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PATM is Morgellons

I have an update to this hell :

Although the parasite remedy above gave me lackluster results , I can now confrim without a doubt. This is Morgellons . Follow the instuctions here : http://morgellonsshield.com/morgellons-recovery-shield-1/ for a complete cure. No long winded, noisey forums . Simple solution based on Cliff Carnicoms research and it works.

Don't listen to any rubbish about breathing in and out . It is not in your head. It is real. Sorry to break it to you, but, it is Morgellons. Most of you don't have visible leisions and the fact that Morgellons is indeed some other wordly ****  will make you skeptical, but it is true. I have been through two years of pure hell and this is without developing a single leision .

I believe I had the Morg platform inside of me for up to two decades. It develops slowly , depending on yout general health, waiting for its final trigger for full blown status . From my experience, PATM is an intermediate symtom . Treat yourself now before it becomes full blown.

The products are all available on Amazon with mainstream uses for chronic illness and general longevity.

I am 3 days in . It's early days, but PATM and other symtoms have immediately begun to reverse. I had an epic Bowl movement yesterday . Tons of slime / mucus came out of me . I am in shock.
10 Responses
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Nematod/Pyemotes+Biofilm bacteria/mushroom=PATM &Morgellons?

I think this disease is related to mold; biofilm mushroom with a micro nematode of cotton or a pyemotes acarie mite; the new studies tell us that bacteria produces electricity and communicated between .

"We now know that bacteria can communicate electrically, and we should be concerned.

They are organized. "

David Nield 17january 2017

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Exactly! I left a comment regarding at your observations as well.
20821488 tn?1523258613
Great post. Thank you
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Yes!finally someone agrees with me :-) I made this connection recently and have ordered supplements..Hopefully everyone here takes heed and starts to treat for Morgellons. The people who react behind windows are also affected and are reacting to our Morgellon fibers we carry inside us and on our clothes and the people who react up close is probably due to us either breathing them out, them coming out of our skin or clothes and landing on them
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I don't agree.These black and white fibers are not morgellons.It's mycotoxins like aflatoxin and aspergillus.Yes PATM could be combination of mycotoxins with parasites.If you treat only parasites you won't be PATM free.Mycotoxins are not parasites.
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At my peak. I took out an entire train station , and a building of Air Port proportions. There is so much noise and misinformation on this, I swore to never again research it !

To coin an analogy, after almost two years, I have won the large scale war. It is only an abundance of caution keeping me from declaring all out Victory. The journey has been harrowing , lonely , soul destroying. Although I am not prone to clinical depression, I was certainly situationally depressed .

Ohhkay. I also swore I would stop sharing the hard earned observations and war stories I learned to this point. However, on a day that I stop to smell the roses and feel grateful here are some key observations and knowledge:

1. No matter what you choose to believe, there are visual clues to this. Shine a high lumen light source on your body, and clothing and you will see particles swarming from you and your clothing . This is also visible in sun light . I will keep it at this. This requires someone mature enough to accept that the problem is actually far more complex that they want to believe.

2. I never found a magic diet, pill or suppliment. However, one regime that appears to have had exponential success over time was the NAC / Vit C protocol for Morgellons . Sorry to drop this on you, but this and the thing they all Morgellons is related

3. I did not smell . People were not aware that I was the source. I did not act like it . I tried to remain calm. I dare say that, it was possible for someone of sharp observation to put it together.

4. Do not feel sorry for yourself, or indulge in victimhood status . There is no Government coming to the rescue.

5. Man up. This is war. You can do it and when you do it, your conifdence will fly through the roof . This journey of utter hell had the unexpected effect of making me VERY spiritual , calmer and not worrying about trifling issues like I used to do . Its pretty much the same as people who survive cancer or something . Look : If you know that your life can be torn appart to utter ruins by a mytery illness with un worldly symptoms. Have Nobody believe you, doctors re-inforce the disbelief whilst handing you a threat of committing you to a mental Hospital.. if this does not spiritully set you fee, then you have other issues to attend to .

