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Why is there white fuzz and grass-like material coming out of skin?

For the past 2 years I have been experiencing strange material coming out of my skin and hair. It first started with white fuzz similar to what you would find on the end of a q-tip.  Then in addition to the white fuzz I also started getting black fuzz. It is very small but the overall quantity becomes quite alarming. I have seen many doctors from dermatologist to naturopath to know real avail. I was treated for a possible fungal infection being prescribed 200 mg of ketoconazole for a 2 month duration. Though this may have reduced the overall quantity, it did not solve the issue. More recently, within the past 6 months I would say, I've had a grass or hay like substance also extruding from my skin. The color of this material varies between green to a tan and brown. The tan and brown variation looks a lot like dried grass where is the green takes on the appearance of fresh grass. At times I will have dark single concretions that are hard, much like a seed in addition to the other material I have described. Out of curiosity I broke open one of the hard concretions and what came out of it was the white fuzz as described above. The areas that seem to be greatest affected are my scalp, my back and my legs. And there seems to be some correlation either between hair follicles or sweat glands. I'm just not really certain as to which. It is very bizarre and upon speaking about it with many healthcare professionals the general consensus is I'm either making it up or I am completely delusional. I have no prior mental health issues. I'm not on drugs. And I'm certainly not making this up because it is by far the most embarrassing thing I've ever dealt with in my 45 years of life. It has affected my ability to socialize with others and often keeps me from going out as often as I used to just out of fear that someone may notice. The white and black fuzz has some sort of sticky component to where it is attached itself to all my clothing and is not water soluble. I spend hours upon hours lint rolling and pill shaving my clothing. At times I just get so frustrated I just throw out whatever item is covered in this material. I have a husband and kids and neither one of them seem to be affected by this so thank goodness it is not contagious. But I am so embarrassed and ashamed by whatever is going on that I don't talk about it with anybody other than my husband. I feel like I have this dirty little secret that I cannot talk about with anybody because of what they might think of me. I do not know where else to turn medically, because I have gotten such a poor reception from doctors. I've spent hours upon hours searching the internet looking for an answer and I am at a dead end with trying to figure this out on my own. I honestly don't know what to do anymore, I have washed my hair and body from everything from apple cider vinegar to ketoconazole shampoo to benzoyl peroxide wash to sulfur soap. I know I sound like I'm crazy. But please understand I'm not crazy this is not in my head and I would do anything in the world just to make it stop. So if anybody has any input as to what in the world is going on with me I would be so grateful. In fact I would take any input at this time because I am at a dead end with trying to find the answer so I can go back to being just a normal person with a normal life.
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20901864 tn?1609460338
I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I’ve had these things coming out of my skin like silk and dust coming out of my clothes, and I finally been praying and the Lord told me to get oranges and so I went and got oranges which has citrus acid in it and he told me to rub it all over my skin and they are just coming out of my skin And it’s working and he finally gave me the answer so just try it and see what happens put it in your shoes fresh oranges and fill them come out of the bottom of your feet. You’ll feel a bunch of movement. There’s your answer he gave me the answer. Tell everybody just try it first.
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Also. Consider lichen sclerosis.   White fuzz on skin.
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I just went to Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN for this. It started April 2021 and has caused mental instability as well. I did not get the answer I agréed with because it was neuro dermatitis which i dont think it is at all. The dermatologists ears perked as soon as i said tan and sometimes green grass would appear on bathroom floor after id take showers and she asked my wife if she seen this and ofcourse my wife said yes because id always be showing her this stuff. Long story short she prescribed hydrocortizone 2.5% before i mix à vinegar solution in which i think the stronger the better. I have been putting cortisone on all over and putting 10 cups vinegar in bath and soaking for half hour and my skin has cleared up big time in last 3 weeks. Also can soak à long sleave t-shirt in vinegar solution and wear for half hour as well if baths are not your thing. Its been really doing a great job clearing whatever the hell it is because its been nothing short of à nightmare.
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Ditto on everything you said. And I am not a bath person, so I miss out on all the baking soda baths, etc. So thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it.

