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Could this be Colon Cancer

I am a 42 year old male about 50lbs over weight and I have been working with my doctor since 2/09 to address Accelerated High Blood Pressure. I continued to have symptoms of Accelerated High Blood Pressure after being prescribed an  aggressive medication regiment. I was then referred to a Internal Medicine Doctor who changed/reduced the proscribed medications. During a office visit we discussed abdominal discomfort I had been having. I was sent for a ultrasound of my stomach and was diagnosed with a fatty liver. I have know been having a change in my bowl movements, I have gone from a bowel movement every 2-3 days to 4-5 times a day. The stool is light in color and appear to be flat along with nausea. I also have a history of smoking 2 packs a day for 28 years and I finally quit 10 months ago. I have a family history of both lung and liver cancer. Am I to young for colon cancer and wouldn't it have shown up on the ultrasound?
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1003051 tn?1260756114
I'm not sure if its a sign of colon cancer.
I think you should go through colonoscopy. It will lessen the worries that you have. Better be sure on what you are going through and get the right cure for it than be stressed because of worrying about it.

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Thank you for the feedback, I have met with my doctor and we have scheduled both a colonoscopy and a endoscopy. After some additional family history research  it was found that there have been 4 people in my family in the previous generation who have died due to cancer, 1 lung. 1 colon, 1 stomach and one who died from liver. The concern now is I have been extremely nocuous and have been unable to eat which is now causing weight loss.
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942121 tn?1275675658
I was only 35 when I was diagnosed last year with colon cancer. I highly suggest getting the colonoscopy. There is no history of colon cancer in my family. It was a complete fluke that it was even found. I had none of the symptoms that I have read about on the Forum. Good luck!
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I was diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer in my mid-forties, but I had a family history of colon cancer.  It may not show up on ultrasound.  Ask about colonoscopy, and keep an eye on your liver also.  Good luck.
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From my understanding you are at the very young end of the age range to have developed colon cancer - but this does occasionally happen although the normal age is ~50-60.

I would suggest the most comprehensive test for detecting - or eliminating - the presence of colon cancer is a colonoscopy.  Maybe an endoscopy at the same time would also be informative.

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