mirena in a year longer than recommend. Seeking answers as to why I have done this no matter than a year after having it I had no more cycles and only had them ever six months up until two years ago. Had my FSH levels checked and came back full Menopause.
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I had the same IUD inserted for almost two years and felt horrible with it I had it taken out over two years ago and never got my period back. I am 44 years old and in full menopause and it sucks. I have suffered severe anxiety and depression since and I feel it is all to blame on the IUD. So yes I feel it caused me to go into early menopause. My hormones are fully out of wack and I have not felt the same since I had it inverted or taken out. I just want to be normal again.
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I mean it's almost 5 am and my mind is running!! Anyone feeling The same??
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I am 31 this past April. I had the mirena put in on nov 9, 2016- due to another pregnancy- I had twin girls January 2016- plus I have N 11 year old girl! I'm scared I'm in pre menopause Bc I have HOT FLASHES, I cannot sleep, migraine and MOOD SWINGS TO THE POINT OF ANGER!! This isn't fun. I feel as though I'm losing control I have NO engery Bc I cannot sleep my brain doesn't stop!! I think it's time to take thisbIUD merena thing out!!!
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I'm 31 this past April. Sorry- I cannot see what I'm typing!! Sucks!
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Yes, i believe it can. it caused it for me. After 1 1/2 years of insertion in April of 2012 I removed it because it was causing life altering side effects. Hair loss, insomnia, depression, stomach issues similar to IBS, neurological issues, abnormal hair growth, weight gain, low libido, loss of sense of smell. These are the only ones that I recall now. I thought that by removing it, the side effects would be gone. However it took a year post removal for the symptoms to slowly dissipate. That first year of removal I went through the infamous crash. 3 years after removal I had my last period. It robbed me of my youth. Of course I am biter. It also caused PID that was asymptomatic. I had no idea & my stupid gynecologist never ordered labs when I mentioned irritation. She thought it was caused by exterior irritation & just prescribed a topical ointment. I am still dealing with the side effects of Mirena. It gave me a right tubal blockage creating an hydrosalpinx in the right fallopian tube. Now it is causing pain & swelling and I need to see a gynecologist for this as well. F*ck you Mirena.  I hope that all who partake in its manufacturing, decision in marketing & distribution rot in hell. May they be cursed in misery in their professional & personal life. May they be void of inner peace for the rest of their miserable lives. BTW I am doing pretty good considering everything I have gone through. My faith in God & my family allowed me to overcome this horrible obstacle in my life.
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I am 42 and have recently started having symptoms that are related to hyperthyroidism or menopause. I have not received all my tests back yet but I think I just had my first hot flash today. I have had the Mirena for 4 years now and figured I would do some research on my symptoms and causes. My mother says it is too early based on my family history but I would not be surprised if the Mirena is the cause of my issues. I cannot believe with so many women experiencing this there would not be more research done or more lawsuits started. I am sure it is due to the fact Dr are not taking our concerns seriously. I have absolutely no faith in the health care system but I do have faith in my naturopath that she can help stabilize my hormones as successfully as she did when I originally got my Mirena in and had symptoms then as well.  
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I'm sorry for all you women who've been harmed by the Mirena IUD. So many women have been and continue to be harmed by gynecologic procedures, devices and even pharmaceuticals - Mirena, Essure coils, tubal ligation, other forms of birth control that permanently impair our bodies' natural hormones, hysterectomy, salpingectomy (tube removal), oophorectomy (ovary removal). What happened to "first, do no harm" and informed consent? It's severely lacking in women's health care.
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I also had the Mirena at age 39 after having two babies. I never had a period in 5 years and had all the symptoms of menopause. When I went to have it removed I told my OBGYN that I must be in perimenopause at least since I had hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, etc. she said there is no way, I was way to young. She was shocked to find the blood results that I was completely through menopause. So, I see it as I have been sterilized without my consent. It makes me very angry that my option to have a third child has been taken away. If you have issues with your period, keep searching for natural options and do not follow the advice of doctors who tell you the only options is birth control pills or Mirena or any other drug manufactured by big pharma. There is something very wrong going on. I am sorry for all the younger women being talked in to using Mirena and going through menopause at such early ages. It is a shame.
