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colon cancer sign??

I turned 21 a little over a month ago. Had my yearly physical about 2 weeks before my birthday. It was a brand new doctor since i was to old for a pediatrician. New doctor had me go for blood test prior to visit (his rule for all new patients.) Doctor said all blood tests came back fine, (although im not exactly sure what was tested, guess just basic blood work) Anyway, doctor did say my blood pressure was a little bit high and that he wanted to see me in 3 months and he wanted me to lose 10 pounds within those 3 months. His only suggestion for me to change my diet was to eat alot more fruit and cereal with fiber in it. So in the weeks after i really started to eat alot of fruits, (something i hadnt usually done) and eat more vegetables. I also started to eat alot of yogurt. Only in the last 3 weeks i started to notice a metal like smell in my stool after a BM. Im not even sure if thats the right word to use to describe the smell. Although the smell seems to only be in the toilet itself. I know it may seem weird but i have actually been taking a quick sniff of the toilet paper after i wipe and THAT smells totally fine, normal and disgusting. Typical poop smell. Its only the stool in the toilet that i get that smell from. I am worried to think there could be blood in my stool eventhough i dont see any on the paper or in the poop in the toilet. And my BM have been normal, no pain when making a BM, no stomach pain, nothing out of the ordinary. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS AS TO WHAT THIS SMELL COULD BE!! Would there be any sign or symptoms if there was blood in my stool that i couldnt see? Would that weird unusual smell be the only sign?
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I thank mammo for the support and the explanation. I agree with mammo, that jo_e914 should not think of cancer. Cancer does not come out all of a sudden....it comes in stages... so wave off any thought of it now... live your life full and happy....
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Thank you.  I've lost several loved ones to it which included my son at 31 and grandson at 18.  A few of the physical outwardly signs are boney spurs on the head, face, wrists.
Fatty tumors on the torso, and supernumerary teeth...meaning you would have 2 sets of permanent teeth...but, you can have supernumerary teeth and not have this disease, and vice versa.
Now promise me you won't go and check out your body for these things, you're fine.  If this were in your family your parents would know it and would have needed to have you scoped yearly. Now let it go and enjoy life.  Never hesitate to talk to your parents about any health concerns.  They love you and would want to know if you are concerned about something.  Take care.
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wow that info was a little bit scary to think of. but i guess u are right in sayin that if there was blood in the stool it wouldnt smell like anything. now that i think about it, i havent really seen anything online that has said blood in stool = foul smelling stool! and im sorry to hear that colon cancer is hereditary in your family. early detection is important, so i've read. if you dont mind me asking, what were some symtoms you can tell me that really stand out. but anyways thank you so much for your info and advice. it feels good to talk to about this rather than speaking about it with my parents and having to worry them or have them think something is wrong.
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If you have a way to learn what is in your biological parents medical background, that is always beneficial for you.  We have the hereditary colon cancer in our family which you speak of, and there are outwardly signs of it.  One way to rule this out is to have a colonoscopy, because if it's in your family you would have colon polyps by now.  The polyps don't turn cancerous until the late 30's to early 40's.  If it's the attenuated form then the cancer starts in the late 40's to early 50's.
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thank you so much for responding back! at first i did think it was just MY toilet because i have my own bathroom in my room so thats the 1 i use the most rather than the other toilets in the house. but when i used the other toilets same smell appeared inside. this could also probably due to some outdoor problem becuase the smell actually didnt start to appear until somethin happened with the outside sewers and then the water in the house needed to be shut off for a few hrs then turned back on. who knows. but u are rite about obcessing over little things. I DO HAVE HIGH ANXIETY! this past yr i have gone from thinking i had some other type of cancer to thinking i had a brain tumor because of headaches. turns out headaches was because of anxiety! and after MRI everything turned out fine.

but back to the colon cancer, only reason i thought it mite be that is because in my area a family was all diagnosed with colon cancer after the father had it at age 40-something. i know it is only a high risk factor at a young age when a family member has it. so i started to look online for symtoms of it and thats when i saw the "blood in stool" symptom and i saw a post about a weird smell possibly being because of blood. so thats when i started to worry. but you said if there was blood it wouldnt smell so that put my mind at ease. another thing i should mention is that i am adopted so i do not know of any medical family history...should i get checked to see if it runs in family ?
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I think you are smelling something that was used to clean the toilet , this is very common, it's not your stool.  Colon cancer is EXTREMELY rare at your age, so I would put that out of your mind right now!  Even if you had lots of blood in your stool you would not smell it.  All your blood tests came back fine, your doctor gave you great advice to live a long and healthy life, so accept that you are a healthy young man and enjoy your life.  If you don't do this, then you will start to obcess over every little thing and it will take over your life!  Most people's blood pressure is a little high when at the doctor's if they are the least bit nervous, I'm sure it will be fine when you go back.  Anxiety can raise BP so learn to relax.  I've had a lot of experience with colon cancer, trust me, you don't have it.  Take care and get out and have some fun!
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