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Concerned I may have Colon Cancer. Can I get some advice?

First off, I'm 23 years old and have no family history of Colon Cancer.

About a year ago I had an extremely difficult time passing a stool. I finally passed it and after that I developed what I thought were hemorrhoids. When I would go to the bathroom I would get a very quick sharp pain and when I would wipe there would be a tiny bit of blood on the tissue. Not a lot. This slowed down and didn't happen nearly as often, and I haven't noticed it in maybe a month or so.

2 weeks ago I started having stools that were much looser than normal. Breaking apart into many pieces. I'm not going to the bathroom more than normal, I'm still going once or twice a day, the stools just happen to be pretty loose.

I went to the doctor 2 days ago because I started getting very scared. We talked about all my symptoms, she did a rectal exam, and a FOBT (tested my stool for blood.) She said the rectal exam looked good. No signs of hemorrhoids or anything like that. My stool also tested negative for blood.

She said that she didn't suspect anything serious and that I most likely have some type of lingering virus since there have been a lot going around.

She is having be eat the BRAT diet for a few days and then ease back into my normal diet to see if it helps. I've been doing the BRAT diet almost exactly for 2 1/2 days. I've only subbed in a boiled potato and some hard boiled eggs.

My stools are still looser than normal at this point. The one yesterday wasn't as loose as some others, but this mornings was. Also, I am worrying a lot about having cancer. I don't know if I'm over-analyzing my stools or not. But this morning it looked a little flatter than normal as well. I put on gloves and went through it but I didn't notice any obvious issues like blood.

Can you please give me some advice, I'm starting to freak out again.

Thanks you
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Colon cancer is extremely rare at your age.  I think when you had difficulty passing the stool your may have developed a small tear in the anus which is common and causes a little bleeding and heal on their own. Our stool size, shape, color and texture changes all the time, it's long term changes that you need to have checked out.  Also, look at what you're eating, often food is the culprit.  If it were me, I wouldn't worry.  You have to be careful that you don't obcess over this, or it can consume your life.  When you are told that everything is fine, accept that it is and move on.  You're wise to have long term changes in your bowels checked out, but there are so many simple things that can cause changes in our bowels.  I feel you're just fine.  Try to relax and get on with your healthy life.  I wish you all the best and do take care!
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I also have no other symptoms: No weight loss, appetite chance, abdominal pain, etc
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