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please can you answer this

Hi, am scheduled for an urgent colonoscopy in the next two weeks after rectal bleeding and mucus. I read that rectal tumours can be palpated on a digital exam and decided to do one myself (mad i know). Anyways, am so freaked out because just at the top of my anus where i can barely reach  i cant get past this area, its completely blocked. Is this the end of my rectum and am i just feeling the internal sphincters muscle?? feels like bulges,  dont really know, i am a 33 year old woman and am out of my mind. I know you cant tell me for definite what this is.  When i push down it moves a bit. please help me, my poor bum is sore from all this poking. I wish i was the type would just relax and wait for the colonosocpy but im neurotic by nature and always am thinking the absolute worse,
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thank you sincerely for your swift reply doctor.You must be a kind person to spend time on this site giving people information. I will keep you posted regarding the colonoscopy.
Thank you again!
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Hi there.

A few centimeters from the anus (about 6-8cm) the rectum will have a sharp turn produced by the pelvic structures known as the ano-rectal sling.  This sharp turn may be the one that you are describing as a 'block'.  The bulges may represent the normal texture of the rectal wall.  Your finger can only reach only about 10cm, and the absence of tumors on palpation does not rule out cancer that can be found way up.

I would suggest that we wait for the colonoscopy before jumping to any conclusions.  Other benign causes of your symptoms would include inflammatory bowel diseases such as that of ulcerative colitis, amebic colitis, or thrombosed hemorrhoids.

Regards and God bless.
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