Reality appears to presented to us to accept ( or else ) . You are on a rare journey whereby you have proof beyound all reasonable doubt. This has blown my mind to a profound level. Nothing is real . Nobody is more entitled to knowledge than you are because they are a doctor . Doctors are useless beyond a decaying frame of reference and flawed methodology. Either this, or it is an organised conspiracy, but I think the former is more kind.

6. Spirituality aside. DO NOT listen to the people who say this is some .... mind thing blah blah blah . It is physical in nature adhering to the laws of causality . Just like HIV was for 20 years before aknowledged .

7. Be persisitent , but be low key . No. There is no satisfactory level of empathy you will meet. Just sew the seeds of social stigma , unemployment and the unwelcome intervention from mental health services. You will still have PATM in a nut house. You willl still have PATM poor and unemployed. Basically, be selfish for as long as you need. Keep your job if possible, do not tell people about this . Sad , but true.
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1. All PATM symtoms are GONE. For weeks, I have sat on trains , offices and home in all wheather types, incuding the most likely to induce PATM, hot wheather.

2. There were a small number of people who I used to set off with coughs , sneazes and itching. I used these people as a test . The most senstive no longer react .

3. The Zombie like coughs I used to experience in public are gone

Take aways

1. Humans , do , suprisingly, cough and clear the throat ALOT. Just watch a TV interview .

2. In the end stages, I started having sex. Lots of it . Smoking hot women. My feeling is that this helped.

3. No special diet EVER helped. I beleive , no matter what, your body needs food to fight . Carbs, sugars, whatever, just make sure you are WELL nurrished with the 90 essential nutriants .

4. You wont like this one, but look for fine silky type webs in and arround your surroundings and places you stand in public. You will find all these places infested with these webs . They are nod spider webs!

5. I am still fighting a small number of Morg type symtoms. The funny thing is that my skin is the envy of everyone . Not a single visible blemish and I look in my teens . In fact , my girlfriend is 20 years old, 18 years younger and nobody would ever know that .

6. I litterally gave up the all out attack for months and  just kept up the NAC protocol as basic .

7. I recently ramped up the fight as a pre-caution . I made my own topical NAC / VIT C cream . This is purging the last of the specks from my skin pores . My neck area for example, has become flakey and I know thats a placet that was infested  Topical VIT c / NAC made me sweat way more than usual. Like the pores clearing themselves .

8. The flying specks have decreased dramatically .

9. Just in the last week alone, I have eaten: Dominos Pizza, pasta, rice , beer , weed (yes, its nice to get high. I deserve it ) . Not  a single bit worse.

10. Whilst uder the UV type lights in a strip club, I was able to discern that these spekcs / spore type things eminate from the respitory system as I breath, but they also come from all areas of the body. The NAC / VIT C cleard all that up. I have had several cycles of coughing up thick thick phlegm,

11. At No stage did I smell. Far from people recoiling from me, I have the reverse problem of attracting too many people into my personal space for one reason or another.

12. For the first time, now they are weak, I am using Dr Bonners peppermint soap to try and rid my clothes of the when speks  .

13 . I put my special mix of topical NAC / Vit C on my hair and scalp for one week without washing. When I finaly did wash it out, my scalp just felt soo free.

14. This is very common, be careful of infected peope "buddying up" with you . I think there is some type of sixth sense that draws us to each other.

15. I repeat,I am still cleaning up some small morg symtoms, but nothing life limiting and I hope to fix it all soon.

16. This is all quite ubiquitous. Next time you are watching TV or a music video, just watch when a high lumen light source hits someone . You will see these specks swarming most people. Scary, but man up and deal with it. This made me relax somehwat since I onyl need to beat back the PATM symtoms and then figure out the bigger pictiure. Something has happened for sure. Let me tell yer.
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Oh sorry fellas, forgot to tell you this part because it’s important. The original post of @imissjack mentioned a link where 5 supplements are suggested for Morgellons. Most of you are already using them. The five mentioned can be categorized into two groups, proteins and amino acids. Second group are antioxidants or precursors. Antioxidants and amino-acids help in removing toxins and repair cells. I’ve taken all of the 5 specific products mentioned. I had high hopes for NAC and L-Carnosine but I did not see observable improvements. I took them in turns with other antioxidants last year such as PQQ and coq10. I took a whole bundle of them and seemed to work a little but I did feel healthier and lively. I didn’t sleep as much as I use to.
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Even though I don’t necessary believe Morgellons has anything to do with PATM since I don’t have Morgellons, I would NOT rule out any connection. Here’s why. We know that PATM is just airborne toxins which originates at the gut as microbial toxins. A toxin is just poison made by living organisms that harms living cells for simplicity.