What i have going on now I never saw coming.   I have never read about actual milky colored fungus growing on skin. But that is what is happening, and it happened really fast. It contains hundreds of black specs. The first lesion has been oozinv a clearish-yellowish thick liquid 24/7 for over a week. I went to Urgent Care and he said, "No bandage, let it dry out. Take the antibiotics I prescribe you and it will dry out.". Apparently he didn't hear me tell him that it is oozing uncontrollably, as soon as one drop gets full and drips down to my ankle, the next bubble is already forming.  I'm going to see my podiatrist soon, who sees alot of fungal infections and truly believes me. I am pretty sure that I have more than one pathogen invading me, one of which is some kind of blood parasite. More on that later.....
the black specks could be fungal spores.  Valley Fever mimics other parasites; i thought i had many different parasites, until i learned of this Valley Fever.  coccidioides.  doctors know little about it, so do your homework, and ask for the Valley Fever Test.  
Could be collemboliasis
20901864 tn?1609460338
I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I’ve had these things coming out of my skin like silk and dust coming out of my clothes, and I finally been praying and the Lord told me to get oranges and so I went and got oranges which has citrus acid in it and he told me to rub it all over my skin and they are just coming out of my skin And it’s working and he finally gave me the answer so just try it and see what happens put it in your shoes fresh oranges and fill them come out of the bottom of your feet. You’ll feel a bunch of movement. There’s your answer he gave me the answer. Tell everybody just try it first.
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God I wish I had the answer God knows I try to figure out the answer this is all been happening to me I've been everywhere on the map from fungal infection to aliens too I'm sick of f****** asking for help cuz I sound like a mother f****** crazy person. I don't know what to do anymore but reading these absolutely sounds like I wrote them all almost
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valley fever
Coccidioides immitis is one that humans get.
trust me.
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I have this and my biopsies came back as prurigo nodularis. But I believe that is caused due to this issue....not that PN is the reason for the symptoms, ya know?
Oddly caladryl has really been helpful. I guess bc it dries 'it' out. But after a almost 6-year journey with this which started with a tick bite and living in a moldy home.... It's ever evolving and changing it will fool you and trick you a million times because once you think you got it figured out totally different and you will go through cycles over and over but forget certain parts of it until it cycles back around and then you remember it again. The only consistent thing that I know that I see are these little yellowish white oval discs that have like two black dots in the center or black slits in the center very small and it is like super glued to your skin it doesn't ever come off it might seem like it comes off but it just goes underneath the blood and the skin grows over but I have one constantly on my arm and my knuckle and my right back calf and those have been there and I always know when anything's going to flare up because those do. I definitely think it's fungal related and I've spent so much time looking and looking online searching just determine that I'll find the answer that it's out there somewhere that nobody's figured it out yet and I'm realizing that's not the case somebody would have figured this out by now and I used to think that it could be caused by some type fungal or lyme is that the conspiracy groups with it saying it's like alien I'm honestly starting to believe that it is some foreign matter that is not yet known to man that is causing this because you cannot pinpoint down what it is when you try to describe it if you have it long enough you'll know what I mean.  I have to put Band-Aids over my lesions or I constantly and looking at them checking for changes and I'll spend all day just doing that and getting a microscope out so I have to just cover them with a bandage that seals around all the edges so I can't peek under it and just leave them alone I do know when you leave those alone the symptoms chill out I know that clean green has helped me enormously mixed with selsun Blue and then Dr bronner's peppermint Castile soap mixed with clean green on a back scrubber for my body and let them set 5 minutes and then repeat and I do that part at least three times a week and then I also use Neutrogena t-gel coal tar shampoo. Dr teals sold at Walmart has a body lotion that has Epsom salt in it which is pretty cool considering we found that to be helpful and it's also got some other things quite a few things actually that are helpful for this but to be honest I haven't used it enough to know if it really helps I think the amounts may be too small
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Valley Fever
yup, that is it.
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I have been experiencing the same thing as well it has been about a year now and I don't know what I can do to make it go away I've tried everything I thought that I was the only one that had been experiencing this my whole family thinks I'm crazy I don't know what to do it's driving me crazy does anybody have any answers
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This is exactly what’s happening to me ! Fuzz everywhere but also hair loss and breakage … I have not had make hair cut since long before COVID hit and it has gone from thick curly that I could sit on to shoulder length at its longest point. The fuzz is also extreamly irritating and my skin is also extremely dry which results in being constantly itchy. I have both black or just dark and white fuzz .. my bathroom vanity seems to be constantly covered in dark almost lint like crap and it’s all from me :-( it’s horrendous currently they seem to think I have chronic Lyme but I live in Canada and testing and treatment for Lyme are well horrible
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Ok so I thought it was just me going threw this. I have seen Dermatologist who have looked at me like I’m crazy I go to counseling for other reasons in my therapist was trying to diagnose me with some crazy stuff lol. To the point where they think it’s hallucination. Which it definitely is not because my boyfriend and my mother have seen this stuck to my skin. It stretches from my hair around my face all the way down to my toes. I’ve been dealing with it since also around when Covid started. And when it breaks off it is literally like lint all over my bathroom sink. My hair looks like somebody took a razor and shave the sides of it. When I have not. But I’ve been tempted because the lint or fuzz or whatever can be painful when it tightens up on my skin . My skin is extremely dry it was lotion trying to help ease it out. There are times when I am in the bathroom forever it makes my family angry because I am trying to get my skin to the point where I feel normal. My doctors are stumped.  I feel like I’m at a loss with it and it’s very depressing. I have open sores all over me from where it breaks off my skin. And when I get to the point where it’s loose and I can have some of it surface on my skin I can’t get it completely off at all . Could you please update if you have any other answers you’ve been told thank you
Ok so I thought it was just me going threw this. I have seen Dermatologist who have looked at me like I’m crazy I go to counseling for other reasons in my therapist was trying to diagnose me with some crazy stuff lol. To the point where they think it’s hallucination. Which it definitely is not because my boyfriend and my mother have seen this stuck to my skin. It stretches from my hair around my face all the way down to my toes. I’ve been dealing with it since also around when Covid started. And when it breaks off it is literally like lint all over my bathroom sink. My hair looks like somebody took a razor and shave the sides of it. When I have not. But I’ve been tempted because the lint or fuzz or whatever can be painful when it tightens up on my skin . My skin is extremely dry it was lotion trying to help ease it out. There are times when I am in the bathroom forever it makes my family angry because I am trying to get my skin to the point where I feel normal. My doctors are stumped.  I feel like I’m at a loss with it and it’s very depressing. I have open sores all over me from where it breaks off my skin. And when I get to the point where it’s loose and I can have some of it surface on my skin I can’t get it completely off at all . Could you please update if you have any other answers you’ve been told thank you
Potentially trichotillomania or excoriation compulsion. People are not the source of their own anxieties (obsessions) but coping behaviors (“nervous habits “) can be  misperceived as originating spontaneously where the source of anxiety is unidentified or unrecognized.   I’m not a medical professional but I will tell you from my own experience a very good reason for anxiety to start coming  out sideways (compulsively) is helplessness to stop or escape whoever is inflicting it.  
Post photos and then we can see what you are dealing  with.
3191940 tn?1447268717
Is anyone else in your family able to see this material coming out of your skin?
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nobody is listening to me.

