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Low hematocrit and mcv is it a sign?

I'm hypothyroid and I am on 100 mcg levothyroxine daily plus arimidex 3 times a week and .5 mcg lexapro daily. I am a 26 year old male. Recently I had bloodwork done and everything was fine except in my blood counts. The doctor said I could be bleeding somewhere, because it looks like i have anemia:

Uric Acid 9.2 mg/dl 2.6-7.2<-------------------HIGH

White Blood Count 6.8 3.8-10.8
Red Blood count 5.55 4-6.2
Hemoglobin 15.1 14-18
Hematocrit 27.2 42-54 <----------------LOW
MCV 81 82-101<----------------LOW
MCH 27.2 26-34
MCHC 33.6 32-36
RDW 12.1 <14.5
Neutrophil 57 40-80
Lymphocyte 32 12-44
Monocyte 7 0-12
Eosinophil 4 0-7
Basophil 0 0-2
Platelet Count 264 140-440

It is weird, because 3 months earlier my blood count was perfectly normal:

White Blood count.............7.6 3.8-10.8
Red blood cell count..........5.41 4-6.20
Hemoglobin.................... ..15.3 14-18
Hematocrit.................... ....44.5 42-54
MCV........................... ...82 82-101
MCH........................... ...28.2 26-34
MCHC.......................... .34.4 32-36
RDW........................... ..11.9 <14.5
Neutrophil.................... ..52 40-80
Lymphocyte.................... 34 12-44
Monocyte...................... .9 0-12
Eosinophil.................... .4 0-7
Basophil...................... .1 0-2
Platelet Count...............275 140-440

Is it possible it is just a fluke or could something be wrong with my digestive system. Just when I am starting to get my hormones in order this happens. My hemoglobin is normal on both tests. I eat low carb.

Please help
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hi im 19 years old female i have a tubular adenome at my yung age How I did this disease becomes as im scared .please answer my question how to treat acute tubular adenoma Does this disease
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1208572 tn?1276142543
Did your doctor do an FOBT?(Fecal Occult Blood Test) If not, he certainly should have. I would recommend going back and getting that done. If he did and it was negative, you can look at other alternatives for your anemia.
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