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colon cancer

I have a discharge sometimes that smells fishy and a little blood could this be a sign of colon cancer
3 Responses
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7791929 tn?1394769996
No problem.  Let me know what your doctor thinks.


Frank Farrell, M.D.
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Thxs very help full will get to my doc
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7791929 tn?1394769996
A bloody discharge that is foul smelling could be related to a few different conditions including:  1)  hemorrhoids which can lead to mucous and also bleed; 2)  inflammation of the rectum (known as proctitis); or a dermatitis of the skin around the anus.   One cannot exclude colon cancer or colon polyps as a source of the bleeding without an examination.  I notice that you are 52 years old and hopefully you have had a screening colonoscopy.  I would advise that you see your healthcare provider to be assessed.  Hope this helps.


Frank Farrell, M.D.
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