morgellons may be part of a larger life cycle; a stage in the devolpment of the cocci fungus.  my theory, and others, think this to be true.

i can relate.  when i was first introduced to this parasite, i did not listen either.  i was coached by a women who tested positive for cocci fungus ten years ago.  i kept sending her my pics; always the same answer back.  cocci.  i am now a believer that i have this disease.  several of my friends here in canada have this, as well.

please, please do yourself a favour and look it up and learn.   it is a very intense fungus and can move around your body producing all kinds of shapes, sizes and colours.  but they are only seen with the aid of a magnifier/light app.  i have ten times mag on my phone and this is ok, but higher would be better.  look at the skin on your hand magnified.  take a pic and magnify or zoom in on the pic.  you will understand me if you do this.  been fighting over two years and i learned a few tricks.
What tricks? Please share. I’m at my wit’s end with this.
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I am not a physician but I would go to a infared sauna.  This worked for us. For us sweating in one of these was the key to recovery. Take Care!
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I thought I lost my mind until I’ve read this the exact I mean very exact same thing has happened to me did ever find a good answer?
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Im located in Missouri with the same thing going on. It has completely turned my life upside down. Im just at a year into it and after dealing with the thread like stitching thruout skin, swollen body, skin outbreaks I am now having extreme upper back pain and head ache. It almost feels like little spikes are wanting to come out below my neck above spine.

