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Could it be cancer?

Hello, i am a 30 years old male, 5'8" and 166lbs.
About four months ago i noticed that i had some mucus on my stools. Never had a problem with bowel movements
(always 1 or 2 times per day) no constipation, no diarrhea, no pain, nothing.
Two weeks ago i noticed a little red in the toilet paper but i didnt give it much attention. 5 days ago i noticed more
blood in paper and set up an appointment for a CT colonoscopy. Two days ago i noticed that after having bowel movement at the end i had only blood. When using the laxative (during the bowel preparation) i had diarreah but no blood anymore. No weight loss, a LOT of appetite. My grandfather had colon cancer at the age of 85, but was treated with surgery and he died at the age of 96, from unrelated pathology.
The problem is that the report from the CT colonoscopy will be available next week.
I questioned the operator and he said there was nothing bad but i cannot rest.. Have also anxiety disorder and mild depression, was on prozac now thinking about zoloft.
Could the radiologist miss something bad (like metastasis, colon cancer or large polyps). I have terrible anxiety and fear the worst. afraid to go to the toilet because i might have blood again. Any suggestions. Thank you    
6 Responses
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I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. It was inflammation in my colon. Thank you !
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I have stage 3 colon cancer.And i have to say the only thing we have the same is the blood in stool and on toilet paper.I got very tried and weak.Lost like 30 pounds in a month and a half.My stool got thin and i had lots of pain.I had a 4 1/2 tumor removed from my rectum.On Sept.18th,2012.Lets just say it was a surgery gone wrong.But if they say it look good.Take there word for it.They dont mess around with stuff like that.I would have your doctor start looking at other reasons for your problem dear. It could be hemorroids or your stool was to big or u ate something that cut u inside alittle that caused this bleeding.And if u have IBS it can cause pain.I have this also.And hemorroid problems.Right now i have bag i poop in.LOL All i can do is laugh about it.Dont really like it.For that has its problems too.Try to stay positive thru this.But i would really talk with your doctor if it is a problem for u.I wish u the best.And please do keep me posted on u.Sending u lots of loving hugs Linda
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757137 tn?1347196453
Mucus in stools can indicate infestation by Candida albicans.
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It says no lesions inside the colon wall or outside the colon wall were observed.
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I have the results from the CT Colonoscopy. It sees no abnormality. What are other options for me? Blood in stool, soft stools and abdominal pain.
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Forgot to mention that the last decade i have a LOT of gas.. and also taking probiotics improves gas and makes my bowel movements perfect in shape or color. Thanks.
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