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bowel movement

My stool is always flat,sometimeslong thin ribon like,sometimes very small when it is round.most of the time small flat chips rugged edges blood not always present,when it is always red,when stool is thicker still some flatness,usely most of the time stool loose.I have at least 3 movements a day less each time, sometimes feal i have to go then nothing.what could be cause of this?colon cancer?what eles could cause this flatness?
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i had thin/ flat stools was constipated  and a numb feeling down below , went to DRs who done an internal straight away and discovered a lump in rectum which turned out to be rectal cancer , after a colonoscopy also found a cancerous polip in bowel which was removed in january this year , ANY CHANGE IN YOUR BOWEL MOVEMENTS MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR GP STRAIGHT AWAY , also check for blood in stools another good indication , wish you all the best
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Had colonoscope found 3 polops 2 small 1 larger 3.5cm all in rectal all binine blood has stoped stool still flat at times over all much better bowel movment
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Stage 3 is advanced cancer that has spread beyond the colon but has not metastisized (sp?) yet.  

At 44 with symptoms like yours you should definitely be seen.  Although colon cancer is typically found in people over 50, I was diagnosed at age 46 and it was pretty far advanced.  

Good luck, and please post when you have seen a doctor.

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I'm 44, What is a stage 3 tumor? cancerous?
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That is pretty alarming.  How old are you?  Have you told your doctor that you have blood in your stools?  The symptoms you describe are a lot like the ones I had, and it turned out to be a stage 3 tumor.

Blood in the stool is never normal.  You should ask your doctor and if you get vague answers, insist on colonoscopy just to be safe.

Good luck.

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