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Death after colonoscopy

My Uncle had a heart valve replaced about 25 years ago and has been taking Coumadin ever since, with no problems. About 10 years ago, he had colon cancer, was treated, and had been in good health. Last week, he had a routine colonoscopy, and his doctor told him to stop taking Coumadin before the procedure. The evening after the procedure, he had intestinal problems, but want back to bed. Later that night, my Uncle died of a "heart attack". My entire family is quite upset, and I feel that my 73-year old Uncle died unnecessarily due to his stopping the Coumadin. Is it normal to have a patient who has been doing very well on that blood thinner to stop it for a routine exam, and how common is it for patients to die as a result?
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That's common advice for someone taking aspirin, etc., but it doesn't seem like the risk of possible bleeding after a routine procedure overrides the risk of sudden death. Any medical professionals reading this are encouraged to respond.
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Yes, any doctor will have a patient discontinue a blood thinner like coumadin for a week prior to an invasive procedure like a colonoscopy.  This is because there is a risk of bleeding from the procedure and the blood thinner will impair the blood's ability to clot.  It is routine advice.
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