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Pain during Bowel Movement and Blood on toilet paper

Hi, i am 19 yr old male and have been having a kind of sharp pain only and during bowel movement, but everyday. I have found blood on my toilet paper only and no where else, but mostly every time i have bowel movement there is blood on the toilet paper. my concern is that most of the time, my stool is loose not hard but it still hurts everytime, I have read some online articles and do not know for sure what this is, has anyone else had this situation?
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You're most welcome. Take care. :)
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Hi amy,
thanks for the suggestions/information, and i will make an appointment soon to get it checked out, but because the blood is bright red and the amount varies depending on the type of stool.
thanks again for you input.
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Hi there.

I'm very active in my Dad's medical care as he has colon cancer, as well as hemorrhoids. I'm simply a care-giver, not an expert by any means and without knowing much else other than what is in your post, here's what I can say as a response.

From what I understand, if you find blood on tissue and it is bright red, it is more likely hemmorhoids. It's a good idea to see your doctor, regardless...but especially if the blood is dark...get checked to find out if there is any hidden blood in your stool, etc.

As for the stool, if the shape of it becomes like ribbons, there is more than likely a potential blockage forming (anything from hemorrhoids, polyps, tumor, etc...).

If black stool is in the mix with the other symptoms, report this to your doctor as well. You may need tests done (colonoscopy, etc..)

Hope this helps.

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