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Hi Medical Community

My brother  aged 43 had done an emergency operation due to hole in the intestines. Since very long time ago, he go to loo very long and very frequently and complain about blood stool. Doctor yet to give him colonscopy due to he just do operation for his Preforation Colon. Doctor told us need to heal his colon that can refer him to colonscopy as might affect something serious happen due to his blood stool. I'm afraid he got Colon Cancer but just to wait for doctor further advice.

My friend had done operation to remove her womb but that day she happen to have bloody diarrhea but just one time. Doctor said the blood is not due to womb operation but is from colon and is colon infection. As she yet to heal from her operation she had to hold on on the colonscopy. I attached herewith her bloody diarrhea, could you help to advise what things cause her bloody diarrhea?

Please give me some advice on above two matters.

Thank you very much.

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Rectal bleeding is never normal and should be medically investigated thoroughly.  For possible causes google rectal bleeding and click onto one of the many sites.  The Medicinenet site is particularly informative.

When the cause is established I suggest that you post another message  on Medhelp.

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HI Medical Community

I attached herewith the bloody diarrhea.

Best Regards.
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