I have lost most my hair and find it oddly lodged in my skin somewhere. (had beautiful long hair) My upper back tooth has a hole and my cheek has a light brown spot where bad tooth is. (always had perfect teeth)

then my mouth/throat looks super weird and same with my eaers. its like my face is deformed now including my eyes. the inside leaks black specks and white goo. my nose looks spead out and longer.

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Me too same I can’t believe this
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Same I have the same thing.  Omg. Help
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Have you seen a Morgellons health care provider?
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I know what you have because I have it too it is a very hard to treat and very hard to diagnose scabies infection it is a mite. I know this because I'm living this hell as we speak God bless you
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I have this issue, as well.  There are spots on my temple where I can pull this white spider web like stuff out of my head.
I believe it might be pythium, a water mold.  If not that, then is some kind of filaria worm; long and thin.
Idk how to get rid of it.  I am on antibiotics now for an infection in under my teeth and in my ear.  It is not working.  It is only increasing my pain level.
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This is ridiculous. There are at least ten different threads on this site alone I follow and hundreds of us suffering from some strange condition and no one listens. I’ve been to four PCPs, a dermatologist, and the ER. Although at first they’d believe me about a film on my body, they quickly stopped when it didn’t go away with their treatment. If they prescribed any that is. One gave me an anti itch only and the fourth finally referred me to a dermatologist who she clearly talked to prior to my appointment. The dermatologist walked in, never examined me and told me “there’s nothing there.” I was devastated, I had hoped so much that I’d finally have my answer.

I can’t take the pain much longer. Lotion sits on top of my skin and won’t soak in. Nothing will. It’s truly agony, I’ve always had super dry skin and this is hell on earth. Showers hurt so much, my skin feels like a rubber suit, it doesn’t clean and when I get out it burns. I always try lotion but so far no luck.

I can’t get the lint off my clothes, sheets, towels, nothing works. Little white balls everywhere. And twisted tiny pieces of white paper.  Or what looks like white paper.

I’ve discovered too much now and I’m in a constant state of terror. And I’m so disgusted with my body and what it’s covered in I try to stay out of the kitchen and away from anyone. I’m constantly cleaning dust and dirt, it’s everywhere in my house. Sometimes the film comes off for one reason or another and rarely I see my real skin. It’s in terrible condition. Infections, the skin isn’t all dried out, rather it’s almost like water logged and very pale. Of course no one can see that usually, including me, so I take pictures in case one day if I’m still around and I find a dr that listens I can show him. My brain is foggy, I’m in terrible physical shape now due to the pain and my legs feel so heavy I can hardly lift them so I don’t get around very much anymore.

I have no one to talk to. It’s the worse feeling ever to be so alone and depressed and isolated and knowing your family and friends think you’re crazy. They just give me a look if I bring it up, I wish they knew how much I’ve been suffering the last three and a half years. I normally try to pretend I’m ok but it’s hard to do that when I feel activity start, or it’s ongoing, and I know for the next fourteen hours or so I’ll be tormented. It’s daily now, at first it was now and then, I noticed a backache that was like a hundred pounds on my shoulders. Then I noticed a film on my skin. Not too long after that I started filming my hair after I woke up to intense scalp itching.  It was waxy and there was really gross stuff on my scalp. That happened twice then it locked down and I haven’t felt my real scalp or seen my real hair in three years, just this “hair” that changed colors overnight. And texture, it’s like twine and my hairline looks so abnormal I don’t understand how anyone can ignore this. My sister literally asked me if I dyed my hair. I told her no but she didn’t believe me.

