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436516 tn?1382384665

Is everyone still having these sympthoms

I see these comments are from 2006. I am currently having many of these same problems. Tickle in throat, sharp pain, cough, tears, nose dripping. This has been happening for the past 5 months. I've been to a ENT. He said it was my tonsils. I had them out. At first while I was on meds during my recovery from the surgery the symptoms stopped. But after I stopped taking the pain killers anti-biotic and the steroids the tickle came back. I've been taking Previcid for acid reflux but this has not stopped the attacks. Does anyone have any current information on this?

This discussion is related to Tickle in throat makes me cough and choke.
185 Responses
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It’s 2024 I hardly have attacks now. However if I talk too much I get an attack.
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436516 tn?1382384665
It's 2020. I still have attacks but they run in cycles. For most of the winter I was getting attacks especially at night. For the last few weeks the attacks have lessoned. Just keeping everyone up to date.
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It’s 2023 and the tickle and coughing have greatly decreased to the point where I only have an attack once a week. The low dose of amitriptyline seems to have worked. The term Dr.Bastian uses for this disorder is “Sensory Neuropathic Cough”. Rather than it being a throat issue he says it’s more of a damaged NERVE issue. That why he says to talk to your doctor about using Amitriptyline that helps calm the nerves in your throat.  Thanks Carlg
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Hi Rukstar

I have the same symptoms as you after a throat infection and wondered if yours cleared up and the spasms ceased?

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Still having attacks just not as often. Seems the low dose antidepressant is working. I only have attacks maybe 6 times a week.
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you so sound like me in every regard. Mine started four yrs ago August. suddenly, unable to exhale  The hacking cough, extreme shortness of breath. Advair caused voice change, no voice at times. ENT says vocal chord don't close completely. Prednisone offers complete short term relief, but symptoms return always .Pulmonary doctor started a buttock injection (Kenalog). I was symptom free over a year. January this year symptoms back worse than ever.
Chest CT now showing chest wall hardening and nudules.   Scared ********.
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Out of the blue, and especially in the middle of the night, I get this crazy, itchy tickle in my windpipe (just where our breath enters the windpipe). It triggers me to want to cough, which makes it itchier and itchier.  It is so frightening.  The only thing that helps and makes it go away is to try not cough and just wait out the itch.  It then will subside.  It is bizarre, so uncomfortable and very scary :(  I have allergy induced asthma and only take Singulair, which helps tremendously.  But the crazy itchy tickle has appeared out of the blue and is now bothering me almost nightly  :(   I don't know what to do  :(
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I have just the same symptoms . I've been suffering for 8 year's with burning mouth syndrome, and then I was diagnosed with trigeminal nerve, which led me to have an operation behind the ear called vascular decompression. Nothing has worked, its worse than ever. Can anybody help.
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All of us are differing with nerve damage to the larynx... Is called  laryngeal sensory neuropathy...look it up hope helps...gabapentin  300 mg three times a day stopped it for me
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Found some information that may or may not help some. It explains for me personally.Irrateable Larynx Syndrome:
Cjsipa.ca>files>2010_CJSLPA_Vol_34    by M. Morrison -2010 PDF File....I am 54 female that has suffered with this for 37 years. The last 10 years have been unbearable. Nothing worse to have ANY MEDICAL PROFFESIONAL blame smoking as the root of cause, when pushed to then explain why someone that has NEVER SMOKED NOR BEEN EXPOSED TO SECOND HAND SMOKE suffers from the same ailments to then get mad at the patient for even asking Erks me off! To clear the air, smoking is an irritant not the root cause! I had COPD from birth, underdeveloped lungs at birth. My pulmonoligists explained 21 years ago that even if I had never smoked I would be still seeing him just 5 years later is all. I was diagnosed with IBS 20 years ago. I have had SEVERE MIGRAINES since 1978. I have saw so many doctors over the years. NO ANSWERS just try this and that only to cause even more complications. I recently rejoined the work force into customer service, therefore having to talk continuously all day long (8-9) hours. Now the episodes happen every 15 minutes or so. Severe coughing, unable to breathe, sinus water faucet, vomiting, weak bladder control, sweating like I just worked out at the gym. I have had for 25 years now episodes that my larynx muscles go into a spasm and shut off my airway. YES SHUT OFF MY AIRWAY! I have learned to not panic, DONT TRY TO BREATH AIR IN!! THIS ONLY MAKES IT WORSE! Instead try to blow out a small amount out of your lungs and then try to breath a small amount in, it may not work the first time you try. DONT PANIC! Push out again, for some reason if you try to breathe in the muscles only tighten more, but if air is pushed the opposite way they loosen slightly. Once they have loosened slightly COUGH!! But only take in small amounts to not trigger the muscles to spasm again. This happened to me sleeping or awake. Sometimes it is triggered by sinus, perfumes, wind hitting me in face unexpectedly while breathing in. VERY SCARY WHEN IT HAPPENS!! Most of all don't panic!! I have told doctors about this for years!!! They all blame on one thing or another. If you have acid reflux never sleep on your back or right side, this allows a straight path for the stomach acids to reflux to the throat. EXPERIENCE... And told by my latest doctor also. This article may finally give me my answers that I have long believed was causing the tickle coughing spells...hope I have given someone a direction to go in....
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I had the same problem,
Gee's linctus from the chemist
Gave me a great night sleep
and my homeopath gave me something to clear my mucas and tickle throat ,it is gone.
I was dealing with Pam from Seline Homeopathics
Tauronga .
My problem now is a blocked nose that leaves me breathless in the early morning hours and scars me. I had radiation for cancer of the larynx.