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12099710 tn?1423423420
Give your doctor a call and let them know about your symptoms. That's the best way to figure out what your options are and discuss next steps.
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Find a good naturopath or alternative Doctor that comes highly recommended to help you rebalance your system. Don't keep seeking medical advice from the same people who recommended the mirena in the first place.
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You are not the only one. I was emotional mess when I had Mirena. My gynac told me its probably because other stresses. But I could cry at drop of a hat. I had Mirena for 4 yrs and looking back now, it seems everything I was going through was perimenopausal. I got off Mirena in May 2013 and around august 2013 had a sudden weight gain around abdomen and thighs. Got my periods back but they were lighter than what I used to have. All through 2014/15, I have had huge hair loss, sudden grayness in hair, skin and voice have changed. Dr says I am perimenopausal at 40. My mom started her around 50 and reached menopause by 52/53 like most other women in our family.
I am not sure how to get back to normal or what to do? I should have trusted my instincts and gotten rid of it earlier. I feel stupid for trusting the dr and not my own body when she told me it was not mirena, but something else going on with my life.
I read/research everything when it comes to kids health or any other things, since there is lot of information available online as compared to 10/15 yrs ago, but why did I not do this 5/6 yrs ago?
In last 2 yrs I have aged a lot, my friends, everyone looks the same. I look and feel 10 yrs older. My pcp has asked me to work out  more and am going to start with an 60/90 mins a day and see if it helps. Yoga seems to help with things related to pituitary gland issues, so will be trying that out.
Anyone out here, who can advice how to deal with this thing?
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I too have had an adverse experience, I had the Mirena for 6yrs. I had increasing symptoms of hair loss, rashes on my face, abdominal pain and swelling, under active liver, swollen pancreas, bloating weight gain, extreme fatigue and mood swings...
I have found acupuncture is helping. It's been 2months since I had it out. I've felt elevation of positive moods like joy (unaware I was missing it), hormones are a mess, cold uterous but slowly getting back in balance. I still haven't had a period though.
I would try acupuncture.
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You are not the only one. I was emotional mess when I had Mirena. My gynac told me its probably because other stresses. But I could cry at drop of a hat. I had Mirena for 4 yrs and looking back now, it seems everything I was going through was perimenopausal. I got off Mirena in May 2013 and around august 2013 had a sudden weight gain around abdomen and thighs. Got my periods back but they were lighter than what I used to have. All through 2014/15, I have had huge hair loss, sudden grayness in hair, skin and voice have changed. Dr says I am perimenopausal at 40. My mom started her around 50 and reached menopause by 52/53 like most other women in our family.
I am not sure how to get back to normal or what to do? I should have trusted my instincts and gotten rid of it earlier. I feel stupid for trusting the dr and not my own body when she told me it was not mirena, but something else going on with my life.
I read/research everything when it comes to kids health or any other things, since there is lot of information available online as compared to 10/15 yrs ago, but why did I not do this 5/6 yrs ago?
In last 2 yrs I have aged a lot, my friends, everyone looks the same. I look and feel 10 yrs older. My pcp has asked me to work out  more and am going to start with an 60/90 mins a day and see if it helps. Yoga seems to help with things related to pituitary gland issues, so will be trying that out.
Anyone out here, who can advice how to deal with this thing?
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If you asked me about Mirena last year, I would have told you that it is awesome.  I am 37 and have two kids.  I had Mirena inserted in 2013 because husband and I decided that we don't want more kids.  I stopped having periods on Mirena and experienced no unpleasant side effects until September 2015.  I started to experience menopause symptoms such as extreme fatigue and hot flashes.  I had two tests to  measure estrogen and FSH and they both confirmed that I have the hormone level of a menopausal women.  Since I was perfectly fine before Mirena (regular period, very mild PMS, no infertility or any other female problems), I became suspicious of Mirena.  Maybe I was the small percentage of the population who have adverse effect on Mirena.  I had it taken out in October 2015.  I was planning to go on hormone replacement therapy until my period started in Jan 2016.  I even had an ultrasound to see if I have any kind of growth on my ovaries causing abnormal estrogen production and everything came back normal.  We will see if my body will cycle normally from now on.    

