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back pain

Can colon or rectal cancer cause severe low back pain?
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can colon cancer cause back pain? I have lower back pain , have had skinny riibboned shaped  #2. now have to strain and seems less and less is happening! Also starting to feel bad with fever and pain in lower abdomen too
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You need to see a Gastroenterologist, this is a doctor who is specialized in this area.
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yes! cannot eat wheat now nuts seeds some fruits with seeds in and dairy-the list gets longer-stomach pain on the left-lost weight. wonder about diverticular/
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Are you having problems with your bowels?
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Hi have seen GP and as usual got no where! Xray of low back showed nothing up so that was it goodbye!
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Hi....your question is very vague,  if you're having back pain see your doctor as we can't diagnose what is causing your pain.  There are many things that cause back pain and you need to have a doctor determine what is causing your's.  I wish I could be of more help and wish you all the best.
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