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lump inside rectum opening

For a few days now, i have noticed a lump just inside my rectal opening. How do I know if I should see a doctor about this?
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thanks mammo for the info. No, I have not had a colonscopy done, but, I will schedule one to be done. I hope it is just a hemmoroid, I am seeing my doc today for other things and I will talk about it.
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Anything out of the ordinary should be checked out by your doctor.  It may just be a hemorrhoid or it may be a polyp.  Did you get a colonoscopy at 50 like we're supposed to?  If you did and it was clear then I would think this is a hemorrhoid, if they found any polyps...then you should see your GI doc right away.  Fifty and over is when we are most likely to develop polyps, and when caught in time they are easily removed during the colonoscopy.  If you've not had any pain or bleeding and it's not a hemorrhoid at least it's very early and you can nip it in the bud.  I suspect it's a hemorrhoid as polyps generally develop in the colon more often than the rectum......see your doctor if only to put your mind at ease.  Take care.
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