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colon cancer scare

Hi everyone. I am 35 years old female and have a daughter just under 2. I have for most of adult life suffered from hard stool and I have a chronic fissure as a result that comes and goes from time to time. I have also experienced occasional pain in my lower to mid right abdomen that can last a whole day and be gone the next. Now for the past two weeks I have been having a change in bowel movements to looser stools and mild cramps. There are also pains on my right that are localized and come and go. Not sharp but feel like something is in there. And as I said they come and go. I also have lots of gas and extreme intestinal growling. Another thing I experience is bruised like feeling in ascending and transverse colon. Especially after a bowel movement. I usually will have a day or two without  cramps and going to the toilet only once to going 3 to 6 times in a row. Never had this problem before.  Very afraid this is something really bad. Been to Dr and we have done a complete blood count and all is fine. I suffer usually from severe health anxiety and have been back and forth at Dr and she is sending me for a urgent colonoscopy within two weeks and she thinks it could be  ibs or some form of ibd.  No blood in stools. So while I am waiting for an appointment my anxiety has been going through the roof.  Please if anyone has any thoughts or any input it would be greatly appreciated.
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hi I am a male 42yr I too have had you symptoms and I am waiting for a colonoscopy too.
im am really scared ive never been though anything like this or know anybody that's has been thought it. please let me know how you get on goodluck I hope your ok
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By now you have probably had your colonoscopy.  I started experiencing basically the same symptoms back in March.  Shortly after losing a loved one, I started having lots of stomach issues - pain and stomach growling, changes in bowel habits, etc.  I had blood work which was all normal, had an ultrasound which showed my gallbladder was clear of stones.  My liver did have a cyst on it but they didn't associate that with my symptoms.  I had a HIDA scan which indicated that my gallbladder was functioning at 32%.  I saw the surgeon about having it removed and he felt my symptoms were possibly related to something else and referred me to a GI.  I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy.  I had two small colon polyps which were precancerous but they were removed and all is good there.  Have to have another one in five years.  My endoscopy showed some mild gastritis which he felt was anxiety related.  He told me to take an over the counter acid reducer (for the gastritis), ordered me something for my stomach (Hyoscyamine) and Amitriptylin for anxiety/stress.  After two months of pain, I am feeling somewhat better but still have occasional pain.  I am going to see my surgeon soon just to see what his thoughts are now that I've had both scopes.  The GI told me it would take 4-6 weeks to see the full affect of the Amitriptylin.  Hope you have gotten to the bottom of your problem.
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