
Colon Cancer Community

I had a Colonoscopy done when I was 45 yrs old. The results were 5 tubulovillous Adenoma with no evidence of high grade Displasia. I also...
Intermittent bright red blood with bowel movements for several years. Have asked all my docs about it and a couple have done cursory exam...
I am 36 years old. Long history of chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain and other IBD type symptoms. Currently being tested to rule out Cro...
Endoscopy - + H Pylori, Gastritis and these bowel movements are well defined and no kidding, shaped like the sides of a stop sign. Pleas...
41 male. Having slight pain in tailbone and pressure in anal region, especially whe. Sitting. Having lower abdomen discomfort. The discom...
Anyone else have ascites (fluid build-up) in the stomach due to SIRTS, an enlarged spleen and dysfunctional liver due to liver mets from ...
Popular Resources
Colon Cancer can affect anyone at any age. Ashley Havlena shares her story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Read on to find out how a fecal occult blood test saved Keith Friend’s life.
Colon cancer screening tests save lives. Learn how you can reduce your risk for colon cancer.
It’s a fact: You’re never too young for colon cancer. Learn more about the disease.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Amr Radwan shares his story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Angie shares her family's ongoing struggle with cancer.