967261 tn?1247502015

Rectal Intussusception???

Hello all!!

Im new here. Im Mel and am 28yrs old and live in the UK.I have been trying for ages to find a site like this one!! I have had alot of past problems with my bowel and bladder. I have some investigative surgery a week ago and was told i have a 'full thickness rectal intussusception with a poor anterior aspect of the sphincter' What does this mean? When i google this it comes up with 'intussusception is rarely seen in adults and is generally associated with tumours and cancer???!!!' This hasd really scared me and surgeon not really clear about things and im going in for surgery in few weeks time,he said i need this asap!!

Please help me understand what is going on,if you can!!

Many thanks.xxx
4 Responses
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Hi all, Can I ask the outcome and ur symptoms. I.m 15wks pp with my 3rd child and since having struggle to fully empty my bowels and having fully cleaned I go bk and wipe theres still something there. I get lower back pain and backed up stools.
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527321 tn?1212630482
Go to these sites:http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/intussusception/DS00798


Good Luck to all of you.
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I am writing to try and find out what your outcome was as I too have untussusception as well as rectocele etc and live in the UK.  I cant find out much info on this at all either as this is more to do with children and childhood compaints or cancer when I search.  I am wondering what can be done and how successful any operation could be.
I also have a lot of back pain with this and constipation, no matter how soft my stool is.

I would very much appreciate any help with this matter and hope you are now well
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I can't really help you - I had always understood that an intusseseption sometimes occurs in your infants whereby a section of the bowels "telescopes" into an adjacent section.

However, in order to gain more relevant information, why don't you spend the few dollars that it costs to post your question on the "expert - ask a doctor" forum?

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