But where is the connection? Recent solved cases of Morgellons by doctors reveal poisons released from leaking mercury tooth fillings or some other poisonous substances introduced into the body may have caused immunity to react in a way to the poison showing up on the skin as some kind of rash. Patients scratch them continuously and sores develop. Therefore, it is possible for microbes in the gut to cause a buildup of toxins in the blood that produce the same effect on the skin. I don’t see why not. PATM is the overload of toxins. One of the symptoms of liver diseases is when patient have skin disorders and they end up scratching all day with strange patches on their skin. So can a gut imbalance cause so much toxin overload to give the same effect as being poisoned or liver disease? I think that is also possible.

Doctors say the actually crawling sensation aren’t bugs but just the nervous system going crazy because of the overloaded poison or toxin in and on the skin.

What about the fibers? FBI experts have compared fibers collected from sufferers and confirmed that fibers have no match to any of known fibers in the database of fibers of this planet so it seems the fibers are unique and legitimate but I can’t see a clear explanation on how they got there in the first place.

If I’m left to speculate, toxins or poison are causing skin cells to produce strange fibers…lol. But why? I really don’t know and would stop there. I credit the Morgellons community for enduring criticism from the medical community. Now some physicians are slowly opening up after the latest outcome. It’s funny if you go to the Morgellons Wikipedia page it’s still hostile against morgellons. As one scientist, Randy Wymore, PH.D. Oklahoma State University, who discovered and verified the fibers originality said, if only they[doctors] would look instead of imagining what reality should be. Some doctors are trying to reversing science on its head, perhaps they want big grants for research and would stick to their opinion until given.
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Don’t give up hope.  No offense because I do appreciate your posts. But please your answers on this are like mainstream media of course the M is real. Nano technology world depopulation etc.  Wow I can’t believe some people are this late to the party. Agenda 2030.  Research a little about the true state of our planet and you will be a little closer to the Answer than the mebo study. Honestly .  I know I don’t have the answers because I’m here suffering with this stupid patm thing.  But I am well aware what’s happening around the planet. Biological watefare.
I agree, Dontgivehope is delusional
apologies,just saw he might be on board.Dude, you need to get with the program, this is not TMAU. I actually have a specialist appointment to test for TMAU next week and I bet any money it is negative
I would also say patm is not tmau.  I personally don’t believe patm has been around 20 years like tmau has.  I’m not sure anymore all I know is this is strange and it affects my children 100%.  It can even cause confusion is them along with the vocal and motor tics.   Sad to see for sure just not a Lot of options.  
I’m glad to know you’re another person who has opened the eyes of what is happening and for what purpose. This can also link to weather modification, contaminated food and water, and contaminated air. Transitioning to NWO, Depopulation, Bioweaponery through Nanotechnology…yes, check out the classified papers from NSA, DARPA, Project MK Ulta, Protocols of Zion, Hypersonic Sound, Wens Towers, Genetic modification of Human Cells, Hybrid Cloud, The Akashic Records, Project Coast, Delta Orion Team, STREETLINE, MAGLEV, Operation Popeye, Smart Dust, Next Generation Sensor System, The Dark Lodge Alliance, MEMs, Microbial Carbonic Anhydrases, Biomimetic Carbon Sequestration, Isozymes of CA, Chemtrails, Wireless Sensor Network, Toxicokinetic, EEG Waves. And much much more.. hope you can entertain yourself finding The Truth!
And yes, I’m also a sufferer for almost 2 years. I had dedicated a lot of my time finding answers. That voice inside me/the Spirit has been guiding me to find a lot of information that answer a lot of my questions. These tiny particles/fibers that come out of my skin and scalp are produced by bacteria. Technology is activating certain cells/organisms in our bodies that self replicate, and self regulate our bodies to integrate AI and the Internet of Things so everything is connected to the Beast/The Grid, The Central system that will possess control of all things connected.
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I think he's right. I've been getting symptoms that relate to morgellons. I had skin crawling sensations and today I found a white fiber on my phone and started moving. I freaked out! Gnus **** is scary and I don't know what to do. Someone please explain to me. I don't get scabs or anything coming out of my skin. Am I delusional? I've been taking restore for leaky gut. PATM has definitely have to do with morgellons
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candida overgrowth,toxic mold which is due to antibiotics,parasites.And parasites are on the net due to electromagnetic radiation.That's the truth.
Why do you get so alarming? Have you analyzed well? Did you try it when the PATM reaction gets worse or things like that? Inform a little, do not walk with banal things. I have PATM, but that's not why I'm going to go crazy, I must take everything with serenity to get a solution. It can not be something electrical that interferes in the telephone or radio, because if it were so the signal would be altered, on the Internet the signals are coded and such coding decodes the receiver, if these coded data were altered by the PATM would not be the Same message, it is illogical to travel by telephone or the Internet. Sometimes we rave too much and we despair getting to anxiety which makes the PATM worse. For now I would only say that you have to practice deep breathing, if you breathe well until your body gets used to breathing well.
“it is illogical to travel by telephone or the Internet.”

