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Senior Health

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Understanding Alzheimer's Disease

An Incurable Disease

An Incurable Disease

Anyone close to a person afflicted with Alzheimer's disease understands how devastating and unrelenting it can be. There are no medications or treatments that will prevent the onset of Alzheimer's; people are naturally pre-selected. Alzheimer's is heavily researched, yet there is no proven cure, and it is considered a fatal disease. Since 2000, death rates of other major diseases have dropped, but Alzheimer-related deaths have risen 66 percent. Despite this heartbreaking reality, it's important to be armed with the facts, especially if you're caring for someone with Alzheimer's. A wealth of information about the disease is available, and clues about causes and possible cures constantly surface.

By MedHelp Editors, published April 12, 2011