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i had an op for bowel cancer in august 2013 i had laproscopic bowel resection

Eight months after my resection i have finished chemo
i am now experiencing a bruising like pain when i go to the toilet
it lasts for a few moments but is quite intense and leaves me with the feeling that i haven't finished  is this normal
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7791929 tn?1394769996
You're very welcome.


Frank Farrell, MD
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thankyou for your help respect
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7791929 tn?1394769996
Hi.  I suspect that you are likely experiencing rectal spasm.  Rectal spasm typically gives intense sharp pain in the anorectal area and last seconds or minutes.  Other considerations would include an anal fissure or a thrombosed external hemorrhoid.  An anal fissure will cause a sharp pain as the stool exits the anus; often some bleeding may be noted.  A thrombosed external hemorrhoid is a situation when a clot develops in the external hemorrhoid and it is usually quite painful and last for hours to a few days until the tension decreases in the clotted hemorrhoid.  If rectal spasm is suspected, your healthcare provider can prescribe an anti-spasm medication.  Taking a fiber supplement and soaking your bottom in warm/hot water may be helpful as well (known as a sitz bath).  I would advise that you speak with your healthcare provider.  Congratulations on completing your chemotherapy.  Hope this helps.


Frank Farrell, M.D.
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