Therefore, his idea of PATM being carried by electrical signal is illogical but your idea of curing a biological diseases with oxygen breathing homeopathy isn’t? What scientific evidence makes your guess so special? MeBO scientists have verified that it’s a biological disease and have pointed out a few symptoms already. Are you suggesting you are smarter than those scientists and researchers?
Look, I would be writing leaves and leaves for the exclusive cause of oxygen in our body and its mutation adaptation of our intestinal flora because of this. But, I will not do it because as I said, it would be sheets and sheets, I just wrote that for someone to respond coherently, you in all your notes do not do that is why I refute it, if I would not be accepting their writings quietly. You tell me what bacterium travels or has a speed of about the speed of light? Because the PATM is like this, I myself experience it. Now tell me that bacteria withstand subzero temperatures and even have the ability to go up against the airstream. Since you claim it is contagious.
Thanks for your reply. No need for sheets and leaves but just paste a link to an academic journal that make such claims because if it’s true your claim will turn current known science upside down.

The problem with your ideas is because it’s assumption based on assumptions built upon assumptions. There is no PATM travelling at light speed here… that’s your assumption based on no measurement at all. What human disease on earth can you reference with this claims? Nothing? There are no disease using electromagnetic or sound energy to distribute itself. Those claims will not stand in any laboratory test.

You and anyone coughing doesn’t suddenly appear near each other before that person starts couching. It took you minutes to get across to a location and so as the other person, but wind can travel only less than a second when you were walking towards each other. Furthermore, not everyone that coughs is because you. If you see a person coughing in an approaching car, with windows closed, towards your own car which is also closed, you are over sensitive and illogical if you think it’s you.

I think the part that you don’t understand yet is that only two form of energy is available to us. Electromagnetic and sound energy. Fortunately, we can actually test for both of them very easily. It’s not hard. Most of us can do that. And because they’ve been eliminated, your claim has no credibility.

