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post colon resection diet

I had colon resection and ostomy bag reversal about a month ago and my bowel is still not working well. I have

one good BM in the morn followed in the AM by several watery movements. During the day I may hav a watery

movement. My appetite is not good.  Is there a diet or foods that I should avoid,or a pattern I should develop

that you could suggest.
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I also ate high fibre foods after my total colectomy.  Lots of fresh fruit and fresh vegetables (pulverised if you wish) to which organic bran has been added.  Also preparations with oats and bran.  I likened this diet to clearing up a liquid spillage on the kitchen floor by throwing sawdust on it.

I found that this diet made my motions less liquid and more "muddy/sludgy"

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Hi Bob.  After I had my ostomy reversed it took several months for my body to return to something like normal.  I found that rice and bananas were helpful, as was oatmeal.  I tried to eat high fiber foods and that seemed to improve matters also.

Good luck.
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