My teeth have started to fall out and I’ve always had nice teeth, always saw my dentist every six months or more often if needed. The hair is embedded all over my body with other crap, it’s in my ears and my finger beds. I’m so sad that this is my life now and sometimes think “I can’t possibly be going through this it’s too unrealistic” but I am. I have no joy in life anymore. I’ll probably die and everyone will think “it’s too bad she went crazy” but if someone would just listen they’d see we’re not crazy. Essential oil diffusers, alcohol, peroxide and vinegar are my only temporary relief. If anyone finds an answer please share. I did join the mold and morgellons Facebook group but my symptoms aren’t exactly the same. The hair is foreign but all of the stuff that comes off me is around me, it sticks to my skin.  It’s everywhere now, from my feet to scalp. I hope they figure this out, but I doubt it will be in my lifetime. Sorry about the long comment. I just wanted to share as much as possible in case anyone else had any of the same symptoms.
Omg this is what's happening to me I cant believe it.
Are you referring to my symptoms? What I’m going through? Please let me know, no one really replies on these threads. I’d like to know what you’ve found out, if anything, and what you’re going through.
The Morgellons Disease documentary, Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons is available now at MorgellonsMovie.org
I have it to and trust me I get it my whole family thought I was crazy.
Every word you wrote is my story too, even down to the length of time we've had it!  I so feel your pain, I've been to 4 PCP's and 2 Dermatologists--one of which was  a supposed 'Specialist' at UC Denver Dermatology Dept.  She tried really hard to convince me that the fluorescent blue fibers are something we all have, she showed me her arm that had a few fibers on it. Well yeah, she just touched my naked body everywhere, doing a head-to-toe evaluation. Of course she got some on her. My mom doesn't have them. My best friend doesn't have them. Don't give me that **** just because you are afraid of Morgellans, afraid of what your piers would think if you actually subscribed to the possibility that this might be real, and we need help. It's just way easier to label us "hopelessly delusional" and send us on our way, while billing my insurance company for whatever the code is for a level 3 office visit, because there isn't even a diagnosis code for Morgellans. $300-400 office visit, thank you very much!

Do you have white stuff under the crap called 'skin'?  My arms have looked like giant crepe, and I knew it wasn't crepe, but some kind of larvae or something, incubating until it erupts from my arms. I begged my dermatologist to do a scalp and skin scraping to check for parasites. He would change the subject and said, "Nope, no lice in your hair.". Ok, if not lice, then WTF IS WIGGLING IN MY HAIR AND TRYING TO EVADE MY CAPTURE, QUICKLY HIDING IN THE COMB??!! ISN'T IT YOUR JOB TO FIND OUT?!!!  Now, after 3 years of this ********, my scalp feels and sounds like sandpaper and is completely covered with the crap, with what appears to look like nits covering every hair! I shed it, they fall off my head, it completely covers everything in my house, and the bubbles are now erupting everywhere. There is fungus growing on my body, and one fungal sore has been oozing a clear/yellow liquid 24/7.  And quickly. Urgent Care doc said, "No bandages. Dry it out. Take these antibiotics.". Nope, instead of my bandage getting soaking wet, my sheets and socks now get soaked.  I am so sick of the medical community joining forces and refusing to be concerned about this confusing disease. Shame on them! And I'm with ya, I'm a 66 yo white woman (fits right into their checklist of who is most likely to have these symptoms of 'delusions of parasitosis) who would give ANYTHING not to be experiencing this nightmare. Alone, all by myself in my misery and terror, never knowing what I will witness next and being deathly frightened that somehow this monster knows when I have tortured the little bastards and WILL retaliate, usually by somehow causing me to bleed, then forming itself into a beetle looking thing with my blood. And if I don't keep wiping it off (it bleeds and bleeds and bleeds--a blood parasite that can somehow keep my blood from coagulating until it's had enough. I rip it off quickly, because the first time this happened, I was horrified and panicked, and basically lost it. So by the time I removed its hardenef beetle-like body from my skin, it was like tearing my flesh off. It had a deep hold on me, and I had to rip it off. Excruciating. What comes off is dark, dark red, almost black, and is so evil looking. I've never believed in curses, but I'm not adverse to the thought that there is one person in this world who hates me enough, and is high up in a religious cult, that he would work for the last 20 years on terrorizing me. It looks and feels so devilish. Idk, but I'm not kidding you all, I swear I speak the truth. I will include a pick or link if I can.