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Me too, I have the same condition right now.
I'm a Filipino lady currently residing here in Dubai for work.
I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in this battle.
There's like a single needle that pokes one side of my throat that triggers the itchiness and starts my non-stop cough that almost having a feeling of throwing up all your intestines and stomach due to the severe cough. The unbelievable thing here is that I got no phlegm everytime I cough very hard. I only spit saliva at the end of it. This condition started just this month (February 2016), I visited my doctor and he checked my throat and lungs and said everything was normal. :( He gave me cough depressant. But I guess there is something more behind this condition we have. I hope somebody can discover the right medicine and how to treat it.
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Carl I was on the amitriptyline up to 40 mg a day but did not help. I have had my "tickle cough" for about 15 months at least once a day I cough so hard I vomit. Not sleeping very good at night, Have seen an ENT and GI doctors no help. I have at GERD for years but what I eat to stop and flare ups. I am 57 years old and never smoked. I was beginning to think this was only me. I don't want to go out any more. Having problems at work as I have to run to the bathroom when I have these attacks as I don't know if it will ends in vomiting. I even had to pull over on the side of the road to vomit! This all started with a bout of bronchitis. I keep hoping there is an end to this some time soon
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436516 tn?1382384665
It works even during the day. I drive part time for a living. It does not interfere with driving. I had to try different dosages to get it to calm down. Now during the day or night I get a mild irritation and the it goes away. You should look at the video's from the Bastian Institute. Dr.Bastian talks about the different medications your doctor might want to try.
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Mine has become fairly constant, none of the breaks I used to get and very disturbed sleep. Does the amitriptyline help during the day as well and does it affect your ability to drive etc.
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436516 tn?1382384665
So far the amitriptyline seems to be working. My attacks have been reduced greatly. I can now sleep most of the night with only slight attacks
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Are you still doing well?
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I have been terrified for the past seven years thinking that I had contracted a horrible disease that expressed itself through my chronic coughing fits. I don't have anything close to a solution but I found some relief using Mucinex-DM (600 MG) only. The downside is that I cannot take more than 4 tablets in a 24 hour period, but at least, it gets the job done. My coughing is suppressed for about 6 hours after dose, way less than the 12 hours rated by the manufacturer. Of course, that means I still fall short of a full nights sleep being forced awake just when REM sleep kicks in. However, the mere knowledge that I am not alone is relief enough if only to affirm that "misery loves company".  Wishing everyone the best outcome in our perennial search for a permanent solution.
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436516 tn?1382384665
I take 25mg. It seems to be helping. I am not having as manly attacks as before. I'm able to sleep thru the night now
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13512104 tn?1430274030
Have. Had any luck. I have had for 2 1./2 yrs clearing of throat  excess mucus and saliva iis.gagging me  and eventual,y lost so much weight lack of enough nutdition and I am on a stomach feeding peg and eat maybe once I  awhile avacado oatmeal cookke and lukewarm coffee pls email if any alternatives and have. U ever trid acupunturce donna
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Hi Carlg,

What dose are you taking of the amitriptyline? I already take 10mg for an unrelated disorder but have had a chronic cough for 7 months with the same symptoms as you.  How long were you taking it before the symptoms subsided?  
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Did you have the symptoms before you took the Metformin? I am also coughing followed by throwing up but when I stop taking Metformin it stops, also take Levothyroxin for thyroid. I read earlier that it might interact with Metformin. Just curious. I am going to go back to the 2000 time released to see if it stops.
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I just found this thread after a violent coughing attack for the second day in a row at my new job. Yesterday I escaped to the parking lot before it got too bad and today found an empty bathroom where I coughed until I vomited in one of the toilets. I'm coming off of a terrible cold or something... but this tickle cough attack has been around before.

I had the same symptoms in early November (seven/eight months ago) while I was recovering from a terrible cold/upper respiratory infection/undiagnosed something. My doctor thought I had strep at the time but my test came back negative so she sent me home empty handed, following which I became so ill I was put on medical leave from an assigned military mission. I would cough so hard my eyes would water, my nose would run, I'd become faint and see stars in the corner of my vision and feel the need to vomit. I was spending more time coughing/vomiting in the hallways/bathrooms than doing my job.

Both times I had a bad cold (or cold-like symptoms) before hand, along with the feeling of water in my ear canals. It changes sides - sometimes a sharp prick on the left will send me running to the hallway, sometimes it's on the right. Always a sharp, SHARP pricking feeling at the back of my mouth near my tonsils, followed by a few seconds to prepare for a violent coughing fit where I fear I may pass out from lack of oxygen. I sometimes cough so hard I gag and spit up/throw up a clear mucous-y substance, as mentioned in some of the comments above.

The only medication I'm on is an oral contraceptive. I'm 22 years old with no other real medical issues besides recurrent kidney infections, which are currently under investigation.

I'm glad I found this forum but disappointed that the span of comments lasting almost a decade still don't show any real, reliable results or cures. :( Will keep checking back though.
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436516 tn?1382384665
You may want to check out the comments about the Bastian institute
It may help you to see if you have sensory neuropathy cough
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I have had the same symptoms since Oct. 2014.  Have been through all the tests as all of you.  Have been prescribed all of the same meds.  All I can do is wait for the cough to subside.  I coughed so hard in january, that I severely injured a left side rib.  Very painful. The only difference in my symptoms that no one else has mentioned, is shortness of breath, very much like asthma.  When I lie down, my breathing has a squeaky, wheezy sound, that the albuterol doesn't help.  No COPD, asthma or emphysema.  I'm just like all of you, tired, disgusted, and almost a recluse because of the embarassment of being in public and coughing until you throw up, or worse.  Another appt. coming up in April, don't hold out much hope.
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436516 tn?1382384665
Yes , I started taking one of the meds Dr. Bastian recommended. Amitriptyline. It has made it so I can sleep now.
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