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concerned teen

Hi, I'm 19 years old girl and I am worried that I continue to excrete blood for over two years now. I have cramps and minor pains before I to go to the restroom but it subsides when I finish my business. The blood is found on the end of my stool whether it is diareah or constipation or both at the same time. By the way I go to the bathroom every two to three days. But sometimes it is normal and no blood appears. I went to the doctor and no hemorrhoids were present. I was going to see a specialist but I was scared it might be cancer so I didn't go. I am worried that if I wait to longer it could become worse. I am excreting more blood than I did two years ago so that is why I would really like to know some answers. Thanks.
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I was in the same boat as you are, I'm 21 and have experiencing bleeding after bowel movements since I was 19, I was too embarrassed and scared to have it looked at because it may be cancer.  Finally I decided it was necessary to check and it ended up being something as minor as a fissure.  I'm not saying that your is or isn't minor but give yourself some peace of mind and get it checked out.
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If you want answers, go to the specialist.  You are very young to have colon cancer, but bleeding like that should be investigated.  Good luck.
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