Coccidia.  fungus.  horrible
my oct 21st post is the wrong name.  oct 19th is the name of the fungus.  it is called Valley Fever.
Did you ever find out what it is or get rid of it. The things you are saying are exactly the what I've been dealing with for past 2 and a half years.
It has stopped for short periods of time then came back.
Now it is worse than ever I'm so weak and so alone. No one wants to listen not even doctors everyone thinks I'm crazy or stupid or high. Then I also have to deal with nosey ass people that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground calling me nasty or stupid when I've been trying to get help for over 2 years now. I've gotten to the point that I'm like why bother they are just going to be like the dozen other times I've been to the Dr. Not help at all or half ass try to guess n still no better than I was before.
Idk I hope maybe u have an answer or have gotten some help. Please let me know thanks
Same thing 100% it's morgellons. Look up the Facebook group "morgellons science support" Steve Beddingfield started it and has helped 1000's it's definitely not a scam he does sell like a sav now but it's because it really works and he was sending it out to people for free for about 5 years I was in that group and it was purely information and helping people!! It's nothing to push you to buy any product whatsoever it's just a lot of people dealing with the same thing a lot of people looking for support and answers and you will find that there
Ok, i think the vaccine might have caused our medical professionals to be brainwashed. Ive never seen such uncaring and irresponsible, poor excuses for doctors! Only 2 of about 10 even took us seriously, and the others all IGNORE us, or have a diagnosis in mind before they see us, then diagnose us without even LOOKING at us- it’s like ringworm, but fungal tests are negative. They won’t treat us anymore, it’s horrible.
You are describing, verbatim the hellish nightmare I have been living. I'm sorry you are also going through this but I can't begin to tell you how much this helps to read this because I haven't been able to thoroughly explain all theses bizarre and terrifying things, especially when countless doctors discount your symptoms and offer no help. I still can't believe that you also have had the white substances that look like little wads of paper, white fuzz/lint; or the changes to your skin & film; and the hair changes especially the foreign hair issues all over your body, etc. My hair got darker & changed before it fell out completely along with my eyebrows & eyelashes. I could go on how every single thing also happened to me and how this has completely destroyed my life. But I have too say that all these comments have give more support and acknowledgment knowing so many other people experience these same symptoms and I'm grateful to you all for sharing! I don't understand how so many doctors refuse to acknowledge or try to investigate when so many people are experiencing the same issues.
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I have been experiencing the same thing as well it has been about a year now and I don't know what I can do to make it go away I've tried everything I thought that I was the only one that had been experiencing this my whole family thinks I'm crazy I don't know what to do it's driving me crazy does anybody have any answers
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My new car is black with black interior. I've had it 2 months. Every inch of my car is now COVERED with litter white stuff and thin, wirey, hair looking stuff that is neither my hair nor my dog's fur. It is everywhere, even under every seat--gobs of it. It is also on the OUTSIDE of my car! I know it when I see it. I just can't believe it. I tried to scrape a small white one off, and I could not get it off! I am so worried that it is going to ruin the paint job. Sickening. How can anything so obnoxious, evil and destructive be something inherent to our planet? Come on, it defies the laws of nature. It is capable of communicating, I have filmed 2 live fibers obviously relating to each other, with bright lights luminescencing  up and down the length of the fiber, and moving away when my finger approaches it.  I know it is all over my car, because its feeding off of me.  Same reason it's all over my house, clothes, dog. Anything that I come into contact with is left with microscopic fungi, and it breeds like rabbits. This is the grossest thing I never knew even existed. I just can't believe that it serves a single purpose in this world.  Matter of fact, I just don't believe is from this world. It's like it's out to kill us!

I can't believe that with as many of us there are reporting this phenomenon and talking about it openly, that the medical community is STILL hell-bent on burying their heads in the sand. Gee, seems like SOME Doctor, SOME Scientist, SOME Physicist SOMEWHERE would realize the value of studying something so bizarre, with such extraordinary abilities, and obviously possessing a level of intelligence. Or, maybe they already know.........
I think I'm commenting on my own comment! Lol

Are you or anyone on this form have RH Negative Blood?
I don’t know my blood type but do you have an answer for rh negative blood? It’s been over a year since I commented and I’m in bad shape.

