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Another question.........SHOULD I ask for colonoscopy given my age (44)?

No family history, though my symptoms are questionable (see my other post -pasted below) not even sure if they are consistent with colorectal cancer)................should I *really* wait until I am 50 to get screened???

Symptoms from other post:   I am a 44-year old female who until five weeks ago, have never had an problems with my stomach or digestion.   My youngest child had a 3-day stomach bug and my husband wound up being diagnosed with Hepatitis A the same week that I had a 'bug' of some sort that was the beginning of all of my problems.  My GP said my bloodwork did NOT indicate hepatitis, and is sending me to the gastroenterologist.  I am anxiously awaiting that appointment because I have felt so bad for five weeks now following that 'bug'. My questions are whether or not these symptoms could be consistent with any type of cancer (colon or stomach).   Since getting the 'bug', I have had severe burning pain under my rib cage (both sides) along with stomach cramping if I try to eat a 'normal' meal.    I also have had consistent nausea (no vomitting) which has caused me to lose quite a bit of weight in those five weeks time.   My bowel habits have been pretty typical considering everything else.  I have had general bloodwork done as well as an abdominal and pelvic CT scan all with nothing remarkable.   Until I get to the gastroenterologist, the possibility of a cancer is in the forefront of mind. Does this sound like a possible cancer and what tests should I ask for with my symptoms?  TIA

PS - I have had a complete and thorough check for ovarian problems since those can also cause gastro symptoms along with other gyn symptoms that I have been having which have since resolved.
3 Responses
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Hi, I'm saying go ahead and have it done, and your GI will most likely recommend you have it as well for the same reasons.  I don't feel it's colon related, but in your stomach.
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Mammo - you would WAIT until 50 or go ahead and get one now?  Want to make sure I understand :) I think you are saying go ahead and ask now for the peace of mind??

What is your interpretation of my symptoms?   Am I off-target with thinking it might be colon-related??
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I would because you need one at 50 anyway, and they can do both of them at the same time.  This will also give you piece of mind.  I'm sure your GI will recommend this anyway.
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