Btw, I didn’t say PATM is airborne bacteria – most people has gotten over that. We know it’s a compound that causes allergies on other people. I predicted PATM is toxins because of its very nature and where it originated from. There’s a chance I could be wrong but it’s more probably, given what we know now than your claim. Your claim just has no legs.
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NO, no es morguellos, ya que existe personas con PATM durante 20 años, si fuese un paso intermedio para llegar a Morguellos el PATM no duraría tantos años en el mismo estado. Morguellos no hace el efecto de sentir alergia a terceras personas. Acabo de leer todo sobre Morguellos y ninguno da como síntoma la provocación de alergia a terceros mas que si siente uno mismo al tener Morguello.  Quizás algún medicamentos de MOrguello ayude pero no del todo, aparte esos productos cuestan miles por no decir que parece una dieta de un millonario. No es Morguellos. (hecho en google traslator)
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NO, it is not morguellos, since there are people with PATM for 20 years, if it were an intermediate step to reach Morguellos the PATM would not last so many years in the same state. Morguellos does not have the effect of feeling allergy to third persons. I just read everything about Morguellos and none gives as a symptom the provocation of allergy to third parties more than if you feel yourself to have Morguello. If some of MOrguello's medicines help, but not completely, those products cost thousands less, not to say it looks like a millionaire's diet. It is not Morguellos.
Good reasoning. Most share the same belief. However, there have been cases of Morgellons that have been cured by doctors. That gives new light into Morgellons itself. It’s too early to tell but some doctors have just begun researching into this new disease. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a common cause with PATM but expressed differently. I know one patient was found by a doctor to have toxic mercury from his tooth leaked into his blood and was poisoning him slowly.

There are hundreds of cases and diseases where patients are sick or show weird signs all over their body because of a particular toxin from pathogens within the gut, liver or circulation.

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imissjack, please keep us updated on your progress. Will start the same protocol next week!
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At my peak. I took out an entire train station , and a building of Air Port proportions. There is so much noise and misinformation on this, I swore to never again research it !

To coin an analogy, after almost two years, I have won the large scale war. It is only an abundance of caution keeping me from declaring all out Victory. The journey has been harrowing , lonely , soul destroying. Although I am not prone to clinical depression, I was certainly situationally depressed .

Ohhkay. I also swore I would stop sharing the hard earned observations and war stories I learned to this point. However, on a day that I stop to smell the roses and feel grateful here are some key observations and knowledge:

1. No matter what you choose to believe, there are visual clues to this. Shine a high lumen light source on your body, and clothing and you will see particles swarming from you and your clothing . This is also visible in sun light . I will keep it at this. This requires someone mature enough to accept that the problem is actually far more complex that they want to believe.

2. I never found a magic diet, pill or suppliment. However, one regime that appears to have had exponential success over time was the NAC / Vit C protocol for Morgellons . Sorry to drop this on you, but this and the thing they all Morgellons is related

3. I did not smell . People were not aware that I was the source. I did not act like it . I tried to remain calm. I dare say that, it was possible for someone of sharp observation to put it together.

4. Do not feel sorry for yourself, or indulge in victimhood status . There is no Government coming to the rescue.

5. Man up. This is war. You can do it and when you do it, your conifdence will fly through the roof . This journey of utter hell had the unexpected effect of making me VERY spiritual , calmer and not worrying about trifling issues like I used to do . Its pretty much the same as people who survive cancer or something . Look : If you know that your life can be torn appart to utter ruins by a mytery illness with un worldly symptoms. Have Nobody believe you, doctors re-inforce the disbelief whilst handing you a threat of committing you to a mental Hospital.. if this does not spiritully set you fee, then you have other issues to attend to .

Reality appears to presented to us to accept ( or else ) . You are on a rare journey whereby you have proof beyound all reasonable doubt. This has blown my mind to a profound level. Nothing is real . Nobody is more entitled to knowledge than you are because they are a doctor . Doctors are useless beyond a decaying frame of reference and flawed methodology. Either this, or it is an organised conspiracy, but I think the former is more kind.

6. Spirituality aside. DO NOT listen to the people who say this is some .... mind thing blah blah blah . It is physical in nature adhering to the laws of causality . Just like HIV was for 20 years before aknowledged .

