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Flat/Pencil Thin Stools With Blood

For several months, I have been passing flat or pencil thin stools.  I do on occasion see blood.  I also notice that after passing the thin/flat stools, I will then pass some stool that I think looks like pencil shavings.  I have had problems in the recent months with some constipation and I do at times feel bloated.  I also notice that I also have anal pain and some burning in that area.  My Dr. did a digital rectal exam and told me that I had some "nodules" in the anal area and recommends that I see a colorectal surgeon.  Is anyone else experiencing these symptoms?  Could this be cancer?
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212161 tn?1599427282
hum does IBS cause you to get cancer there i also have IBS
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See a Gastroenterologist before a surgeon so that you can get a colonoscopy to determine if there is anything going on up higher in the colon.  This is their field of expertise and you definitely need this test.  Best wishes.
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1118884 tn?1338592850
Hi there,

Take your doctor's advice and make an appointment with a colo/rectal surgeon.  He/she has the experience and equipment to give you a thorough exam.

I am an anal cancer survivor.  Not a doctor.  For what it is worth, my symptoms were not like yours.  I did have irritable bowel syndrome.

After your exam you will be better equiped to dead with this worrisome issue.  What I've found is that a high fibre diet...or daily supplements will help with both diarrhea and constipation.  This is what my oncologist recommends.  

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