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CEA markers

I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that has metastasized to my liver.  
I had my second treatment of chemo and they told me my cea numbers.
Can you tell me a little about these numbers they are telling me and when they do drop what kind of drop is good.
My number was 42.7 when they took the blood the at the first treatment and it dropped to 36.
Thank you,
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I am now two years without colorectal cancer.  Thank God.  Your CEA readings are not good--now.  5 CEAs are okay for a smoker and 1.5 or less for nonsmokers.  The chemo treatment is what possibly brought your numbers down.  I am not a doctor, just telling you what I know from my experience and research on the subject matter on the internet.

Sorry I cannot be the bearer of great news.  Gob bless.
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1118884 tn?1338592850

As much as I would like to tell you what those numbers mean, and relieve anxiety, I am not qualified to do so.  Contact your doctor or his/her nurse to get a medically accurate answer.

We @ MedHelp are here to support you but we are not doctors, and don't have answers to this kind of question.

I survived 6 weeks of chemo and radiation for anal cancer 2 yrs ago, so I have an idea of what you are going through.  Call your doctor tomorrow.  Or ask technician next time you get chemo about the meaning of numbers.

The important thing is to stay strong for treatment.  

Wishing you the best,

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