7. Be persisitent , but be low key . No. There is no satisfactory level of empathy you will meet. Just sew the seeds of social stigma , unemployment and the unwelcome intervention from mental health services. You will still have PATM in a nut house. You willl still have PATM poor and unemployed. Basically, be selfish for as long as you need. Keep your job if possible, do not tell people about this . Sad , but true.
Good post. I Understand a lot of that
great post
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I've said it before and I'll say it again...the only thing that kills this "organism" is soundwaves...(NOT talking about Rife Frequencies)....find the 11 1/2 hour youtube video for 20,000 Hz ultrasound rat-killing frequency...this absolutely kills it, and you will need a good speaker (not phone or earbuds)...a good portable bluetooth speaker will work...need to apply all over body (apply the speaker with the ultrasound), especially head/hair and also use you in your environment
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I have bose 5.1 surround sound. When I thaught this was bird mites, I experimented with youtube videos of aultra sound. For Many hours . I cant say it even came close to the l-nac protocol. Can you provide more detial on this ?
the frequency has to be high, minimum 20,000 hz (not sure what you were using for mites, but if it was ultrasound, it would have to be around that as "ultrasound" is beyond human hearing)

while ambient ultrasound will help with M infestation in the environment, you have to apply the soundwaves to yourself to get the benefit...think of an ultrasound transducer, except you're using handheld speakers...i don't know if the soundwaves physically burst the pathogen (harmless to heathy cells, just like in medical ultrasound), but i'll repeat it again...this ultrahigh frequency kills "it" when the signal is strong enough and the speaker is good enough (and there is close contact)

I found this on curezone, somebody already observed this three years ago (ignore the part where he passes current to himself, this is NOT what i am saying to do):

"First, I am a Biomedical Scientist.

So a while ago I reasoned that M. is likely positively charged, since it seems to be electrophilic (is attracted to negative charges). This explains why Silver may work - antimicrobial and a net positive charge(s).

In order to "clean" my room from the environmental M., I recalled my electricity and magnetism classes. I then used the "right hand rule" to evacuate the critters from my doorway by placing copper wires around the frame - with the negative charge moving left, up right, down (clockwise).

It worked. I then thought this could be used on the body. After a series of experiments, I came to a successful looped coil design using the righthand rule and an iron tube. I acquired a 750 watt audio amplifier and again put the clockwise wire to the negative terminal, the counterclockwise to the electric 'ground'.

I then played a 2000 Hz audio loop at full volume. Then my vision tunneled, a jolt of painful lightning whent through my spine, heart and brain - then I scrambled to turn the amp off as to not die.

A Miracle transpired.

I was bright red, warm and symptom free. This continued for 2 months. I was cured.

I was then re-exposed in a hotel room and re-infected. I am currently doing more negative vector EMP therapy with gradual resolution of symptoms. I am not repeating the same process - as to not have a heart attack.

It seems the higher the frequency the better. I am not sure if the pulsing kills the organism, but if it does, it seems to only at around 10,000 Hz and up. Generally, using my EMP device at 20,000 Hz - 1MHz "burst" or "square wave" at very high amplitudes seems most effective.

One day, I actually saw a cocoon-like thing attached to some kind of spidersilk get sucked up through the iron tube. I took a photo to be sure I wasn't seeing things.

My guess is that a high wattage output amplifier in the above range would evacuate and end the disease process. I am not sure as to how or why this occurs. I do have some theories, but have only used the pulses on some skin samples and have seen the greenish collections (agrobacter?) "shut down" and discolor under a lab-grade microscope.

Also, using "Vetscription Benadene Hot Spot Formula" topically kills M. on contact. I found this out by treating my dog - who also had M.

I am trying to narrow in on the effective frequencies and amplitudes presently. Unfortunately, it seems a high output in voltage and Amps is necessary. The antenna design is fairly simple but has to be of a specific type.

Has anyone else had success with anything like this?"

End of quote...

[soiledsystem again]...so, I have never thought it could be Morgellons as I have no lesions, but because of the electrical connection (I had major electrical symptoms), maybe it is related....also, I don't think M is parasitic worms, I believe it is some sort of fungal infection (the hyphal form of fungus produces the "worm" thing) and/or related to a bacterial spirochete

WTF?..sometimes I wonder why I read some of these forums
LOL... which post is amusing you?