My head is still itchy all the time and unlike most of the commenters, my hair has become so thick I shaved the bottom half and had the top part thinned out. The stylist said there’s a medical condition for thick hair like that but I didn’t have this kind of thickness before. I shaved the bottom part because it feels so heavy and I have hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome so I already have instability in my cervical neck area and get occipital neuralgia headaches. All I know is that when I try to wash my hair it’s almost impossible to get the roots wet.

I’ve had other people wash my hair and I tell them that they didn’t get the roots or my scalp wet. The couple times it’s happened they were very surprised when they checked and saw it was still dry. The stylist said my roots are super thick. All I can think is some kind of fungus. The hair that I can pull off my body in certain circumstances is connected together like a daisy chain. And it’s a lot of hair I pull off. A lot of hair comes out when I comb it every morning with jojoba oil or tea tree oil on the comb.

I’m not in control of my limbs, but that’s hard to really pin on this or my hEDS. It seems like I reach for something and miss by an inch or things will drop right out of my hands. I trip, I fall, I never know when it will hit. It seems like it’s a cycle.  

I’ve had extensive lab work and imaging done with many specialists because of my condition. I don’t mention this to them, I know what the reaction will be, but I’m hoping so badly that maybe one of them will stumble across it.

I do have vitamin d2, vitamin c, and folic acid deficiencies, I take the prescription vitamins. Again, idk if it’s from this or something else. Being a vegetarian, and not having much of an appetite because of the nasty things on my skin, may very well have caused that.

My skin still won’t absorb lotion and it hurts so much. I force myself to shower daily although I don’t feel I’ve accomplished much when I do. It’s exhausting. I feel like I’m fighting my hair the whole time and the sensation of something constantly spinning around me makes it hard to keep my balance.

Idk. I’ve kind of come to accept this is it. Flakes and black specks and lint always flying off of me and covering my phone when I’m using it and I don’t like to think about everywhere else it goes. I clean all day and don’t like anyone to come close to me. I don’t want their hair or dirt to get on me too. Stuff just seems to stick to me.

Also, the hair by the roots on my scalp are crunchy. It literally makes a crunchy sound. It feels super dry and idk how when I put oil on it everyday.

I hope someone has an answer. I want to feel the breeze on my skin again before I die. I feel like I’m suffocating with this white waxy film everywhere.

I have this condition also. I do have O neg blood. I am in southern Illinois, and have been experiencing this since summer 22. I'm curious as to what we might all possibly have in common. I'm also going to look into every possible condition mentioned above and thank you to those who have shared info. My lifestyle was very hard working, I sweat a lot, I worked with many household cleaners. I did outdoor work as well on a farm where I was exposed to hay, dogs, and ducks mostly, the cattle from other side of the fence, those guys were mean. LoL. When I wasn't working I was likely running around in the creeks, or alongside the river arrowhead hunting which did involve some digging in the dirt. I took in a kitten as a stray, and I hope to God it wasn't something from him, but if it is, so be it, he is my everything and we'll just go out together I guess, LoL. I was under extreme stress and had been for a while because I unknowingly at the time chose to date a narcissist. There very well could have been mold where we lived but not confirmed and nothing worked in the place most of the time making it hard to make healthy meals so my diet was mainly processed food, that and the stress obviously led to some depression. That was my life when this started. Most of those things have changed now, thankfully, but these symptoms seem to only get worse. My derm currently has me on a months worth of Cephalexin and Keta 2% shampoo. Neither are working. Anyway, hoping by sharing this info we can start to see a trend, a common factor, somewhere. It has affected my life in every way and I get down about it like we all do I'm sure, sometimes...but I want answers, so I'm gonna keep at it until I get them, and when I do I'm going to help everyone I can who is on the brink after being told they were everything from delusional to just having hormonal changes. Let's hang in there and get to the bottom of this.
I’m NOT a physician. My advice if you have some kind of living thing on your skin to go to an infrared sauna. Go several times as long as you don’t have anything medically that could result in harm if you get hot and sweat.
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