I can't find any papers from Pubmed regarding progestin (active ingredient of Mirena) causes early menopause.  There was one obscure paper done on animals regarding progesterone receptors downregulating estrogen, but I can't seem to find it again.  I do wonder if some of the rare side effects were deemed statistically insignificant during the research phase of Mirena.  Regardless if you think my experience was proof or anecdotal evidence, having irregular period before the normal menopause age is a sign of trouble.  Mirena stopped my period all together for two years, so I couldn't monitor my body until the symptoms became too obvious.
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I am the same age has u and experienced the same problems.  I haven't have a period since I removed mine 2 years ago and now I am premenopausal.  I just started the hormone pills.
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I also had Mirena put in right after I had my second child at 37 and within a year, had at least 35 hot flashes a day and a lot of anxiety.  After being told by my doctor that it couldn't be the Mirena, I insisted on having it taken out and within a month, the hot flashes went away but my FSH levels were tested at 70 which is high into the range of menopause. It's 4 years later and I now have to consider hormone replacement treatment.  Do not go on Mirena - I am completely convinced this was the reason why I am in menopuase at such an early age.  There is no history of early menopause in my family either.
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I am convinced mine began to trigger peri menopause. I experienced vaginal dryness, loss of desire, exceptional fatigue and hot flashes, weight gain at my waist alone- without changes in my eating habits.
Did anyone else have other symptoms like increased sensitivity to minimal sun exposure, cystic acne, acne in places they never had it before, PMDD diagnosis, sensitivity or joint pain with cold temperatures?
Also if you have had it removed have any of these symptoms persisted?
I would be interested in talking with an attorney if anyone is aware of one dealing with these issues as opposed to migration of the IUD. I was told  by my physician and the medical literature that it was safe with few to no side effects when I elected to use it in 2006/7.
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In my case, the perimenopausal symptoms persist. I had it for 4 yrs. Although, I have to say I have less/minimal acne now than when I was on mirena.  I rarely had acne as teenager, a pimple once in a while.
Right, did not find any existing lawsuits for the issues we are facing. The ones that exist are for migration of IUD and other conditions. Adding these links here, so that we can see the other problems caused by mirena.
I stumbled upon this and it sounds like me!! I am 42 years old, had Mirena for 10 years and am told that I am post menopausal. I am suffering tremendously from this. Also was diagnosed with afib which is very puzzling to my doctors. Because of this I cannot take hormone replacement therapy to help alleviate many of these issues. I am VERY INTERESTED in joining forces with this group to investigate further!
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I am considering having my Mirena removed.  Do you regret having yours removed?  I have been having issues for 6 months but I'm scared they'll get worse if I take out the Mirena.
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I regret not taking it out sooner. Anytime I complained to my Dr, she made me feel its me and not Mirena. Trust your body. There are other contraceptives, go for the ones that are not hormone based.
I agree, I too only regret not going with my gut instinct and having it removed sooner than I did. Trust your body and don't let a Dr. shame you into keeping it in, or tell you to give it a chance.
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I got the Mirena IUD back in May for a few reasons, however, as soon as I walked out of the doctor's office and got on public transportation to go home - I passed out and came to with people standing over me and telling me that an ambulance was on it's way.  Fast forward to now - I have hot flashes daily, but that's not the worse part - I literally have night sweats EVERY nights & so I sat here at my desk and tried to pen point when my life physically turned for the worse & I realized it was after I got the IUD inserted.  I decided to google hot flashes and night sweats and all the answers are right here... going to call my OBGYN to have it removed as soon as possible... Thanks Ladies for sharing your stories.
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How do you feel now?  An update would be nice.  

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