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do i need to get checked for colon cancer?

my symptoms have been around since i was 16, i am 31 now from the uk:
blood in stools on and of  i do have hemorrhoids so im assuming its the hemorrhoids, as when i do get it its bright red and drips. its been over a year i haven't had blood in the stools

my stools are always loose, diarrhea, somtimes pale, have had my liver checked too, shows abnormal results
but all tests have ben done and negative, apart from cancer check.

haven't had cramps in my stomach for over a year or 2, but i can get them in the morning if i dont release the bowels as its normally diarrhea like.

i get hot flushes and sweats somtimes stomach pains if i dont release the bowels as soon as i get the urge.
recently i been getting night sweats for a few months not sure if this is related, i only go ince a day, and its always lose stools

few years back, i used to have to go more then 5 -6 times a day

stools are somtimes dark brown,brown,pale and 99% of the time very loose.

family history, my father has had a few operations of his colon due to infections TB, also suffers from ulcers.
my cousin had colon cancer and was treated for it ( dont really know him as hes living in a different country)
my fathers brother also has problems with his colon and has colonscopies done, but again im not sure of his reasons as hes dedcided to keep it private.

i have had diarrhea for most of my life since school, at the begining used to get cramps pains, spasm, but had eased and gotten better over the years. its 5 am and i had stomach pains and have had diarrhea and experincing night sweats right now

coud i have caner which has ben affectiung my liver for many years? as i have had abnormal lfts for years and was never investigated and i was never informed.

these night sweats, are they related to my colon?

what would you recommend me to do, what blood tests can i have to coinfirm its not colon cancer afecting other organs?
thank you
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just an update, i just found out im positive for the H pylori, this would probably explain the burning pain in the upper right deodenum i get somtime when i eat certain foods like chilis, could be a possible ulcer there..

i was tested for it last year in november, and i just got the results from the labs, Drs normally contact the patients if theres a problem with an test results, i been to the Drs many times from last year novemeber, This shows how careless and human Drs really are lol. Anyways need to get this treated, i heard the H.pylori dies cause alot of stomach irritations along with ulcers.
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yea i will go back on monday to request for it again

thank you for the good advice
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He should send you anyway. When I talked to my dr and told him about my bleeding he said i can send you a referral to talk to a rectal dr or go ahead and get your colonoscopy set up. Your dr needs to do what you ask. He should anyway with the history you have had. Diarrhea alone is enough reason for a colonoscopy, you demand one. This is your body....
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i spoke to GP
he got me to do blood test of the following
and said if the cea,crp,esr and u&a are elivated he will then think about sending me for a colon scopy, is that good practice? or should he send me even though these tests were ok?
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I am not sure. I would just ask your dr and they should refer you to one automatically. The day before is awful because you can't eat, but its over before you know it... Please keep us updated.
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thanks for the advice. i will ask for a colonscopy even though im scared of having one too. but i need it becauuse of how long my symptoms had gone on for and how they have gotten bad including  abnormal liver function tests,

can a standard GP send you for a colonscopy or would i have to be refered to a specialist for this? im from UK.

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I have had bleeding for over 2 years and stomach pains scared to death to get colonoscopy done, well I went Tuesday and I had a polyp and hemm. Ill get biospy result back today, but they said i am good to go. Go get it checked just to be on the safe side, you will feel so much better after its done... Good luck..
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just to add the blood tests ive had are

fbc,clotting profile
hep b, c negative

does the alpha-1-at check for cancer?
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