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Is this colon cancer

I am a 25 yr old male.
Since October I have experienced severe constipation (5 or more days between bowel movements).
I have resorted to using Miralax which initially helped but now find that 5-6 doses have minimal effect, so I have
resorted to enemas in addition.  Currently I have bloating, still constipation and pencil thin stools when I have a bowel movement. I do not have any bleeding.  I saw my primary physician who found some lower left abdominal tenderness, prescribed Amoxicillin and referred me to a colorectal surgeon for a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy is scheduled for next week.
My primary feels this is Diverticulitis but the surgeon just spoke about removing polyps if they were found during the colonoscopy.  I am concerned that this is colon cancer.
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   Colon cancer is very rare at your age. The main reason for all the problem is constipation first you have to recover it.You have to include more fiber in your diet,it helps to soften the stool. Drink plenty of water and do regular exercise.
Take care!
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That's just awesome!  Many people have a twisty colon and do just fine.  At least you can have peace of mind that it's nothing serious.  Great news!  Take care.
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Thanks you for your reply and support.
My colonoscopy showed no polyps or tumors.
It did show a twisty colon in 2 spots. The Colorectal surgeon recommends diet changes to include more fiber, and more water, and to follow up if my symptoms persist.  So now I am making these changes and hoping for the best.
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Hi there ,
first of all you have to cure your constipation first , as we know long term constipation results severe disorders ...

so first cure the constipation ...by doing regular exercise , maintain a time table for eating , do eat healthy vegies ...and all ..

if your constipation resolves ...you will feel better and all other problem also get resolved easily ..
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Colon cancer is very rare at your age, and there would be bleeding.  Polyps are also rare at your age unless there is an hereditary colon disease in your family.  If you haven't had any family member diagnosed at an early age with colon cancer.....I wouldn't worry that it's cancer.  I know we tend to think the worst, but there are other things that can cause this.  Plus, regardless of what it is you're catching it early before it becomes serious and that's what you need to think about.  I hope this helps and please let us know what you find out...you may be helping someone else.  Take care.
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