Mood - Okay Albums
Anita gets puppy
Anita gets puppy
Lotsa cleanup to do!
Lotsa cleanup to do!
Gingie paws her water issue--so sweet
Gingie paws her water issue--so sweet
Lamotrigine upped to 300 mg; effects short term memory--WhT?
Lamotrigine upped to 300 mg; effects short term memory--WhT?
Nice visit, he will take care of me from anywhere!
Nice visit, he will take care of me from anywhere!
Urula promised to take me in if I have a stroke or worse!!!
Urula promised to take me in if I have a stroke or worse!!!
Back to bed after visiting phone in
Back to bed after visiting phone in
Popcorn lightens the rudimentary recall sometimes.
Popcorn lightens the rudimentary recall sometimes.
Pet Market. pie (chicken) fr bread
Pet Market. pie (chicken) fr bread
The later the day, the better my mood
The later the day, the better my mood
They are healthy happy and all safe.  Thank you Jesus!
They are healthy happy and all safe.  Thank you Jesus!
Artistic, new, clean and really pretty!
Artistic, new, clean and really pretty!
Appetite shows up "with a little help from the popcorn!
Appetite shows up "with a little help from the popcorn!
Coming out of it?
Coming out of it?
short term second decible threat
short term second decible threat
coming out of heavy depression, but eating helps recovery.
coming out of heavy depression, but eating helps recovery.