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Colon Cancer

Hi, I am a 30 year old female. I have twice noticed blood in my stool and on the toilet paper. First time was when I had my period and I thought it may be due to that but now a couple of weeks later it happened again. I also have notice mucus in my stool and when I pass gas. I have no history of colon cancer in my family, though I had a benign polyp removed about 4 yrs ago. I am diagnosed with IBS. I have no weight loss (other way around) but have been very stressed past couple of years. My toilet habits have not changed, I have had no fever. My stool looks normal shape and color (other than mucus and blood). I ma due for an endoscopy and colonscopy soon. But I want to know; is this most likely cancer?
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Thanks for the reply. But I cant help but to think that before they found my polyp they said it is highly unlikely for someone my age (25 at the time) to have a polyp. I mean if you read up on blood and mucus colon cancer rates high. with my history of IBS and polyps it scares me
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144586 tn?1284666164
It is highly unlikely that this is cancer. Stop worrying!

There is a high liklihood that the red blood is due from simple hemorhoids.
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