I think soiledsystem is right.Aflatoxin and Aspergillus niger in my case are pathogens.I'm electrosensitive.I always hear electromagnetic sounds from my ear.But we don't know about those who are cured if they eat everythig now.Hopeful1234 is cured but he is still on candida diet.And if we have gene which is not ok that means there is no cure for us.
Oh I forgot I have  titanium dental implants which is not ok for my electrosensitivity:9.But I'm praying that this is not the problem because I had reactions before that.
electromagnetic sounds???...lol. How is that possible? Come on @mindspace stop making non-existing words and phrases because it confuses members. Sound are waves of oscillating air pressure or liquid which has nothing to do with electromagnetic energy.

Aflatoxins are metabolites from certain species of the fungi kingdom. They are family of toxins made especially by the Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasticus. The Aspergillus niger instead and its strains are commonly known for the ochratoxins.
I have these sound in my ear -it is the sound when you turn on your wi-fi router.And believe me is awful-sometimes it makes me really anxious.
Yes, I get you but they’re just ordinary sounds. Whatever sound it is, it’s just sound – air pressure resonating at the human hearing frequency range. The fine hair in your ear that detects sounds can ONLY detect vibrating air pressure. It cannot detect electromagnetic radiation like what the eyes does. SOUND and EARS only deals with air pressure resonation. Electromagnetic energy doesn’t cross paths with ear and sound.

If your WiFi router makes a sound, then it has a small speaker somewhere on it that produces a sound. If you’re implying, you can hear it with your ears, it’s impossible because ears don’t have any photosensitive cells. However, radiations and chemicals can cause sickness that may cause ringing sounds. If that’s what you’re implying, then that’s probably what’s happening to you.

Here’s something about Wifi. WiFi radiation is within the microwave range so it contains the same properties. It causes any liquid, especially water molecules, to vibrate and rub against each other. This causes friction and ultimately heat. This is why our food gets cooked in the microwave oven, and our heads and body internally burn when sitting near a wifi device. Other bad effects are still being studied but there’s wide rumors that it contributes cancer.

Depending on frequencies and intensity, electromagnetic radiation can harm all cells, not just microbes, in many ways. The most obvious one is the ionization of chemicals in the body. Just a reminder, chemicals here mean all matter. Here I don’t mean the quacky implication used by naturalpaths, chiropractic and homeopath. It can cause cancer or cell death.

High frequency sounds are capable of killing cells. Cells tolerate the extreme vibration at different levels. Some are tolerant to almost all frequencies. This is why sound and other methods such as pasteurization are used in conjunction in food production. Therefore, they are not effective on their own. The higher the energy, usually the more harm it could do to cells.

The problem here is if you are redirecting a device that produces high frequency sound to your gut, both microbes and human cells will be affected. The closest ones to the source will be most affected starting with your skin cells.

If the device that you’re using has no vibrating component that vibrates the air like that on speakers, it doesn’t have to be on the hearing range, there’ll be no sounds. Also, you have no way of verifying if it’s resonating at high enough frequency or the right frequency.
What ultrasound transducer are you using? Experiments have shown on surgically infected implants on animals that ultrasound done with antibiotics have helped to stop infection mainly E.coli. The only problem, device is stuck onto the implanted area 24 hours. I’m not sure how’s that going to apply for skin infection but it might apply for gut infection.

I’m not in any way promoting or will ever try this. I think it’s dangerous and too many problems with the idea. However, for those who are already into this, this is just information since you’re going to do it anyway. The range found to be effective at killing E. coli was 28.5 kHz. Other strains were unaffected by this frequency.
I have no idea if you'll read this soiledsystem but I am not technically savvy therefore am not able to create what you have but I am certainly interested in that of which you have mentioned concerning sound waves. Is there any kind of ultrasound device that could be purchased that could do that which you have mentioned?. I know when I hear truth and what you have written speaks to me. I've been researching and studying this for the past 15 years now, I need to find out what heals this and help others, so many need help and I'm more than willing to do it. After all that's why I'm going through this and will also eventually heal from this, the purpose is to then help others.

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Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms.
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