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colon cancer

my husband has colon cancer and first pet scan came back 3.9 had it 2yrs before first visit to doctors how bad is 3.9
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Neomed provides a safe, non-invasive and affordable alternative for the patients advised for byepass surgery or angioplasty.Also by these therapies they have successfully treated many patients suffering for arthrities,cancer,Diabetic foot ulcer, stroke and many other disorders.

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Cancer it the disease which occurs in nowadays in many people. You just take care of your medicine which doctors gives you and take proper diet.
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How is your husband? PET Scan standardized uptake value varies- normal parts of the body have an intensity of 1.0 while more intensely radioactive areas have higher readings, such as 2.3 and above. However, false positive results may be obtained  such as with inflammation and it is best that you discuss the result with his attending physician. Regular follow-up is also highly recommended. Take care and do keep us posted.
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